Joseph Zingarelli, Page 4

Joseph Zingarelli

Consultant - Energy & Hydrocarbon Processing


Bachelor of Engineering in Chemical and Fuel Engineering - University of New South Wales
(First Class Honours and University Medal)

Reaction Engineering Course - Prof O Levenspiel, University of Sydney

Hazop and Hazan Course - Prof Trevor Kletz, University of Adelaide

Professional Affiliations

Institution of Chemical Engineers (Fellow)

Australian Institute of Energy (Member)

Institute of Energy (UK) (Associate Member)

Summary of Experience

Alternative fuels, petroleum refining, natural gas processing, gas purification, adsorption technologies, power generation, energy conservation and energy integration.

Relevant Experience

Joseph A. Zingarelli & Associates, Engineers and Consultants, Principal, (2001 to date)

Private consultant on energy, power, oil, gas and petrochemical issues to the resource industries.

Activities and assignments have included:

·  Strategic advice to BHP Billiton’s Cannington mine on expanding their remote, islanded power station, followed by the development of a performance specification and the calling of tenders for a new on site power plant.

·  Market and technical study for the development of a small gas field, involving both direct gas use and power generation.

·  Strategic review the use of coal mines drainage gas as direct fuel and for power generation.

·  Conceptual study of power generation from a new and proposed steel making facility.

·  Strategic review and fatal flaw analysis of a proposed waste fuelled power station.

·  Technical review for Queensland Nickel of a revamp proposal for a synthesis gas and ammonia plant and assessment of options for expanded hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, CO2 and ammonia supplies.

·  Technical review for Queensland Nickel of the opportunities for improved process control of an ammonia plant.

·  Process consultant for the concept, feasibility and detailed engineering phases of a benzene reduction plant for an Australian oil refinery. The role including option studies, process selection, reviewing the work of the detailed engineering contractor and of safety, environmental and fire studies by other consultants.

·  Process consultant for option studies into the reduction of the vapour pressure and sulphur content of gasoline.

·  Process consultant on a range of modern technical safety improvements to be retrofitted into oil refinery units designed in the 1960’s.

·  Process consultant for the feasibility and detailed design phases of a flammable liquids storage facility.

·  Feasibility study for an LPG gantry and storage facility.

Hatch Associates Pty Ltd (formerly BHP Engineering Pty Ltd), Principal Consultant - Hydrocarbon Processing (1988-2001).

Responsible for development and enhancement of specialised hydrocarbon process technology and energy utilisation skills within Hatch Associates to improve Company performance and provide opportunities for new business directions. Also contributes advice and assistance in respect of existing process engineering at operating centres.

Major activities have included:

·  Feasibility studies into an Integrated Power and Energy Complex at the BHP Port Kembla Steelworks involving the utilisation of low grade and by-product fuels to generate power and steam.

·  Troubleshooting problems with the firing of recycled oil as a fuel oil substitute

·  Technical due diligence review of a $1.9 billion, 200,000 BPSD oil sands bitumen upgrading refinery.

·  Technical due diligence review of a 10,000 BPSD gas to synthetic liquids project

·  Technical due diligence review of the gas plant portion of the Orinoco Iron HBI Project.

·  The Port Hedland HBI project

§  development of the energy integration concept

§  management of the gas plant and energy utilisation sections of the feasibility study

§  review of the technology risks of the FINMET DRI process.

§  periodic technical auditing and assistance with troubleshooting and high level advice on technical issues during the implementation phase

§  troubleshooting and option development of the inert gas system, steam system and fired furnaces during the commissioning phase

·  Technical, environmental and project development advice for two ethanol projects

·  Leading the HAZOP study of a large ammonia refrigeration system

·  Screening study for expanding a gas fuelled power station for BHP Cannington

·  Revamp study for converting a naphtha fuelled ammonia plant to natural gas

·  Feasibility studies for hydrogen, ammonia and CO2 plants for various nickel projects

·  Detailed review of the inspection and gas approvals of non-conforming industrial fired appliances at the Hedland HBI plant and the CSBP ammonia complex

·  Front end optimisation studies of an ammonium nitrate manufacturing complex, including ammonia, nitric acid and AN plants.

·  Oil, power and greenhouse gas projections for rail freight

·  Greenhouse gas comparisons of road versus rail freight

·  The development and management of a $3 million project to demonstrate the use of coal derived LNG as a heavy vehicle fuel. This project won a National Energy Award in 1995.

·  Various studies into the production and utilisation of alternative fuels, including a feasibility study into the use of LNG as a substitute for diesel fuel in small coastal ships, the Oil-from-Sludge process and the use of naphtha emulsion fuels.

·  Acting as technical referee for various gas conversion research projects carried out by BHP Research.

Seamgas Enterprises Pty Ltd, Manager (1992 to 1994). Responsible for the overall management of Seamgas Enterprises, a company jointly owned by BHP Engineering Pty Ltd and USX Engineers and Consultants Inc. Seamgas Enterprises was involved in the technology of extracting methane from coal seams.

Crooks Michell Peacock Stewart Pty Ltd, Manager Chemical and Related Industries (1986-1988). Responsible to the Manager, NSW Division for the operation of the Division in the areas of fine and heavy chemicals, petrochemicals and petroleum refining.

Activities included:

·  Process design studies for the development of the Mereenie oil and gas field.

·  Coordination of major proposals for engineering and management services for chemical plant projects.

·  Technical supervision of process engineering work.

·  Process design of an odour removal system for a grease plant.

·  Process design of an LPG storage facility.

·  Management of shale oil processing studies.

Southern Pacific Petroleum NL, Senior Process Engineer (1983-1986).

Responsible for:

·  Development of shale oil upgrading technology.

·  Marketing plans for synthetic crude oil and petroleum products.

·  Preparation of submissions to governments.

·  Review of investment opportunities.

Major activities included:

·  Management of consultants in the upgrading and marketing sectors of the US$24 million Condor Oil Shale Project Feasibility Study.

·  Development of designs and capital and operating costs for the upgrading and marketing sectors of the Stuart Oil Shale Project Prefeasibility Study.

·  Development of designs and strategies for cost reduction in upgrading plants.

·  Management of shale oil retorting, upgrading and stability pilot plant program.

·  Research and preparation of submissions to government enquiries into the Import Parity Pricing of Australian Crude Oil, Government Funded Research and the Sales Tax and Tariff Arrangements for Certain Petroleum Products.

·  Review of investment proposals for a mineral project and an alternative fuel development.

Shedden Pacific Pty Ltd, Senior Chemical Engineer and Manager Adelaide (1982-1983). Responsible for business development and engineering work in Adelaide and for process design throughout Australia.

Major activities included:

·  Preparation and evaluation of bid packages for packaged gas treating units for the Cooper Basin.

·  Management of an energy audit of a major NSW brewery.

·  Process design study of naphtha isomerisation for a major refinery.

Environmental Products Pty Ltd, Applications Engineer, (1981-1982). Responsible for marketing, design and commissioning of plants for the control of hydrocarbon and odour emissions. Major activities included troubleshooting an acetone/toluene solvent recovery system.

Union Carbide Australia Ltd, Process Engineer, Chemicals and Plastic Division (1977-1981). Responsible for the marketing, design, technical support and project management of high technology products, processes and plants for the oil, gas and chemical industries.

Major activities included:

·  Management of the design, fabrication and commissioning of two packaged hydrogen purification plants for the refining and chemical industries. The projects involved co-ordinating overseas and local engineering and procurement.

·  Troubleshooting, process design and technical support of large scale molecular sieve dryer/ desulphurisation units for treating Bass Strait natural gas.

Shell Refining (Australia) Pty Ltd, Technologist, Clyde Refinery (1974-1977). Responsible for troubleshooting and process design in various refinery units including crude oil distillation, catalytic cracking, hydroprocesses, utilities and energy audit.

Major activities included:

·  Revamp study of a crude distillation unit.

·  Process design of a multiple furnace heat recovery system.

Career History

2001 to date Joseph A. Zingarelli & Associates, Principal

1988 - 2001 Hatch Associates Pty Ltd, Principal Consultant - Hydrocarbon Processing

1992 - 1994 Seamgas Enterprises Pty Ltd, Manager

1986 - 1988 Crooks Michell Peacock Stewart Pty Ltd, Manager Chemical and Related Industries

1983 - 1986 Southern Pacific Petroleum NL, Senior Process Engineer

1982 - 1983 Shedden Pacific Pty Ltd, Senior Chemical Engineer and Manager Adelaide

1981 - 1982 Environmental Products Pty Ltd, Applications Engineer

1977 - 1981 Union Carbide Australia Ltd, Process Engineer, Chemicals and Plastic Division

1974 - 1977 Shell Refining (Australia) Pty Ltd, Technologist, Clyde Refinery

Technical Papers

Ø  ”Minimising Greenhouse Emissions from Coal by the Collection and Use of Coal Seam Methane” JAZingarelli and G I Zamel, 1989

Ø  “Upgrading of Stuart Shale Oil” J A Zingarelli, A Muradian and l Stephenson, 1988

Ø  “The Greenhouse Impact of Near Term Alternatives to Petroleum Transport Fuels” MCOppenheimer and J A Zingarelli, 1991

Ø  “Trends in Transport Fuels and Their Impact on the Environment”
M C Oppenheimer and JAZingarelli, 1991


English, Italian, French
