
Round Table on Information Access for People with Print Disabilities Inc.

Executive Teleconference Minutes

Date:Monday 18 March 2013



Neil Jarvis, Brian Conway, Sheena Daniel, Tony Iezzi, ChrisWhitelock, ElisabethWegener, Teresa Brook,TammyAxelsen


Tony Starkey, Christine Simpson

1.3.Leave of Absence


1.4.Conflict of Interest

The Chair of the meeting requested notification from meeting attendees of any conflict of interest in the current Agenda. No conflicts of interest were reported.

  1. Minutes of the meeting of 18 & 19 February 2013.

Brian Conway moved that the minutes of the Round Table Executive Committee Meeting held on 18 and 19 February 2013 be accepted as a true and accurate record.

Seconded: Tony Iezzi


  1. Matters arising from the minutes

There were no matters arising from the 18 & 19 February 2013 minutes that are not addressed elsewhere in this Agenda.

  1. Correspondence
  2. Inward

Membership enquiry from Centre for Disability in Development (CDD), Bangladesh.



  1. Matters arising from the Correspondence

The Centre for Disability in Development’s (CDD’s) email was discussed. It was agreed to email CCD providing information about Round Table’s web site and mailing list, encouraging CCD to become involved in list discussion. Information about and contact details for ICEVI will also be provided.


Neil Jarvis agreed to respond to Centre for Disability in Development’s (CDD’s) email.

  1. Finance Report
  2. Bank Register

A Bank Register for the period 1February 2013 to 28 February 2013was circulated by email prior to today’s meeting.

6.2.Invoices to be authorised for payment

Brian Conway moved that Invoice 02/13, dated 17 March 2013 from the Round Table Administration Officer, as circulated prior to the meeting, be approved.

Seconded: Neil Jarvis


Brian Conway moved that Chris Whitelock’s claim for reimbursement of expenses incurred in attending the February 2013 Round Table Executive Committee Meeting be approved.

Seconded: Sheena Daniel


Brian Conway moved that Neil Jarvis’s claim for reimbursement of expenses incurred in attending the February 2013 Round Table Executive Committee Meeting be processed.

Seconded: Sheena Daniel


Brian Conway moved that Elisabeth Wegener’s claim for reimbursement of expenses incurred in attending the February 2013 Round Table Executive Committee Meeting be approved.

Seconded: Sheena Daniel


Neil Jarvis moved that Brian Conway’s claim for reimbursement of expenses incurred in attending the February 2013 Round Table Executive Committee Meeting be processed.

Seconded: Tony Iezzi


6.3.Claim for Reimbursement of Expenses Policy

As agreed at the 18 & 19 February Executive Committee Meeting the “Round Table Claim for Reimbursement of Expenses Policy”, and claim form have been updated and circulated by email for agreement, or disagreement,by 25March 2013. These documentsboth nowstate that claims for reimbursement are required to be made within 6 months of the expense occurring, or by the end of each Round Table financial year, whichever occurs first.

Brian Conway moved that the Finance Report be accepted.

Seconded: Elisabeth Wegener



Executive Committee members to respond to email regarding the updated Claim for Reimbursement of Expenses Policy and claim form documentation by 25March.

  1. Sub-Committees/Working Groups
  2. Australian Braille Authority

Christine Simpson reported,by email, that the ABA Executive Committee’s next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 20thMarch 2013. An ABAreport will be made at the next Round Table Executive Committee meeting.

7.2.2013 Conference

7.3.Registration Form

The meeting discussed the 2013 Conference Registration Form. It was agreed that the accessibility of this form could be improved, particularly for people who use screen readers. Neil Jarvis offered for RNZFB staff to review the form.


Tammy advised that she has contacted Round Table’s insurance broker to ascertain if Round Table's Public Liability Insurance includes cover for volunteers at the conference.The current policy is a Public Liability Policy, this type of insurance does not provide cover for volunteers, a quote for insurance to cover volunteers is being sought.

Elisabeth advised she will check to ascertain if the volunteers she is currently sourcing are likely to be covered by any other insurance cover.

7.5.Speakers Gifts

Vision Australia, Royal Society for the Blind of SA Inc. and the Royal New Zealand Foundation of the Blind have offered to sponsors gifts for presenters at the 2013 Round Table conference.


A draft survey was prepared and forwarded to Executive Committee members for perusal prior to today’s meeting.

It was agreed to add a statement in the preliminary information in the surveyadvising that all questions must be answered in order to proceed to the end of the survey.


  • Tony Iezzi to re-circulate draft survey requesting any further feedback by 22nd March.
  • Neil to forward 2013 Conference Registration form to RNZFB form designers for review.

7.7.Future Round Table Conferences

7.8.2014 Conference Dates

The following dates have been suggested for the 2014 Round Table Conference:

  • 3 May 2014 – 6 May 2014
  • 17 May 2014 – 20 May 2014

A final decision on the Conference dates will be made once a venue has been selected.


A venue in Queensland has been contacted and is currently being considered.


  • Executive Committee to view State Library of Queensland’s web site provide their opinion on the suitability of this venue for the 2014 Conference. Feedback to be provided by 18 April 2013.

7.10.ConferenceGuidelines and Standards Sub-Committee

7.11.Schedule of Activities

The Guidelines and Standards Sub-Committee will report back to the next Round Table Executive Committee with a schedule of activities.

7.12.Terms of Reference

The Guidelines and Standards Sub-Committee are currently reviewing their Terms of Reference.

7.13.Sound Advice

This document is currently undergoing some final formatting editing by RNZFB staff. Once complete it will be emailed to the Round Table Executive Committee for approval by prior to publication.

7.14.Guidelines Environmental Scan

“Guidelines and Standardsfor Tactile Graphics, 2010” Web Version - February 2012. This document was developed as a Joint Project of theBraille Authority of North Americaand theCanadian Braille Authority.


The meeting discussed whether Tadmap is still active.


Neil Jarvis to ascertain whether Tadmap is still active and, if so,who the contact person is.

  1. Cloud Storage for Round Table files

Neil has research the legal implications with regard to privacy restrictions on data stored in the cloud and will circulate this information.

Sheena advised she is currently preparing a Records Management Policy for Round Table.

  1. Round Table Web Site


  • Web Site Working Group to meet and update website requirements documentation.
  • Working Group to organise a teleconference with Russ Weakley from Max Design

9.1.Web site funding – Ulverscroft

It was agreed to approach Ulverscroft to ascertain if they are able to assist with funding to upgrade the Round Table web site.


Tony Iezzi to approach Ulverscroft and enquire about the possibility of funding to assist with the upgrade of the Round Table web site.

  1. Future Funding of Round Table


Neil, Brian, Chris and Tony Iezzi to write a discussion paper about the future funding of Round Table.

  1. Next Meetings
  2. Teleconference

Round Table Executive Committee teleconferences are scheduled for the 3rd Monday of each month, 4 - 6pm Melbourne time.

The Next Round Table Executive Committee teleconference is scheduled for:

Date: Monday 15 April 2013

Time: 4pm – 6pm

11.2.Next Face to Face

Date: Tuesday 28 May 2013

Venue: Citigate Hotel

Time: Immediately following AGM, Approximately 4:30pm

11.3.Next Melbourne Face to Face

Date to be confirmed.

  1. Other Business
  2. Expectations of Round Table Executive Committee Members

Tammy circulated the current Round Table Executive Committee Position Descriptions prior to today’s meeting. It was agreed these documents require updating and a “General Executive Committee Member Position Description” is required.


Sheena Brian and Neil to review the current Executive committee Position Descriptions and create a General Executive Committee Member position Description.

  1. Close of Meeting

The meeting closed at6pm.

Round Table Executive Committee MeetingMinutes18 March 2013