GCS Unit Plan Template
Unit AuthorTeacher(s) Name / Teri Campbell
School / GCHS
Unit Overview UNIT 1
Unit Title The Cell and Cellular Movement
1. I will understand the structure and function of the basic molecules from which all living things are made including: carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids.
2. I will learn the basic structure and function of enzymes and their importance to living things.
3. I will learn that cells contain organelles including: the plasma membrane, cell wall, mitochondria, vacuoles, chloroplasts, and ribosomes.
4. I will learn that cells are specialized to their function and can communicate with one another.
5. I will investigate how cells move materials in and out including: passive transport (diffusion, osmosis), active transport, and the role of ATP as a source of energy.
Subject Area
Grade Level
9 & 10
Approximate Time Needed
23 x 90 minutes
Unit Foundation
Targeted Content Standards and Benchmarks
Bio 1.1.1 Summarize the structure and function of organelles in eukaryotic cells (nucleus, plasma membrane, cell wall, mitochondria, vacuoles, chloroplasts, and ribosomes) and ways these organelles interact with each other to perform the functions of the cell.
Bio 1.1.2 Compare and contrast prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells in terms of their general structures (plasma membrane and genetic material) and degree of complexity.
Bio 1.2.1 Explain how homeostasis is maintained in a cell within an organism in carious environments (including temperature and pH).
Bio 4.1.1 Compare the structures and functions of the major biological molecules (carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids) as related to the survival of the living organisms
Bio 4.1.3 Explain how enzymes act as catalyst for biological reactions.
Student Objectives/Learning Outcomes
· Explore and test different mixtures for the presence of various macromolecules.
· write examples of products that represent proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids.
· Build connections between macromolecules
· students learn the features of the microscope, including, total magnification, size of field of view of each objective, reversal of images, and how to estimate size of objects viewed through the microscope
· Students will use microscopes to view various cells
· Students will investigate the specific functions of each of the types of cells as they relate to the structures.
· Students will explain how organelles interact to help cells function as a whole unit.
· Students will understand relationships among and between the organelles
· Students will compare and contrast prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
· understand how changes in surface area/volume ratio affect diffusion in cells
· Design and conduct scientific investigations to answer biological questions.
· Investigate and analyze cell as a living system
· Investigate and describe the structure and function of enzymes and explain their importance in biological systems.
Cross-Curricular Connections
Art – construction of cell models
Literacy – Current Science articles
Math – surface area to volume ration for cell membranes
Curriculum-Framing Questions
Essential Question / 1. How can you compare the structure of a cell to the organ systems of a human body?
2. What are the common characteristics of living organisms?
3. What does the phrase “structure to function relationship”mean?
Unit Questions / What is the most important characteristic of a microscope?
What is an organelle?
How do prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells compare to one another?
What is the purpose of enzymes in a cell?
Content Questions / What are characteristics of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids?
Unit Details
Prerequisite Skills
Based on the middle grades CCES, students should already know the definitions of basic organelles.
Instructional Procedures
Days 1-3
These days will be used to
1- discuss classroom procedure and protocol
2- discuss safety rules and location and proper use of safety equipment
3- Review the scientific method.
Day 4-6
The wonders of Water – discuss water’s unique properties: high specific heat, liquid between 0˚ - 100˚, high heat of vaporization, high density
Intro to Organic Chemistry Carbohydrates
-C,H,O,P,N,S -monomers
-monomers -uses
-polymers -bonds
Day 2
Review of water and carbohydrates
Lipids & Nucleic Acids
-monomers that make each
-key elemental components
-biological importance of each
Day 7
Review Lipids and Nucleic Acids
-monomers & elemental components
Large tree map group activity (students will construct a tree map of Organic Compounds)
Day 8
Review all organic groups
Content quiz on the organic groups (simple matching & some application for regular/ primarily application for honors)
A closer look at enzymes and their function as biological catalyst play this 4:45 video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTUm-75-PL4
-discuss the following terms as they relate to the form and function of an enzyme: active site, substrate, product, catalyst, optimal conditions, and specificity
Day 9
Review enzymes
Look at computer generated models of actual enzymes to appreciate their complexity.
Introduction to the first student lab – Qualitative Analysis for the Presence of Organic Compounds & Enzyme Function
Explain the difference between a quantitative and qualitative lab.
Students will work in groups beginning to today to complete the lab activity
Day 10
Complete lab and lab data sheet.
Discuss lab results with the students.
Students will work with partners to play a series of review games to study for the test.
Day 11
Ask if there are any questions before the test begins ( 15 minutes)
Test on Water, Organic Compounds and Enzymes
After the test the students will complete a guided reading activity using the March edition of Current Science Magazine
Day 12
Return tests and go over answers
Introduction to the microscope. Go over the parts and their purpose.
Students will complete the Microscope Lab
Days 13 & 14
Discuss the results of their microscope lab and ask how do they think microscopes are helpful in biology.
Compare prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Use a double bubble map for this.
Begin going over the structures/orgaelles of the cells students must know: cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus, mitochondria, ribosomes, vacuoles, cell wall, chloroplast. Add the following for honors: Golgi bodies, vesicles, nuclear membrane, nucleolus and lysosomes
Day 15
Continue working on organelles and assign the cell project . Show students examples of projects and the grades they received. Go over the project rubrics and check list.
Play an organelle review game.
Day 16
Review of cell organelles
Quiz on organelles and Prokaryotic vs Eukaryotic Cells
Group Work on project
Day 17
Students will view prepare slides of plant and animal cells and view them under the microscope.
Introduction to cell movement and the importance of maintaining homeostasis
Fluid Mosaic model of the cell http://alevelnotes.com/The-Fluid-Mosaic-Model/129
Day 18
Review the cell membrane composition
Review with students the parts of the cell membrane and their function.
Define homeostasis and its importance to the survival and proper functioning of the cell
Discuss passive transport: diffusion, facilitated diffusion, osmosis
Day 19
Review terminology and membrane structure
Give students scenarios and ask them to describe the direction of movement. Be sure they know the difference between NO movement and NO NET movement
Discuss active transport and its ATP energy requirements ( discuss ATP in depth at a latter time)
Pre-lab activities for the Cell Movement Lab
Day 20
Students will conduct a lab in which the study diffusion and osmosis.
Students will learn how to write an introduction to a lab paper.
Day 21
Students will collect their data from overnight and complete their lab data sheets.
Students will work in groups to complete a variety of review activities that relate to cells
Day 22
Ask students if they have any questions ( 15 minutes)
Test on Cells, Organelles and Homeostasis.
Day 23
Prepare students for the unit test. Explain to them how the test is set up (multiple choice and constructed response) and the use of the bubble sheet. Also explain the information we will be able to use to determine their mastery of the material and your plans for those who have not mastered a subject.
Full class review with Jeopardy or other game.
Day 24
Answer any student questions ( 15 minutes)
Administer Unit test
Accommodations for Differentiated Instruction
Special Needs Students / Reduced number of questions
Reduced number of answer choices
Follow IEP recommendations
Modified project format
Gifted/Talented Students / Additional organelles (SER, RER, Golgi)
Multi-media project
Materials and Resources Required For Unit
Technology – Hardware (Click boxes of all equipment needed)
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X Interactive TechnologyX Computer(s)/iPads, etc.
Digital Camera
X DVD Player
X Internet / Student Response System/Clickers
X Projection System
X Television / X Cell Phone
X Video Camera
Video Conferencing Equip.
Document Camera
Technology – Software (Click boxes of all software needed.)
Desktop Publishing
X Web-Based Encyclopedia / Image Processing
Internet Web Browser
Multimedia / Web Page Development
Word Processing
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Printed Materials / Text book for diagrams, tables, figuresDiscovery Education – Microscope Video
The Cell video
Supplies / Scientific Method Lab
- silly putty lab
- seed germination
Microscope Lab
-10 micrscopes
-microscope slides
-animal cells
-onions or Elodea
Enzyme Lab with Liver
Qualitative Organic Chemistry
-SAS in schools
-Iodine solution
-simple sugar
- Benedict’s solution
-Buiret’s Reagent
Acid/Base Lab
-litmus and pHydrion papers
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Additional Unit Plan Information
Internet and Additional ResourcesList additional resources for the lesson/unit plan or related lesson plans that map to the Common Core Standards in the lesson/unit plan.
Common Core Standard / Resource
Unit Plan Reflection
Describe any adaptations or “tweaks” to the resource or lesson plan that were needed:What do you plan to do differently the next time you teach this unit?:
I extended this unit by one day to allow for the coverage of introductory class material.
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