Date:November 17, 2016

Place: Deborah Gordon's home

Board Members Present: James Adams, Marielke Funke, Diana Fairbanks, Lia Byers, Maryanne Pitcher, Dan Sengenberger, Deborah Gordon, Erik Glatte, Rick Brown (non-voting)

Absent: Betsy Wessler

General Members Present: Diane Green, Beth Geismar, Mary Beth Burton, Steve Dewey, Louis Plummer, Joe Lusa, Elysia and Ron Iverson, Toni Martinez, Vicki Fox, Michele Bashaw

Guests Present: Carlos Delgado and Tom Sager

The Board meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm

Minutes of the September 1, 2016 Board meeting had been submitted by email by Lia Byers, approved via email vote unanimously and posted to the website members section.

Finances: Diana presented the October 2016 and year-to-date financial reports. A motion was made by Marielke to accept them, seconded by Deborah and unanimously approved.

Diana completes her third term on the board at the end of this year and she will be stepping aside as our treasurer and bookkeeper. Appreciation was expressed for her years of dedication.

A 2017 budget was presented by Rick.

Aquatic Center Vision-Carlos Delgado

Vision drawings were presented and discussed. Recommendations were made by Carlos as to leads in design and in design development and construction.

Clarity is needed on naming the project-ie Rogue Valley Boathouse vs. Rogue Valley Aquatic Center (which name competes with the Medford YMCA's Rogue Valley Aquatic Center)

Board Member Issues-James

In order to accommodate community members who may or may not be rowers but add value to our board it was recommended to increase the size of our board from nine members to eleven.

Marielke moved to do so and Maryanne seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously.

James recommends that the new board meet with a facilitator in early 2017 to develop a strategic plan that includes more active participation from all board members in regard to the new boathouse.

Slate of Board Candidates for 2017

James Adams-current President, running for third term

Marielke Funke-current Vice-President, running for second term

Lia Byers-current Secretary, running for third term

Tom Sisul-owns a civil engineering firm and willing to help with the planning process for the new Boathouse, former rower at OSU, running for his first term

Forrest Sexton-founder and CEO of Spectrum Orthotics and Prosthetics, willing to help with the Adaptive Rowing program as a resource, running for his first term

Joel Benton-Chief Legal Counsel for Jackson County and parent of a Junior rower, very supportive of the Boathouse and direction of our growth, running for his first term

Budget and Cash Flow Projections-a 5% increase in membership, coaching fees and rack fees was recommended and discussed.

A motion was made by Deborah, seconded by Lia to increase the membership and coaching fees by 5% and approved unanimously with the understanding that this is not what we would want to see each year.

A motion was made by Deborah, seconded by Maryanne to increase rack fees by 5% and approved unanimously.


20 new ergs have been purchased for $15,000. 3 of the new ergs have been sold by the club and 8 used ones.

Rick presented the next items for purchase as per the Equipment Committee in2015:

Mid-weight 8+

Mid-weight double/pair

2 sets of sweep oars

A launch motor will be needed soon. Parking lot maintenance is proceeding.

A motion was made by Marielke to proceed with the equipment purchase as recommended and seconded by Dan, approved unanimously.

Execution Plan for The Boathouse

The Jackson County Economic Committee has recommended to the County Commissioners that they proceed with our plan. A decision has not yet been made.

We need to move ahead with the planning process, marketing and fundraising. It has been suggested that we hire a consultant to do a feasibility plan. Before that is considered James suggested that we focus on four pillars of the project: governance, planning, fundraising, marketing. An option for how to do this are for small groups of club members for each pillar with one person leading the project to develop an executable plan. This could be Rick but then he would not be available for the full complement of coaching that he has been doing. This will be further developed with Rick and the new board.


James will continue to provide to club members via email a precis of General Board meetings and Rick will provide one following Executive Committee Meetings-appreciation for both was expressed by club members present.

Adaptive Rowing Program

Rick announced that Toni and Lia are taking the lead in developing our adaptive rowing program with a goal of a June/July 2017 clinic for starters

Code of Conduct

A motion was made by Maryanne and seconded by Deborah to accept the Code of Conduct as written . This was approved unanimously. The Code of Conduct will be required to be signed by all employed staff and board members and will be included in the new member's handbook which is being developed.

Sculling Certification

A motion was made by Deborah, seconded by Maryanne to accept the Sculling Certification form developed by that committee (with grammatical corrections pending). The motion was approved unanimously.

A motion was made to accept a Resolution of the Board that in the event of a default on the loan payment, title and ownership of the van purchased with James as guarantor would revert to James Adams. This motion was made by Erik Glatte and seconded by Deborah and approved unanimously.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 pm.

Next Board Meeting:

January 19, 2017 (Annual Meeting) Time: 6:30 Place: Mt. View Meadows

January 26, 2017-Facilitated Board Meeting 6:30 James' home