September 14, 2015
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The Board of Trustees of the Village of Winnebago met at 7:00 p.m. with President Frank Eubank, Jr. presiding.
Guests: Attorney Mary Gaziano,Todd Weegens,Todd Stockburger, Chad Insko,Sally Bennett,Lori Schultz, Chris Tipton, and Maria Gurda.
Mr. Maligranda disclosed a conflict of interest with C. 3, Police Garage Remodel.
Mrs. Gaines requested the addition of C. 4. to the Agenda, the Indian Sign.
A motion was made by MR. KIMES, seconded by MR. ELSENto accept the agenda as modified. Motion carried on a voice vote.
A motion was made MR. ELSEN,seconded by MR. KIMESto accept the consent agenda. Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote.
Chris Tipton asked the Board to once again consider allowing video gaming in the Village. He would like to consider adding a video gaming parlor near the former Cappy’s in the strip mall. He was referred to the Liquor Commission to begin the process.
Maria Gurda who lives at 904 Prairie Hill Close told the Board she has an issue with the water run-off from a neighbor’s landscaping. She was told the Village Enforcement Officer would look at the issue.
- Based on committee recommendation a motion was made by MR. MCKINNON to approve pay request from AC Paving for $27,687.13 from line 01-42-514 provided satisfactory lien waivers were received,
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and they were according to Attorney Gaziano. Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote.
- A motion was made by MR. MCKINNON, seconded by MR. ELSEN to spend up to $5,600 from 51-44-651 to purchase the valve, fire hydrant and related fittings to replace some water mains in the area of RRWRD planned sewer repairs. Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote.
- Based on committee recommendation a motion was made by MR. MCKINNON to approve the sale of the zero turn mower at a price of $2,711. Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote.
- Based on committee recommendation a motion was made by MR. MCKINNON to authorize Attorney Gaziano to draft a letter to T6/Aeronet/Rise acknowledging the removal of their equipment from the water tower by September 30, 2015 with no additional damage to the tower. Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote.
- A motion was made by MR. MCKINNON, seconded by MR. ELSEN to approve the site plan as currently drafted by Verizon Wireless and approved by Fehr-Graham. Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote.
- Based on committee recommendation a motion was made by MR. MCKINNON to approve the seal coating of Goodling and Warner Streets at a cost not to exceed $7,600 from 01-42-514. Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote.
- Mr. Weegens talked briefly about his monthly report.
- Mrs. Gaines reported there was a meeting with Rockford Health and Keep Northern Illinois Beautiful to discuss disposal of obsolete medications. Tentatively there will be a collection at Rockford Health
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Systems the second Saturday in June, 2016. It will be necessary to provide a police officer during the collection and a donation of $500 to $1,000.
- The construction of the Trail Head will be delayed until next spring. At this time the area is being used during the sewer project with RRWRD.
- Based on committee recommendation a motion was made by MRS.
GAINES to accept the proposal of Three Hammer Construction to remodel the Police Garage to install a shower and a new vanity and stool at a cost not to exceed $12,500 from 17-42-912. Motion carried on the following vote: GAINES – KIEPER – KIMES - MCKINNON – ELSEN – yes
MALIGRANDA conflict of interest – did not vote
- The Board discussed what to do with the Indian sign as it would be costly to sell it. The Board decided to have it put on the front of the office building to the west of the window.
- The Budget for 2015 is performing as planned with the tax revenue in General up.
- The 2016 budget will probably be flat because of the projected state input.
- The reserves are running satisfactorily.
- The last easement for the RRWRD project will have a hearing October 8, 2015.
Ms. Kieper thanked the Board for the approved remodel of the Police garage.
- A motion was made by MS. KIEPER, seconded by MR. KIMES to adopt Ordinance 2015-10
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An Ordinance regulating excessive noise in the Village of Winnebago,
Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote.
- The President’s Report was provided.
- There will be a WINGIS presentation prior to the October 12, 2015 Board meeting at 5:30 p.m. or 6:00 p.m.
- There has been an issue with Matthew Court – some plats have two “T’s” and some have one “T”. The Board decided to have the Village Attorney draft a Resolution making the street officially MATTHEW COURT.
- TheBoard discussed a letter from a concerned citizen about the properties at 502 and 504 S. Church Street. After discussion the Board requested the Village Attorney to draft a letter to the concerned citizen in response.
- The Board appointed Mr. Maligranda as the IML delegate.
6. Upcoming Meetings:
Public Works Committee / September 28, 2015 / at5:00 p.m.
Police Committee / September 30, 2015 / at 5:30 p.m.
Finance Committee / September 28, 2015 / at 8:00 a.m.
4thof July Team / September 24, 2015 / at 7:00 p.m.
Community Development / October 14, 2015 / at 5:00 p.m.
UDO / November 24, 2015 / at6:00 p.m.
Liquor Commission / TBD
Errant Water / October 12, 2015 / at 6:45 p.m.
Admin Team / TBD
WIPC / September 15, 2015 / at 6:30 p.m.
Pecatonica Prairie Path / September 18, 2015 / at 9:30 a.m.
at Pec Library
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A motion was made by MRS. GAINES, seconded by MS. KIEPER toadjourn at 8:10 p.m. Motion carried on a voice vote.
Sally Jo Huggins, Village Clerk
Approved October 12, 2015