Mrs. Dobson’s Full Day Kindergarten

Classroom Handbook

Carman Trails Elementary 2012-2013

Mrs. Dobson’s Open House Agenda

Thursday, September 6, 2012

  1. Welcome/ABC’s of Mrs. Dobson/Introductions
  1. All About Kindergarten:

Schedules/Routines/Procedures, Lunch, Literacy (Reading/Writing Workshop), Math, Social Studies/Science

  1. Questions???
  1. Please fill out Kindergarten Information Sheet/Contact Information and leave in your child’s mailbox. Also, please sign the Consent for Publication of Student Information form.
  1. Conference, Party and Volunteer Sign-up Sheets

Dear Parents,

Welcome to our Kindergarten classroom! I am so happy to see you tonight and I appreciate that you made arrangements to be here! It’s still early in the year, so we’re still learning some of the school procedures and routines. We will go through some of the “hot topics” tonight and you will find them in the enclosed handbook as well. If you ever have questions or concerns, please call me (314) 415-4110 and leave a voice mail message if I can’t get to the phone. You can also e-mail me at

Tonight we will do a quick overview of the Kindergarten Curriculum and our daily schedule. We will have time at the end for signing up to help at our class parties andvolunteer sign ups.

Together we are partners in your child’s education. I plan for each day to be successful and fun for your child. Please partner with me in helping your child to grow to his/her fullest potential.

Have a GREAT year!


Julie Dobson

The ABC’s of Mrs. Dobson

AActive in daughters’ activities (Girl Scout leader, dance, piano lessons, softball, basketball, band)


CCommunication is the key! Call or e-mail anytime you have a question or concern.

DDiscovery learning is essential.

EEmily is my middle daughter, age 11, 6th grade.

FFall and spring camping with family and friends and scouts!

GGerbils, Jemma and Jo-Jo!

HHusband’s name is Mark. He is a pilot and sax player.

IIntuition and gut instinct play a role in dealing with kids.

JJuggling work, household and kids’ activities.

KKatie is my youngest daughter. She’s 8, 3rd grade.

LLaughter and music make learning fun!

MMcKelvey first grade teacher for seven years.

NNot enough time in the day!!!

OOpen to suggestions!

PPreschool teacher, Parent Educator and PCIP teacher for Parkway’s Early Childhood program.

QQuiet time…we all need some now and then.

RReading to kids is the best!

SSarah is my oldest daughter. She’s in 8th grade and will turn 14 in September.

TTake care of ourselves, each other and our school.

UUndergrad degree from Southeast MO State University; B.S. in Elementary Ed. with Early Childhood Specialization. Masters degree in Elem. Ed. from UMSL. (One class shy of Reading Certification!)

VValue the unique personalities and diversities in our class.

WWalking with friends is something I enjoy.

XExcited to share my love of reading and writing.

YYou are your child’s most important and influential teacher.

ZZIP! Time zooms by so quickly…cherish every moment with your child.

Mrs. Dobson’s

Full Day Kindergarten

2012 – 2013

9:05 – 9:25Morning Meeting

9:25 – 10:05Math

10:05 -11:00Specials (see below)

11:00 – 11:30Reading

11:30 – 11:50Restroom/Snack

11:50 – 12:10Reading (Literacy Centers)

12:10 – 1:00 Writing

1:00 – 1:30Lunch

1:30 – 2:00Relax & Refuel

2:00 – 2:35Science/Social Studies

2:35 – 3:05Recess

3:05 – 3:45Learning Centers



Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
P.E. / Art / P.E. / Art / A Day
Music / P.E. / Music / P.E. / B Day
C Day
D Day

Kindergarten 2012-2013

Mrs. Dobson

Ian Banks

Kevin Castro

Walker Clark

Jackson Cottrell

Luke Dielschneider

Theodore Hertel

Jocelyn Lin

Josephine Lin



Maryam Osman

Ellie Parker

Faaiz Sheikh

Faith Simons

Kaylie Underwood

Our School Family Commitment

As a classroom community and school family, we have discussed our responsibilities as a group of children who learn together and play together. We decided that we need these responsibilities posted as a reminder to make sure that our school family runs smoothly in a safe environment where everyone can learn and grow! Here is our Class Commitment/Promise:

  1. Help eachother.
  2. Work quietly.
  3. Be nice.
  4. Safe hands and feet.
  5. Share.
  6. Use kind words.


  1. We feel proud when we make the right choices!
  2. We can get hugs, high fives, or handshakes!
  3. We talk and write notes to our families about our accomplishments.
  4. We can work together as a team to earn special celebrations.


  1. Teacher gives child a verbal warning.
  2. “Safe Spot” when child is asked or chooses to sit at a seat away from group.
  3. Common Sense Consequences: The child will have a consequence depending on the problem. Some examples might be a Kindergarten Discipline Notice sent home to parents or a loss of rights.
  4. Teacher will make a phone call/e-mail home to talk to parents.
  5. The child will visit the Principal.

Newsletters:Newsletters will usually be sent home in the take home folders at least once a month. Please read carefully for details on current curriculum focus, relevant vocabulary, homework ideas and events and information about our classroom.

Snack:Please make sure your child has a healthy snack every day. (See attached list!) Please label the snack with your child’s name and pack it separately from their lunch. We have a late lunch, so this snack should be enough to tide them over until lunchtime. If you find it difficult to remember to pack a snack each day, you may pack 5 snacks at the beginning of the week and explain to your child that they must choose only one snack each day. In addition, if each familycould contribute an extra set of class snacks, you’ll know that there will always be an extra snack at school in case you forget to pack one. Please make sure that there is enough of your snack to feed 15 kindergarteners! The snacks must be store bought. Water bottles only at snacktime since we eat at our tables where we work.

Relax & Refuel Time: This is a Quiet time during the day to rest and refocus. This time changes throughout the year, based on students’ needs. It is a time for students to relax and refuel. At the beginning of the year children need rest to promote alertness, memory, and performance. At the year goes on this time will be differentiated to meet needs of individual students both physically, emotionally, and academically. This will be a time for continued development of academic skill sets in the areas of reading and writing.

Clothing:TENNIS SHOES must be worn every day for safety in Physical Education class and on the playground. NO sandals or flip flops, please. Please help your child learn to tie their own shoes. Also, kindergartners participate in many hands-on activities in which we might get dirty. Please send your child in clothing that is comfortable and okay to possibly get dirty.

Lunch:Children are welcome to bring lunch from home or buy school lunch. All children use a 5 digit pin number which we have written on a popsicle stick for them to use while they are memorizing their number. Students may buy just a drink or an entire lunch at school. You can add money to your student’s account online via the Parkway Website or you can send a check in an envelope to school and we will see that it gets placed in the lunch money box by the front office.

Labels:Please label all water bottles, lunchboxes, backpacks, clothes, coats, jackets, sweaters, gloves, hats, and mittens with your child’s initials. This prevents loss of clothing and confusion of similar items. Long sleeved shirts and sweaters often get removed. Be sure to help your child gain independence with those zippers and buttons.

Library:Students will go to the Carman Trails Library once a week on Thursdays. The class will go at 12:30. Please help your child take care of his/her borrowed books by providing a special place to put them away from younger brothers and sisters. He/she may get books each week if the previous week’s books are returned.

Book Orders:Book orders will be sent home most months along with the newsletter. Book orders will be sent home throughout the school year. Scholastic Book Orders are an inexpensive way to get books and get books for our classroom. However, there is no obligation to order! If you choose to order, please place a check in an envelope labeled with your child’s name. Checks should be made payable to Scholastic Books. PLEASE DO NOT SEND CASH! The due date will be on the back of the order form. On-line ordering is also available.

Absences:If your child is going to be absent, please notify the school by calling the office at 314-415-6100.

Communication:Please check your child’s backpack and take home folder each night. Take time to share papers together. Do not hesitate to call if you have questions, comments or concerns. I will try to return phone calls and e-mails the same day received if at all possible. To contact me, dial

314-415-4110. This is a direct line to my classroom. You can also contact me via e-mail at Do not leave a voice mail message that is an emergency or regarding a change in your child’s dismissal plan. Instead please call the front office and they will make sure I get the message.

Progress Folders:At least once a month your child will bring home their RED progress folder. This is a folder that is intended to keep you updated on your child’s progress and what they are currently working on at school. You might see notes on behavior and/or academic goals, depending on the child. Please take time to read through these folders, sign them, and add any questions or comments then return them to school on the following Monday.

Stress Relief:In addition to the “Safe Spot”, an area of our classroom where your child can go if they are upset, mad or sad and need some time to compose themselves, we will also be learning a variety of calming techniques throughout the school year. These breathing exercises and brain breaks will help us get our wiggles out and put aside our worries so that optimal learning can take place! If two children are in conflict, they are given time to discuss their concerns and learn how to work things out on their own with minimal adult guidance.

Discipline Note: We hope to give the kids the tools they need to become capable problem solvers and to feel confident enough to “use their words” to get their needs met throughout the school day. However, at times, students may need more than a gentle reminder to follow school rules, be a good listener, keep hands and feet to themselves, etc. If a situation arises throughout the school day that prevents your child or other students from learning, a green note will be sent home for your signature. Your child will be asked to draw or write about the “infraction” and I will fill out the other side. If a child is consistently disruptive or unsafe to him/herself or others, they may be brought to the office for other interventions by an administrator or counselor.

Code of Conduct

  1. I will help make Carman Trails a place where everyone learns.
  2. I will act in a safe and respectful manner.
  3. I will take responsibility for my actions.
  4. I will do my personal best.

Kindergarten Birthdays

Birthdays are special occasions for young children. We feel it is important to acknowledge your child’s special day (whether they happen to be at school on their birthday or not). Your child will receive a birthday crown and the class will sing “Happy Birthday” to him/her. If you would like to bring a healthy treat for the whole class please contact the teacher to make arrangements. As a school, we are trying to promote healthy eating habits and so we are encouraging alternatives to the traditional cupcakes with mile high frosting! According to the health policies, snacks must be store bought. (Check with your child’s individual teacher to see if they must also be nut-free.)

Please see the back side of this note for suggested snacks/treats as well as non-food items that could be sent in lieu of food.

If your child has a summer birthday, you may contact us any time in the year to celebrate.

Thanks for joining us in this effort!

Mrs. Barnes, Mrs. Dobson, Mrs. Mayo and Mrs. Meyerott

Please remember those students in the classroom with food allergies when providing snacks. These suggestions also work great for classroom parties and of course the snacks you pack for school each day! It is beneficial and important to the success of our students for everyone to encourage healthy snack choices and party treats in the classroom.

Grains Protein

Granola BarsString Cheese

Cereal BarsCheese Cubes

Cereal Snack Yogurt/Frozen Yogurt

Pita ChipsGo-Gurt



Animal Crackers

Graham Crackers/Sticks

Marshmallow and Crispy Rice Bar


Ready to eat Whole Grain Cereal


Fruit Filled CookieBaby Carrots

Apple SlicesCelery Sticks

GrapesSliced Cucumbers

Orange SmilesRed and Green Pepper slices

KiwiCherry or Grape tomatoes



Fruit cups in own juice

100% fruit snacks


Dried Fruit

Non-Food Ideas


Birthday pencils/pens

Fun pencil toppers or erasers

Small notebook

Self-inking stampers


Party-favor type games

Headbands/hairclips for the girls

***Notice…birthday favors that make noise will go in the backpacks to be played with at home!!! 

Parent Involvement

Parental involvement is the key to successful learning and development of children. Your support in our program here at school helps the children and teachers in so many ways. Please read the following list in order to discover ways to make the home/school connection beneficial for your child! Remember that we appreciate your support!!!

Ways to Volunteer at school:

  • Field trip chaperone
  • Help at parties or special events
  • At school projects (cutting, copying, preparing materials for lessons)
  • Work with small groups (reading, writing, math)
  • Work with individuals (reading, writing, math)
  • Come read a book for Read Aloud as our “Guest Reader”
  • Join the Carman Trails PTO and get involved
  • Be a Classroom Room Parent

Ways to help at home:

  • Complete 3 weekly activities from the Homework Calendar with your child
  • Send in items for snack and class activities
  • Read/write with your child at home
  • Ask your child about their day
  • Assist with reading, writing, and projects
  • Practice math games with your child
  • Go to the library with your child
  • Be a reader/writer! Let your child see you doing these activities.
  • Check you child’s bag each night for important papers
  • Check Carman Trails website for updates
  • Contact the teacher for conferences when necessary (phone or in person)

Curriculum Overview

Workshop Approach: The workshop approach consists of a mini-lesson, student work time, and a closure to the lesson. The mini-lesson is a time where children are sitting on the carpet, listening to instruction. Students may be involved in activities to “try out” or share related to the instruction. During student work time, the students are working on related tasks individually, with partners, and/or with a small group. The teacher is facilitating, rotating around the room and conferencing with individuals, partners, or small groups. The closure of a lesson is a time when everyone comes back together on the carpet to reflect on learning and share experiences.

Writer’s Workshop: Our writing curriculum can be found on Parkway’s Online Curriculum Guide. Throughout our units of study the children will explore many genres of writing. At the conclusion of each unit, the children will participate in a celebration of their progress as writers. Attached to this handbook are ways that you can celebrate your child’s writing at home!

Reader’s Workshop: During reading workshop the children will learn comprehension and reading strategies through large group, small group, and individualized instruction. The workshop includes guided reading, shared reading, and independent reading. Another part of this workshop time is Literacy Centers. Literacy Centers is a time for students to practice reading and writing skills while the teacher works with individual children or small guided reading groups. The center activities are designed to strengthen letter/sound knowledge, spelling patterns, listening skills, oral language expression, rhyme, letter formation and cooperation. They will also work on letter formation in their handwriting. Later in this handbook you will find a list of sight words that students will be working on and are expected to know by the end of the year.

Math Workshop: Math instruction in kindergarten will mainly be spent doing hands-on learning activities using Math Investigations. This math program uses best practices in the development of math concepts for children. Practice time is important in linking math skills. Your child will be involved in activities to help them think deeply, practice, and make sense of mathematics. They will also develop many math skills through our daily routines of calendar activities, counting jar, attendance chart, and our Question of the Day.

Science/Social Studies Workshop: Our science and social studies curriculum units can also be found on Parkway’s Online Curriculum Guide. During the year we alternate between science and social studies units. To see the specific units of study you can access this information online.