Coral Reef Review

1.  Suggest how sedimentation can reduce coral growth. [3]

2.  Suggest how an increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere can damage coral. [3]

3.  Fig. 4.1 shows the depth of water around an island and the positions of twenty artificial reefs.

a.  State the percentage of the reefs that are less than 20 meters deep ______[1]

40 meters or more deep ______[1]

4.  State three reasons for the use of artificial reefs. [3]

5.  Suggest three factors which contribute to the erosion of coral reefs. [3]

6.  Describe how the process of carbon dating can be used to reconstruct the history of a coral reef. [5]

7.  State three factors involved in the formation of atolls. [3]

8.  State two methods used to date reefs. [2]

9.  Explain the role of coral reefs in providing protection for shores and anchorages. [5]

10.  Discuss the factors that can lead to a transition from reef growth to reef erosion. [5]

Total: 34

Coral Reef Review

1.  Suggest how sedimentation can reduce coral growth. [3]

2.  Suggest how an increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere can damage coral. [3]

3.  Fig. 4.1 shows the depth of water around an island and the positions of twenty artificial reefs.

a.  State the percentage of the reefs that are less than 20 meters deep ______[1]

40 meters or more deep ______[1]

4.  State three reasons for the use of artificial reefs. [3]

5.  Suggest three factors which contribute to the erosion of coral reefs. [3]

6.  Describe how the process of carbon dating can be used to reconstruct the history of a coral reef. [5]

7.  State three factors involved in the formation of atolls. [3]

8.  State two methods used to date reefs. [2]

9.  Explain the role of coral reefs in providing protection for shores and anchorages. [5]

10.  Discuss the factors that can lead to a transition from reef growth to reef erosion. [5]

Total: 34