Mathematics Stage 5 - How Tall Are My Friends?

Outcomes Assessed

MA5.1-1WM - uses appropriate terminology, diagrams and symbols in mathematical contexts

MA5.1-2WM - selects and uses appropriate strategies to solve problems

MA5.1-3WM - provides reasoning to support conclusions that are appropriate to the context

MA4-19SP - collects, represents and interprets single sets of data, using appropriate statistical displays

MA4-20SP - analyses single sets of data using measures of location, and range


Measure the heights of all class members to the nearest cm. (This will be done in class).

Collect the names and heights of 19 classmates plus your own (you should have 20 names and heights).

Record the names and heights in an Excel spreadsheet.

Name the sheet Task 1 (Do not collect exactly the same set as your friends.)

Insert Text Boxes onto your spreadsheet to answer questions, where necessary.

Task 1 (8 marks)

Use the functions of Excel to:

a)  Sort the data into ascending order using sort and filter so that the heights are sorted with the names attached.

b)  Find the mean, median, mode and range of the height of your friends.

c)  Who is at the median height of your group? (Answer in a text box)

d)  Who is/are closest to the mean height in your group? (Answer in a text box)

Task 2 (5 marks)

On a new sheet labelled Task 2

a)  Group your data into approximately 5 or 6 class intervals.

b)  Construct a frequency distribution table on an Excel spreadsheet with the headings class, class centre(x), f and fx. Use Excel formulas to automatically fill in the ‘fx’ column. (5.3 should also program the ‘class centre’ column as well)

c)  Use Autosum to calculate ∑f and ∑fx.

d)  Use these results and an Excel formula to calculate the mean.

e)  Is this the same as the mean you calculated in Q.1.? Why/ why not? (Answer in a text box)

Task 3 (3 marks)

On a new sheet labelled Task 3

a)  Using the same class intervals, construct a frequency histogram of the grouped data.

b)  Comment on the shape of the data. (Answer in a text box)

NOTE: This assignment must be your own work. You may be selected to show /explain aspects of your assignment

How Tall Are My Friends Marking Criteria

1 a) / Your group unsorted and sorted
with their names attached / 1 unsorted
1 sorted with correct names / 2
b) / Mean median mode range / 1 each / 4
c) / Median student / 1
d) / Mean student / 1
2 a) / Frequency distribution table / All correct headings
Formulas used in fx column
(5.3 must have class centre as well) / 1
b) / Autosum used to calculate ∑f and ∑fx / Both correct / 1
c) / Excel formulas using ∑f and ∑fx to
calculate the mean / 1
d) / Compare means / 1
3 a) / Frequency Histogram / Correct data displayed
No gaps, labels etc. / 1
b) / Shape / Valid comment / 1
Total / /16
