Owner’s Unit Letterhead




From: Owner’s Last Name, First MI, Rank, SSN

To: Provost Marshal, Military Police Department,

Marine Corps Base, Camp Smedley D. Butler

(Attn: Joint Service Vehicle Registration Office)

Via: Commanding Officer

Subj: Request a 30-day waiver to register an additional vehicle


1. State reason why you wish to register an additional vehicle. (Include license plate, make, model, and year of vehicle you wish to sell or deregister)

2. I understand that I must maintain Property Damage Insurance on the aforementioned vehicle I wish to sell, until it is sold or expiration of this 30-day waiver.


Typed Initials Last name


From: Commanding Officer

To: Provost Marshal, Marine Corps Base

Subj: Request a 30-day waiver to register an additional vehicle

1. Forwarded, recommending approval/disapproval.


Typed Initials Last name

The 30-day waiver to register an additional vehicle allows individuals to register an additional vehicle while they sell or deregister the vehicle they currently own. Before a waiver will be granted all drivers license, American insurance, Japanese insurance, and Government of Japan inspection data will be checked for currency. Vehicle owners unable to complete updates due to lack of documentation will not have their 30 day waiver request accepted until all updates are completed. The waiver is granted for no more than 60-days, in 30-day increments. If the vehicle is not sold or deregistered during the first 30-day waiver the owner must return to the Vehicle Registration office for an extension. After a total of 60-days the vehicle must be sold or deregistered.


Expect to leave the waiver at JSVRO for a maximum of two business days to complete the approval process.

The waiver is granted for the vehicle that you currently own (Not the one you’re trying to purchase) and wish to sell or deregister.

The waiver request must be typed on the owner’s unit letterhead and endorsed by the Commanding Officer. (NOTE: NO ENLISTED MEMBER MY SIGN) (O5 and above are exempt from this requirement).

The vehicle that is being waived must have a minimum of 15 days remaining on the Government of Japan Inspection.

The owner must have owned the vehicle for more than 120 days (4 months) and cannot have a lien on the vehicle.