Université catholique de Louvain

1 PhD fellow

In the field of transdisciplinary research on ecological and social transitionin the region of Walloon Brabant, Belgium (social economy, environmental sciences, geography, governance, environmental law)

At the Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium, the Louvain Platform on Ecological and Social Transition (LPTransition) is seeking to recruit 1 PhD fellow in one of the following areas:

  • full time PhD fellow (4 years)in social economy, environmental sciences, geography, environmental law or theory of governance, with interestintransdisciplinary research for social and ecological transition (supervision Tom Dedeurwaerdere and Olivier De Schutter)

The researcher will work in an interdisciplinary project consortium on the various research tasks allocated to the UCL in the following project :

Formative scenarios for sustainability

This project will construct, through participatory methods, future scenarios for sustainable regional development in the area of Walloon Brabant, Belgium. In, particular it (a) will accompany a set of real world laboratories for transition in this territory facilitated by the co-construction of these scenarios and (b) compare the methods used for scenario building toother territorial transition processes in Europe.

The project will be conducted in close collaboration with two other related projects on ecological and social transition : Collaborative cities for collaborative entrepreneurs (city4coEN) (in the Region of Brussels Capital) and Science écocitoyenne-territoire durable (in the province of Luxembourg, Belgium).

The full project descriptions can be accessed at


The position is strongly research oriented with limited organizational duties related to the project and no teaching obligations. We offer a competitive remuneration package, including a monthly allowance, social security and insurance expenses, and funding of research related activities (participation to conferences and research missions related to the project). The fellowship is granted for an initial period of 2 yearsand can be extended to a maximum of 4 years in total (after evaluation of progress).


A masters degree in one of the areas relevant for the project (economics, geography, law, political science, environmental studies).PhD applicants are expected to show evidence of strong academic credentials and an ability for research. Good French andEnglish language skills are required.

APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Download the application form the URL Please send the completed application form+ a copy of your master thesis to any questions or further information related to the application procedure or the job opening, please feel free to contact Caroline Van Schendel at .

DEADLINE: Applications can be sent electronically from the 19th of December 2016, but no later than 20thof January2017. Starting date of the fellowship : February –April2017.


1.Name ………………………………………………………

2.First name(s): ……………………………………………

3.Permanent address: …………………………………….


Contact numbers: home:


4.Present residence (if different from permanent address):



5.Date of birth: ………………..………………………………………………………………………

6.Place of birth: ……………………..…………………………………………………………………

7.Nationality: …………………………………….…………………………………………………….

8.Single, married, widowed, divorced: ……………………………………………………………..

9.Will you be accompanied by your family during your fellowship ? YES NO

If yes, by whom ? (name and relationship)




10.University certificates and diplomas: degree, date, institution, mention obtained :





11.Knowledge of foreign languages (please mention your level and experience)



12.Other previously obtained foreign fellowships: place, duration, granting office, purpose:





13. For phdfellowships: give a short abstract of your Master thesisresearch (max. 200 words); a copy should be attached to the present application




13.Occupied functions: institution, position, period concerned(if applicable)






14.Present occupation:




15.Presentations at workshops and conferences (if applicable)



16.Publications list (including articles in journals with peer review, book chapters

and publications in proceedings of workshops and conferences) (if applicable)






18.Provide a short description of the expected added value of your stay:













26.Other on-going applications to other funding agencies




27.Additional facts or data which may facilitate the task of the Selection Committee




  1. Proposed reference persons

Please provide the name of 2 reference persons, who could be contacted by the programme managers for providing recommendations.

Name, position, address, telephone number and e-mail of proposed reference persons








In accordance withthe Law of 8 December 1992 concerning the Protection of personal data, the data sent to the Université catholique de Louvainare protected and only used for the handling of the candidate's file. The data subject can request at all timesto have the data concerning him/herself corrected or removed.