Second Quarter 2005

PO Box 12555, Prescott AZ 86304, 1 888 ISSUES–9 Bob & Geri Boyd


First, the Supreme Court ruled that the Ten Commandments were unconstitutional in schools. Now they rule that they are unconstitutional in courts. What’s it going to take for Congress to declare the Supreme Court itself is unconstitutional and impeach these five lawless liberal justices?

Additionally, the Supreme Court, which is not supreme,God is, ruled that local governments can take anyone’s private property, even CHURCHES,if they expected to receive higher property taxes from someone else such as a shopping mall or high-priced condominiums.

All it takes to evict a family, company or church from its own land is local officials wanting more tax revenues. So a church, that pays no taxes, can be condemned under “eminent domain” and the property turned over to a Wall-mart or Target.

The Supreme Court has once again invented a constitutional right. So that now local government can take your property and simply give it to another to simply increase their taxes. THIS IS AN incredible blow against individual ownership of private property.These decisions should not be taken lightly. They strike at the very foundations of our nation! They are more reasons the Supreme Court is out of control. The ramifications of their decisions will be vast. This Supreme Court considers abortion & sodomy constitutional but the Ten Commandments in courts and schools and the ownership of private property (when the city wants higher taxes) un-constitutional!

These decisions completely reverse the intent of the founders in protecting religious freedom and private property. To the founders these rights were most basic to our fundamental liberties.

The Supreme Court in 1795 labeled “eminent domain” “despotic power!”

One lady in New London, Conn.will be forced out of her home where she was born and has lived for 87 years City officials announced plans to raze their homes for a riverfront hotel, health club and offices. But some homeowners vow to stay despite this ruling against them. One said, “Certainly, none of us own our property anymore.” But even before this ruling, the way we have allowed things to go, did a person ever really “own” his property when the government could seize it if he did not pay his property taxes? Remember SOCIALISM has no private property rights.

We must push for the next Supreme Court Justice to judge according to the Constitution. If justices don’t judge according to the Constitution why is their opinion any different from any other citizen?

Have Judges Become Our Rulers By Making Up Their Own Laws?

  • In 1973 the US Supreme Court invented a right to abortion. Since then courts have invented rights to sodomy and homosexual marriage. Then they deny the Boy Scouts the use of public property because they refuse to let homosexuals and atheists be scout leaders.
  • Judges allow the worst, most vile pornography – even virtual child pornography- then ban little children from singing Christmas carols at school.
  • Courts ban capital punishment of the worst murderers yet approve of partial birth abortions on the most innocent little babies.
  • Abortionists are protected and unborn babies are killed.
  • Pornography is rampant on the Internet but the Ten Commandments are removed from public display!

If the pictures of the Ten Commandments Monument in the Alabama Courthouse being dragged away and hidden from sight didn’t shock and awaken you what will?

What would you do if a federal judge ordered you not to acknowledge God in public?

Would you obey God or man? This is exactly what happened to Judge Roy Moore.

So Help Me God 902

Courageous Christian, and former Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, Judge Roy Moore, author ofSo Help Me God (The Ten Commandments, Judicial Tyranny, and the Battle for Religious Freedom,) tells why he refused to obey a federal judge’s order (without law or precedent) to remove his Ten Commandments Monument from his courthouse.

If the mere acknowledgement of God by a public official is unconstitutional, then is our national motto “In God we trust” also unconstitutional? The Ninth Circuit has already declared the Pledge of Allegiance to be unconstitutional because it contains the words “under God” in it. That’s one reason Alan Keys said, ““The greatest danger we face today is from those who – in the name of freedom – tell us we must turn our backs on God.” Look at the intolerance of those who can’t tolerate God.

Historian David Barton, an authority on the Constitution, and the author of Original Intent – The Courts, The Constitution & Religion, tells what the consequences will be to our freedoms when judges rule without using the Constitution. One of the main reasons our forefathers broke away from Britain was because of tyrannical British judges. Isn’t this what we’re seeing today?

For the second time in a little over ten years the Kansas Supreme Court has ordered the legislature to raise taxes to "help educate the children," despite numerous findings showing more spending has very little to do with better education. It is bad enough when elected officials raise taxes; it is an unacceptable mockery of our system when judges do so as well.

When federal judges overturn the votes of 70% of the people of Nebraska, who voted that marriage is between a man and woman, this is no longer a democracy. This is tyranny.

Where does the Constitution say the Bible is forbidden in schools? Fisher Aimes, the man who actually wrote the First Amendment, said “If we ever take the Bible out of Schools, we’ll see an explosion of crime.” Today we have that explosion of crime with more Americans in jail that any time in history.

Pat Buchanan: We’ve seen voluntary prayer, Bible-reading, and the Ten Commandments purged from

public schools; the pornography industry, once a sordid criminal enterprise, given First Amendment protection; and children forcibly bused across town on judicial orders because of the color of their skin… We are no longer a democratic republic. The Supreme Court picks what laws it will permit to stand and what rights it shall invent.We overthrew a rule of kings. Now we are oppressed by a rule of judges.

It’s crucial for every American to remember this simple fact: courts do not write or create law. That’s the job of Congress. We must stop thinking and acting as if what a court decides is law. It is not.

Christian or Secular?896

News Item: A high school in Ohio denies the right of the senior class to include the American flag in their class photo. Too controversial. News Item: A Cupertino, Ca, school forbids the studying of the Declaration of Independence because the name Godappears in that document. News Item: Students in a grade school in Carrier Mills, Ill., are ordered to cross dress for one day much to the humiliation of some. (Boys dress up like girls and vice versa.) (Bill Hughes letter to the Washington Times)

Parents! Do you want your children to be Christian or secular? Don’t ask what kind of education you want for your child. Ask what kind of child you want them to become. A recent survey shows that the majority of youth believes in God but know very little about Christianity. Elizabeth Watkins, co-founder of the Southern Baptist Church & Home Ed. Assoc., says, “The Baptist denomination is DYING! We are losing 88% of our church children”. (And it’s not just the Baptist denomination.)

Pastor Grady Arnold, a Baptist pastor who heads a group called “GetTheKidsOut.com,” has some excellent solutions for pastors and parents to help restore and revive Christianity.

Delegates to the Southern Baptist Convention approved a resolution encouraging churches to investigate the impact the homosexual agenda is having on public schools but did not call for the withdrawal of children from public schools but for parents to make that decision.

Pat Marcum wrote, in a letter to the SBA 6/05, “Baptists boycotted Disneyland because of “gay day,” how much more should we boycott schools which influence and pressure innocent children to accept homosexuality on a daily basis.”

"Public schools are a mission field -- but they're a killing field to our children." Bob Dreyfuss

Nick Jackson: AnImpassioned Plea to Southern Baptists: Help Save Our Children!

One of the most important events in the history of our nation that could determine whether our nation will continue to descend into moral free fall or spark a revival which could save our nation was the SBC resolution addressing the pro-homosexual materials in public schools and encouraging parents to seek alternatives to public school education. Imagine the financial impact that 16 million tax-payers could have if each family decided they were going to give their children a Christian education either through home education or Christian schooling. It is breathtaking to consider the profound impact we could have if we were obedient to the second part of the Great Commission to not only make disciples but to teachour children to obey all that Jesus has commanded us.

We care about what our kids are learning in Sunday school, how much more should we worry about Monday-Friday school! Parents do not understand the urgency of the crisis in our educational system. Brethren, we have already lost the war in the public schools. Public Schools are enemy territory. We would never allow the government to baptize us or give us communion but we freely offer our children. Dodge-ball is being replaced with more "multi-cultural" and "diverse" programs such as dress up day as the opposite sex.

We may win the right to have a sticker on a science text book here and there but, for every moment that we waste in deciding whether the public schools are fit for our children, we will lose more of our very heart, soul and freedom as a nation. All marriage protections will be erased by a new batch of indoctrinated, "tolerant" voters deciding to overturn them. We cannot rest while our children are sacrificed on the altars of humanism and Darwinism. Our children are being intellectually, spiritually, and morally asphyxiated.

Nick Jackson, director of Reform America.

Excerpts from the President of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary address to the SBA, June 17, 2005:

Dr. Albert Mohler’s “An Exit Strategy From Public Schools”

This year, the proposal that has attracted the most public attention identifies the issue of homosexuality as the critical issue. Every week, new reports of atrocities in the public schools appear. Radical sex education programs and ideologies hostile to Christian truth and parental authority abound. These reports are no longer isolated and anecdotal. Forces opposed to what Southern Baptist churches and families believe dominate the public school arena.

The crisis in public school education has prompted some to reconsider the very idea of public education. Some now argue that Christian parents cannot send their children to public schools without committing the sin of handing their children over to a pagan and ungodly system. The breakdown of the public school system is a national tragedy. This issue will not go away. I believe that now is the time for responsible Southern Baptists to develop an exit strategy from the public schools.

Parents! What is your primary purpose in getting your children educated? How you answer this determines, not just their education, but what they will become. The greatest teacher, Jesus Christ, said, “A student will become like his teacher.” If they are taught by secular teachers, how can they become Christians? With 88% of Christian kids leaving the faith you have only a 12% chance your kids will remain Christian. Just 12% make it. Do you really want to risk their eternal souls?

“The school system that ignores God, teaches their students to ignore God; this is not neutrality. It is the worst form of antagonism, for it judges God to be unimportant and irrelevant...” Gordon Clark

“Public schools are in open rebellion against Jesus Christ, for they reject His authority over the classroom.” (Pastor Brian Schwertley, “Deuteronomy 6:7ff. and the Public School Question.”)

Jesus said in John 17:3 “This is eternal life: that they may know (math, science, history…NO!) That they may know ME.” What do you think Jesus would say is the primary purpose in educating your child? Jesus said, “Seek first …an academic education?” No Jesus said, “Seek first the Kingdom of God and all these other things will be added unto you.” To paraphrase Jesus, “What would it benefit a student to gain the whole world (of academics) and yet lose their very soul?”

Non-Christians teachers don’t lead their students to Christ. Christian teachers are forbidden to disciple students or they will be sued and fired. There’s no neutrality when Jesus is totally censored out. Jesus said, “He who is not with me is against me…” Matt 12:30Are public schools with Jesus? Do they teach about Him? No. Then, according to Jesus, they are against Him.

Would anyone be surprised if a child who spent several hours each day for several years at a Hindu school eventually converted to Hinduism as a teenager? No, of course not. Yet countless Christians believe the myth that public schools are neutral.

Jesus said the GREATEST COMMANDMENT IS THIS, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind” (Mt. 23:37). How can public schools promote the greatest commandment, or any commandment, when they purposely keep God away from children’s minds? Remember the Supreme Court has banned the Ten Commandments at school.

Educating for Eternity parts 1 & 2 903/904

Many Christians say they’d love to home school but they can’t. How can a single mother support her children and home school them at the same time? Listen to the fascinating testimony of Skeet Savage, a single mom, who was abandoned by her wife-beating husband and left homeless in Michigan in the dead of a very cold winter. On her way to commit suicide, the Lord dramatically changed her life.

LISTEN. How could a single mother teach her six children when she, HERSELF, flunked out of high school? She even flunked physical education. She had no job skills, no education, and congestive heart failure. How’s she going to school her children when she can’t even provide for them?

But God changed everything. This godly woman not only provided for her six children but home schooled them and became a successful national speaker, publisher of Home School Digest, and author of Home Schooling for Eternity.

Public schools use only one method of teaching. What if your child doesn’t fit into that learning style? Too bad. It’s his fault. He’s labeled ADD/ADHD or LD. But is it really “his fault?” It’s easier to call a child a failure than change the system. Isn’t there another option? Skeet’s son Israel would have been considered extremely ADD/ADHD. But Skeet taught him and the other five to read and learn all subjects. Skeet put it this way:

ADD, ADHD & dyslexia are challenges to be overcome. They are not a death sentence to your future dreams. You are NOT stupid. It’s simply a barrier to be overcome. If you know that most dyslexics are auditory learners, you help them overcome it by learning to read aloud. (It works.)

How can you motivate a child to want to learn? You have to know your child. Listen to them. Ask them questions. Spend time alone with them. Develop their trust. Test them. Then you will get to know HOW YOUR CHILD LEARNS.

Children may grow like weeds, but they must be cared for like tender plants. As parents, our nurturing is going to bear fruit. We can not leave this precious seed to the winds of chance. We must seize the fleeting moment of their youth to carefully plant, fertilize, water and weed this valuable crop – God’s provision for the future. (Your children belong to God. You are simply entrusted with their education.)

  • The goal of public schools is to create working, taxpaying, politically correct, submissive citizens.
  • The goal of Christian home schooling is to develop servants of Christ! “A Christian education is not merely to inform but to transform students into the image of Christ.” Skeet Savage

“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Ro 12:2 How is your government school going to transform a Christian child into the image of Christ?

“Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” How is your public school going to renew their mind?