/ News, events and and a survey on leadership in transdisciplinary research.
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Welcome to Future Earth's May 2016 newsletter, where we bring you the latest news, events and opportunities in sustainability research. Please contact us to share your own news.

Take the transdisciplinary research survey

New survey from Future Earth, START and the Leopold Leadership Program

What's needed to build leadership for transdisciplinary work on sustainability? We're looking for your insights! Please take 10-15 minutes to complete our survey.

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News & opinion

Food without deforestation - You can feed a growing planet without cutting down more trees, a new GLP study finds.
Sustainability science explodes - a recent report shows the rapid growth, and some of the limitations, of research in sustainability.
Counting down to two degrees - a new art project blends art and science to show the immediacy of climate change.

Future Earth Korea launches in Seoul
The National Committee for the Republic of Korea launched at a high-profile symposium in April. "We look forward to collaborating with Future Earth Korea... to promote ground-breaking research for sustainability," says Future Earth Executive Director Paul Shrivastava. Read more...

A bridge from one side only? Discussing the roots of the Anthropocene
Erle Ellis and Ninad Bondre discuss differences in how natural and social scientists approach the Anthropocene -- and potential for common ground. "Let us all keep learning socially, together," Ellis writes. Read more...

DIY virtual reality hackathons
After the success of Future Earth's first two virtual reality hackathons -- called the Anthronaut Experience -- the team has launched a website for people to host their own immersive events. The next hack is in Melbourne, Australia, in August. Read more...

Future Earth becomes IPCC observer organisation
During a meeting in Nairobi in April, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) approved Future Earth's observer status. The accreditation will give Future Earth new opportunities to contribute to the IPCC's reports. Read more...

Reflecting on Our Common Future Under Climate Change
In 2015, more than 2000 researchers attended a new type of scientific meeting to discuss finding solutions to global problems like climate change. Now, some of these participants discuss the legacy of this conference and the changing role of scientists on the global stage. Read more...

Events & opportunities

Call for abstracts: Environmental Research Letters
Deadline 30 November
Submit your queries now for a special issue of the scientific journal on sustainable land management.
Landscape Archaeology Conference 2016
23 - 25 August, Uppsala, Sweden
Take part in this international discussion about "landscapes past and present."
Scenarios and models of biodiversity and ecosystem services in support of decision making
24 - 26 August, Montpellier, France
Join this international conference.
International Global Atmospheric Chemistry (IGAC) 2016 Science Conference
24 - 26 Sept., Breckenridge, Colorado
Learn about cutting edge research in atmospheric chemistry.

Call for papers: Transformations 2017
Researchers and practitioners can submit their abstracts by 2 September for this conference on "sustainability transformations in practice."
See our website for all events.

The Science and Technology Alliance for Sustainability

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