Weber State University

CHAIRED BY: Valerie Herzog, Director of Graduate Studies
DATE: October 6, 2017, 12:30 p.m. - 2:00 pm, Education Bldg. Moench Room (016)

NOTE: You must be logged into in order for the hyperlinks to work. All support files are located in Box.

1.  Approval of minutes from September 1, 2017 meeting

2.  2017-18 Marketing

a.  Frontrunner ad – “Master your Future Career” (in Box in Marketing folder, 2017-18 ads if link isn’t working)

b.  Billboard ad

c.  UTA Bus ad

3.  Public Opinion Survey Results

a.  See Box/E-mail for Summary PPT

4.  Appointment/selection of Graduate PDs

a.  How are PDs currently selected? Evaluated?

b.  Do we want to have a policy to formalize how they are selected and evaluated or leave it up to each college/Dean/dept.?

c.  Would we want to develop/share some best practices rather than creating a policy?

5.  Program Review Timeline Rubric revision

a.  See document in Box

·  Top portion – proposed new timeline

·  Second portion – current timeline

6.  Curriculum Proposals

a.  MTax – Two new courses and program change proposal

·  MTAX 6455 – new course

·  MTAX 6485 – new course

·  MTaxProgram Proposal change

b.  MFET 6050 – Gateway to Technology

c.  Instructions for viewing curriculum proposals in Curriculog

·  Go to:

·  Click on Login – login with your WSU username and password if it doesn’t automatically log you in

·  Click on Agendas in the top gray bar

·  Hover over the agenda for this meeting, click on the middle icon that shows up on the right – View agenda

·  To view a proposal, hover over the proposal and then click on the middle icon that shows up on the right – View Proposal

·  On the right half of the screen, under User Tracking, choose Show Current with Markup and then scroll through the proposal on the left to see the changes that are being proposed to each course/program

·  Most proposals will also have supporting documents as well. To view them:

1.  On the right half of the screen (Proposal Toolbox section) click on the 4th icon that looks like a piece of paper with a green + in it labeled Files. Click Show Attached Files if the Attached Files box is not displayed.

7.  Program Updates

Next Meeting: October 27, 2017, 12:30-2pm