“Learning From Our Victories”
Joshua 12:1,7;13:1,22
Dwight Eisenhower:”To read the Bible is to take a trip to a
Fair land were the spirit is strengthened and faith renewed……
Some parts are difficult to read and to understand…many of the
Battles over…time to divide the land…v.1-6(victories under
Moses)..v.9-16(victories over the southern armies in Canaan)…
v.17-24)victories over the northern enemies)…***Title*********
I-Count our blessings (v.1,7)
1-Alan Redpath-“Don’t let our failure to achieve what we hoped
to do close our eyes to what the Lord has done.”*****school**
2-feel like we missed it somewhere
3-33 kings had fallen
4-“When upon life’s billows we are tempest tossed.When you are
discouraged thinking all is lost.Count your many blessings,name
them one by one.And it will surprise you what the Lord has done.”
5-****Jn. 21 “Then came Jesus”(discouragement,doubting,despair-
ing)….”***BLESSING SHEET*************
1-“hells flames will never touch us!”
2-we have a HOPE!
F-Christ (what He has given)****
II-Continue the battle (13:1)
- -Ps. 92:12-15 - - - -
A-the scriptures
1-how much of this territory have you possessed???
2-still much to travel over and possess!!!
B-the Savior
1- - - Rom.8:28-29 - - - -
2- His holiness
3- His obedience
4- His mercifulness (merciful and faithful high priest)
5- His longsuffering
6- His compassion
7- His goodness
8- His selflessness
9- His humility
10- ****”More about Jesus would I know.More of His
grace to others show.More of His saving fullness see.
More of His love who died for me.”*****************
III-Consider ole Balaam (13:22)
-Numbers 22-24, 3 times in the new testament
- - - -Rev. 2:14 - - - --
A-he was brought into contact with God
B-he knew how privileged God’s people where
C-he rejected God
D-he was guilt of corrupting God’s people
E-he was slain with God’s enemies
CLOSE:Are you saved…sure?????…count your blessings
Freedom:4-01-01 s.n.