Chivelstone Parish Council

Dear Councillor,

You are requested to attend a meeting of Chivelstone Parish Council to be held in the Chivelstone Parish Community Hall on Monday 2 October 2017 at 7.30pm


1.  Apologies for Absence – Dai Jones

2.  Declarations of Interest – Councillors are invited to declare any interests they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting.

3.  Minutes – to approve as a correct record, and authorise the Chairman to sign the minutes of the Council meeting held on Monday 4 September 2017.

4.  Matters arising from the minutes of the meeting of 4 September 2017.

·  Playground update

·  Bank on Town Hill

5.  One Council consultation response.

6.  BT Kiosk at Chivelstone

7.  Matters for the Chairman’s discretion - See Item.12

8.  Cllr. J. Brazil (D.C.C.) and (S.H.D.C.)

9.  Public Participation - Members of the public present are invited to make any comments regarding the parish.

10.  Planning – 2964/17/HHO, proposed construction of dwelling, with associated access, parking and landscaping works. Plot adjacent to Old Coastguard Store, next to the Green, TQ7 2BY. Applicants – Sally O’Connell & Jane Toofan.

3227/17/HO – proposed new garden room/building Woodcombe Point TQ7 2NJ. Applicants – Mr & Mrs Newcombe.

1999/17/LBC – listed building consent for replacement of asbestos lean to roof at rear of property with slate, Sunny Thatch TQ7 2BU. Applicant – Mr Quentin Jones.

11.  Finance as @ 2.10.17

a)  Accounts Instant Access £8,299.26

Number one £1,590.31

b)  Cheques External auditors £ 120.00

c)  Paid in Precept (BACs) £ 2,346.50

11. Correspondence

All e-mails forwarded to Councillors.

12.  Matters at the Chairman’s discretion, or to be put to the next meeting.

• external audit feedback – to note

13. Date of next meeting Monday 6 November 2017

Ren Hill

Clerk, Chivelstone Parish Council