Name:KATUMANGA Musambayi


Current address:P. O. Box 28391 Nairobi




PhD 2002, Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour (UPPA) - France

Area of Study: Political Science: Intra and Inter State Conflicts, leadership and institutional issues, / Strategic /Security Studies.

Title - Leadership and Politics of State De(Re)construction: A Comparative Study of the National Resistance Movement/Army (Uganda) and the Rwanda Patriotic Front /Army ( Rwanda).

MA, Political Science, University of Nairobi

Area of Study:The Political Economy of Foreign Policy Execution

Title - The Politics of Foreign Policy Execution: Consistency and/or Inconsistency in Kenya’s Foreign Policy Towards South Africa 1978 – 1992

BA Political Science (First Class Honors) PunjabUniversity (1987).


Political Theory

International Relations

African Politics

Foreign Policy

Strategic and, Security studies,

Disaster Management

 Environmental and Resource based Conflict studies

 GovernanceIssues.


a)Senior Lecturer in the Department of Political Science and Public Administration, University of Nairobi

Currently Lecturing

International Relations

Politics of Regional Co-operation and Conflict( Africa)

African International Relations

Politics of Social Integration

Disaster and Relief management

Theory of Democracy

African Politics (Masters Level)

State,, War and Peace( Masters level)

b)Senior Lecturer at the NationalDefenseCollege( NDC) –Karen-Nairobi


African International Relations

Advanced International Relations

Security Studies.

d)Associate Senior Lecturer at Institute of Diplomacy and International Studies


Africa International Relations

National Security and Conflict Studies

Advanced International Relations


Development Policy Management Forum( DPMF)

Centre de Recherche pour l’Afrique Orientale (CREPAO) France

AfricanCenter For Economic Growth (ACEG)

Africa-Consult- Regional Geo-Strategic and Security Forum.


  • The Political Economy of Land and the Instrumentalization of Ethnicity in Kenya( DPMF).
  • IGAD. Drafting IGAD Peace and Security Strategy Plan 2009.
  • EastBrig Strategic Plan( EastBrig) .


Impact of Counter Terrorism Policies on Civil Society Engagements in the Horn of Africa( LSE)

Technical Advisor to Amani fact finding mission on the post election crisis in Kenya( Amani Forum).

Chinese Foot Print In Africa.( Accord)

Monitoring Progress Towards Good Governance( African Economic Commission)

Worked on the International Conference /Great lakes Region. Developed Joint Common Border Security Management framework; Regional Framework for the disarmament of armed pastoralist groups ( Kenya , Uganda ,Sudan); Security Generating Economic Zones framework in the GLR; Framework For Disarming Negative Forces in Eastern Congo;

East African Scenarios Geo-Strategic Analysis of Conflict Resolution Mechanisms and impacts of State reconfigurations in the Great Lakes and Horn of Africa - Society of International Development (SID)

DFID/SIDA/SWEDEN - Review of Rwanda Government/Donor Commitment to MOU's.

Rwanda: The Politics of Social Reconstruction and the search for Security, Project of the for Early Warning and Early Response, APFO

Evaluation and Assessment of Capacities of Human Organizations engaged in Human Rights and Conflict Management in the Great Lakes Region.( Action Fund)

AFPO – COMESA Project on Training Parliamentarians on Conflict Management and Resolution

Study on Development of Common Foreign and Security Policy for EAC States (APFO – EAC)

Evaluation of Institutions, Structures and Agents critical to spawning socio-economic and political changes for poverty reduction( Drivers Of Change-DFID)

Security Concerns and Lateral Pressures for Enhanced Regional Integration: A Case of North Western Kenya, Project under the Development Policy Management Forum (DPMF) on Political Integration in East Africa

Monitoring and Evaluation of progress towards good governance in Kenya -ECA- AC

Evaluation of Kenya's Political Stability Prospects in the Post Electoral Period (Oxford Analytica)

Program on Governance and Poverty Eradication in Africa, the Kenya Chapter (CODESRIA-Senegal)

Social Movements and Governance in Eastern Africa – Ford Foundation-CBR

Comparative Constitution Making in Kenya, Uganda, South Africa, Ethiopia – Ford Foundation (IPAR–SAREAT)


The Moi Succession, The 2002 Elections in Kenya, Maupeu /Katumanga/Mitullah (ed) Trans-Africa Press Nairobi.


China Print In Africa. ( Accord and Oxfam Hong Kong 2009)

Drivers of Change and Institutional Imperatives in Kenya, Ngethe/Katumanga Published


  • Kenya: Closed Spaces and the Political Economy of Violence . paper prepared for SID to be published 2009 as Book and Chapter by SID Kenya.

“Geo-political Imaginations, Globalization of Regionalized local Spaces ,Discourses of security and Conflicts in the Horn of Africa”. 2009

“The Invincibles, Dead Capital as Drivers For east African Integration : Case for Growth Triangles and corridors” REDET Univ Of Dar Es Salaam

“UASU; The Search for Relevance and the Dearth of Public Intellectualism in Kenya’s Academic Spaces”. ( CREPAO France)

"Quotidian Realities of Globalization and Region-Centric Foreign Policy Options in the Great Lakes Region", Mwagiru (ed) Facing Challenges of Globalization

‘’Facing Emerging Threats on Terrorism: Some Thoughts on Alternative Responses’, in Mwagiru (ed), Facing Threats: Confronting Terrorism

“Insecurity as a Basis for State Nation Construction: A Case for a Paradigmatic Doctrinal and Policy Shifts” (Mwagiru (eds), Kenya's Grand Strategy

““Domestic Challenges and Common Foreign and Security Policy as Opportunities for the Rainbow Foreign Policy”, Paper on Operationnalization of Article 123 of the EAC Treaty and related provisions, prepared for EAC /African Peace Forum (APFO)

 “The Political Economy of Kenya's Diplomatic Representation: 1963 into the Millenium”, Kipkorir/IDIS (ed)

The Political Economy of Electoral Systems in Kenya: Problems and Prospects by Njuguna Nge’the and Musambayi Katumanga

"The Political Economy of Electoral Systems in Kenya: Problems and Prospects", with Olewe Nyunya in Mkandala (ed) Politics of Transition in East Africa

Models for conflict monitoring , management and resolution in The Greater Horn of Africa

“Comparative Constitution Making Process in Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia and South Africa’’, With Njuguna Ng’ethe in Ngunyi (ed) the Nation State crisis and the politics of constitution making. Sareat/ Ipar.

“The Political Economy Of Constitution Making” In Mutahi Ngunyi (Ed) “The Politics of Constitution Making and The Crisis of The Nation State” (1998)

Political and Institutional dimensions of restarting Economic Growth in Kenya: State Formation and Leadership, with Njuguna Ng’ethe. To be published, under EAGE/Public strategies for Promoting Growth, HarvardUniversity

Quotidien Realities of Povertization and Hidden Discourses Of Globalization And Governance: to be released by Codesria (Dakar)

"The Politics of Regime Transition: The Case of Kenya", Mkandala (eds) Politics of Transition in East Africa– RedetUniversity of Dar El Salaam

Political and Institutional Dimensions of Leadership, SAREAT Nairobi with Ng’ethe Njuguna (1999)

Understanding Socio-Economic and Political Trends In Kenya: Towards Some Resolutions: To be published by Codesria

Review of Civil Society in Kenya: A State of the Art Review with Wachira Maina to be Published by Codesria


“Geo-political Imaginations , Discourses of Security and Conflicts in the Horn of Africa” (International Commission of Military History (ICMH . Cape town 2008)

Le Kenya Dans la Tourmente . Violence Post electorale et Pacification Precaire with Jerome Larfargue. Politique Africaine no 109 Mars 2008.

“Towards an Inclusive State: The Politics of State Deconstruction and Reconstruction in Rwanda: 1994 – 2004” (Regional Development Dialogue Journal Vol.26,No.1,Spring 2005)

“A City Under Siege: Formalized Banditism and De(re)composition of Modes of Accumulation in Nairobi: 1999 – 2004” ( ROAPE .2005)

“Uganda and Rwanda’s involvement in the DRC: The Pursuit of national interests”. – L’Afrique Politique 2000 Karthala, Paris

“Common Regional Goods Framework and the Resolution of Conflicts in KAPORTUR Triangle in North Western Kenya and Eastern Uganda”: Journal of Regional Development Dialogue, 2004

«Moi, professeur de politique ou enseignant égaré en politique»? Politique Africaine 2003 N0.90,Juin 2003Karthala, Paris


“Folk Poetry as a Weapon of Struggle: An Analysis of the Chaka Mchaka NRM/A Resistance songs”, In Kimani Njogu and Herve Maupau (ed) IFRA (Nairobi 2008)

“After the Floods- the Rainbow: Cotextualising NARC’s Election Victory-lessons Learnt and Challenges ahead” in Maina Peter and Kopsieker (ed) Political Succession in East Africa. In search for a limited Leadership May 2006)

“A City Under Siege: Formalized Banditry and Deconstruction of Modes of accumulation in Nairobi,1991-2004”. In Charton-Bigot H and Rodriguez-Torres D (ed) Nairobi Contemporain. IFRA Nairobi

“Of Transition and the Politics of Constitution Making: A Comparative Study of Uganda, South Africa and Kenya, with Ngethe N in Oyugi (ed) Politics of Transition 2003

“Interpreting the Rainbow: How Civil Society can Prevent Fire”, with the NGO Council of Kenya

 “Security Concerns and Lateral Pressures as a Basis for Enhanced Regional Integration: The Case of North Western-Kenya” In Muhidin (ed) Regional Integration in East Africa, DPFM Adis Ababa 2005

 “Kenya: Conflicts from Within, Conflicts from Without” .in IEA (ed) Kenya at crossroads Nairobi, SID. 2001.

“State Banditism, Social Bandits and the Moral Economy of Violence : Contesting Peripherial Citizenship In The Cradle Of Man”: In Claude Fievet (Ed)Invention Et Reinvention De La Citoyennete,Editions Joelle sampy 2000.

“Kenya and Italy: Laissez-faire Dyadic Relations”, with Otenyo E, in Matteo (ed), Italy and Africa, 2002

By Ballot, Pesa And/ Or Rungus; The Dialectics Of The 1997 Electoral Politics In Western And The Trans Nzoia Districts Of Kenya: In Ruttan,Mazrui and Grignon (ed) Out for the Count: The 1997 general Elections and Prospects for Democracy in Kenya. Fountain Publishers 2001.

Of Rights and Constitutional Reforms, in Chweya et al (ed) constitutional Politics and the Collapse of Democracy in Kenya, Clari press Nairobi 2002


«0,4 Au Nord De L’equateur: Une Souverenaité À L’abandon Contrat Social À L’abandon Dans Le Kenya, Le Contrat Social À L’abandon», Politique Africaine, No.70. juin 1998.Karthala 1998


“Review of Poverty in Kenya”: Institute of Policy Analysis and Research/Action Aid, 1997 with Alois B. Ayako

“Civil Society and the Politics of Constitutional Reforms in Kenya: A Case Study of the National Convention Executive Council (NCEC)”, SAREAT 1999

“By Accident and Design, Contextualizing the Success and Dominance of the Kikuyu as Entrepreneurs in Kenya”, (IFRA) Nairobi, 1995.

“Politics of Regime Consolidation and Entrenchment: Moi’s Foreign Policy, (IFRA) Nairobi 1994.

“Kenya’s Foreign Policy 1978 to 1995”, in Francois GRIGNON / Gerard Prunier (e), Le Kenya Contemporaine, Karthala Paris 1998

“From Sessional Paper No. 10 to Structural Adjustment : Towards Indigenizing Policy Debate”, IPAR Workshop report, 1997, with Njuguna Ng’ethe, Karuti Kanyinga

“Long Term Policy Perspectives for Kenya:” Joint IPAR / AERC Seminar Report 1999 with P. Kimuyu

Katumanga M (1999), “The Political Economy of Constitutional Amendments in Kenya”, SAREAT - Nairobi.

The National Election Databook: Kenya 1963 - 1997: A Framework for Analysis, IED, 1996

15Related Professional Experience

1998 – 1999Research Fellow with Series on Alternative Research in East Africa Trust (SAREAT)

Areas of Research

Development of Analytical Models for Conflict Analysis, Management and Resolution

Monitoring and analyzing the nature, scope and modes of transmission of interstate and intra –state conflicts in the greater horn and the Great lakes of Africa.

Analyzing Governance, Political economy and institutional crisis in Eastern Africa.

Related responsibilities;

Dissemination of research findings to state actors and other interested stake holders in the region

Processing alternative policy recommendation for implementation by local and international actors

1996-1998. Institute Of Policy Analysis and Research

Areas of Research

Monitoring and Evaluation Activities

Institutional Reform, political economy and Governance Issues.

Policy Research and Analysis in Poverty and Development

Monitoring and analyzing the nature, scope and modes of transmission of interstate and intra–state conflicts in the greater horn and the Great lakes of Africa.

Developing analytical models for conflict analysis management and resolution

Analyzing governance and institutional crisis in Eastern Africa.

Monitoring and undertaking comparative studies in Constitution Making process In Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia and South Africa.

Related responsibilities ;

Dissemination of research findings to state actors and other interested stake holders in the region.

Processing alternative policy recommendation for implementation by local and international actors

1994 – 1996Catholic University - Lecturer – Department of History and International Relations


International Relations,

Political theory,

Political economy

African international Relations

1991 – 1994University of Nairobi – Graduate Assistant


Political theory

International Relations

1988 – 1993Personnel/Administration Officer, Ministry of Supplies and Marketing/Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock Development and Marketing in charge of:

Complement control

Evaluation of Personnel training needs

Undertaking staff appraisals through monitoring and evaluation of performance


Prof Njuguna NGE’THE

Institute of Development studies

University of Nairobi

P. O. Box 30197


Prof J.D Olewe Nyunya

Institute of Diplomacy and International Studies

P.O.BOX 30197


Mutahi G Ngunyi

P.O.Box 72289-00200


DR . musambayi KATUMANGA

1. Conferences Attended and Papers Presented.

  1. Tanzania –Dar es Salaam. November 2008 REDAT Conference on Governance in East Africa. Presented paper” From The Doorsteps of Hell with the National Accord To a Walk to Nowhere”
  1. SID – NairobiFairview. “Kenya: Closed Spaces and the Political economy of Violence.
  1. IFRA- Nairobi. “Kenya: An Argument for Icarian Spaces”
  1. APFO- Mombasa. 2009. Marine Resources and Conflicts: Posing questions

2Community Related Activities and Research

  1. Ghana- Accra. September 2008. AU-Center for Conflict Resolution(CCR) and Koffi Annan Peace support Center Organized international work shop geared towards developing H.I.V and AIDs manual for Peace keepers in Africa.
  1. Catholic Justice and Peace Commission: Mombasa .September 2008.“ State Crisis and The Quest for settling the Constitutional Question”
  1. DPMF- Nairobi. Research and participation in sessions on land and alternative social policies. With Dr Karuti Kanyinga and Prof Abdalla Bujra
  1. Developing the IGAD –Peace and Security Strategy Plan. With Dr Kithure Kindiki
  1. Closed Spaces And The Reinvention of the Fourteenth Centuary Conflicts in Africa. Paper Presented at the Peace and Support Training C - Karen . Senior Office Course for Peace Keepers. March 2009.