Warrimoo Public School P&CMeeting Minutes June 2015

Date: 16th June 2015Meeting Opened: 7.35pm

Minutes by Kirsty Mitchell

Apologies: Lisa Jeffery, Phil Jeffery, John Gildea, Michael Kitchin

Present:Rob Tomlins, Lara Greenhill, Troy Penney, Bob Treasure, Lance Haeden, Robyn Totenhofer, LynnMathison, Julie Quinn, Claire Bickford, Judy Sanderson, Barbara Jones, Kirsty Mitchell

Previous Meeting Minutes:

May’s minutes passed unanimously. Passed – Robyn, Seconded - Julie

Presidents Report: Nothing to Report

Correspondence:Further report next meeting.

Treasurer Report(Julie/Lynn):

  • New Software trial –getting reports similar to Cashman, going well.
  • Netbank – going well. People receiving email to confirm payment has been made.
  • Re-imbursement form to include details for Direct Transfer – final version presented.
  • 2014 money forms, money handling processes – to be reviewed next month by each group. Changes will then be made and forms approved for future use. Copy to be emailed to relevant individuals + have copiesin a folder in the P&C box in office.
  • $10 limit for money taken for expenses out of received fundraising/canteen money (from P&C Federation Treasurer guidelines) – Warrimoo P&C decided to approve the following:

MOTION: Limit of $100 for expenses paid out of received fundraising/canteen money before further approval is required from the P&C committee. Moved: Robyn, Seconded: Troy

  • Proposal for sub-accounts / cards for regular expenditure –to follow up next month.

May figures:

Bank Balance at start of Maywas $20,055.60

Bank Balance at end of Maywas $22,537.30

Income was $7,332.87. Expenditure was $4,851.17

Expenditure included Canteen Purchases, Fundraising Purchases and Uniform Purchases.

There was $2,120.57 in accounts still for payment.

See report (separate attachment) for further details.

Communications (Lance):

Nothing new to report.All going well.

Fundraising (Robyn & Lara):

  • School disco: 12 June – Theme Neon/Blacklight – went well. Thank you to students and teachers that put a big effort in. Good to have the number of staff that were present.

-Discussion occurred in review of the night… what worked well and what could be done differently next time. See full minutes for further details.

  • Proposed Adult Fundraising event: 25 July – Yuletide event: Tables of 10, $10 per Head, BYO Food.

-Need to book the hall.

-Ticket sales have gone out.

-Decorations being donated by Rosie & Mike.

-Have a band organised.

  • Spring Fair

-Rides are booked.

-Choir, ukulele group and drumming group will perform.

Canteen (Judy & Claire):

  • Red food day being organised for last day of term – lollies etc to be sold over the counter.
  • Concern from students re previous lollies sold past their ‘best before date’ – no real issue, but Robyn apologised for having created the situation.
  • Judy to check prices to ensure cost selling at is sufficient.
  • Would like information from Robyn & Lara on athletics carnival… discussed details. See full minutes for further details.

Action: Robyn will email checklist of things that need to be taken.

  • Something fun - have competition for kids to come up with a name for the canteen, with a $10 canteen voucher as prize.

Action: Judy to put in newsletter next term – collect replies in a box in the office.

  • Query if year 6 students could sell over the counter items during term 4.

Action:Rob to check with Mick in relation to insurance. Suggestion – canteen could be opened for recess if concern about hot food/hot ovens.

  • Next term – Judy won’t be quite as involved, mainly doing e-mails, rostering etc. Claire already does all the ordering and day-to-day running
  • Query about having soup as an option – uncertainty about how popular, may only do as a special offer day (without other options).

Uniform (Julie):

  • Two weeks when closed down this month, so sales down.
  • Float is working much better with being broken right down.
  • Suggestion of blazer/jacket for captains to wear when representing the school in the community (e.g. Anzac march) - $165 included logo embroidered on it. Would need collared shirt and tie. About $800 initial outlay. Julie had an example blazer (from current uniform supplier). Discussion about times of use and people’s opinion (see full minutes for details).

Motion: Approval to purchase 4 blazers & 4 ties.Moved – Judy, Seconded – Lara, Passed –


  • Red Hat Samples (for anaphylaxis kids) – response from parents of anaphylaxis kids - 50/50 yes/no =equates to an overall decision not to proceed.

-Only time there was a potential episode, other students ran quickly to the office.

-Option to sell trial red hats at cost pricefor personal use (between $4 and $7) was decided

on by P&C committee, to save the cost and hassle of return.

  • School Caps – current ones are $14, have a “WPS” embroidered logo and are the only uniform item ordered from that supplier. Option through main uniform supplier would sell for $8, lighter material but current ones fade quickly and not particularly durable anyway.

Motion: To change supplier of cap to LWReid and change embroidery from “WPS” to school

logo. Moved – Robyn, Seconded – Lynn. Passed – unanimously.

Note - Probably won’t come in until next year as still have reasonable stock.

  • Uniform stock take –P&C Federation recommend it is done every term and is tabled at meetings as to stock in hand. Currently done at Warrimoo PS twice per year in line with the seasons. Conversation about stock and insurance cover (see full minutes for further details).

Recommendation: P&C decided uniform shop should conduct a stock take at least once per

year(in July) for insurance purposes. Extra stock takes are for the purposes of the uniform

shop people.

Additional Action: Phil to confirmwhat the current insurance cover is with consideration of

need to increase.

Grounds (Troy):

  • Working bee to move mulch pie on ovalwasheld on 29th May – Troy reported it went pretty well. Troy suggested he’d book another one to get rid of the mulch pile. Troy to organise another date mid next term. Anyone that wants mulch can take some.
  • Globe rep – came out 4 or 5 years ago and gave seed for the oval. Rep. coming end of July to look at current situation and make recommendation for next 4 to 5 year period.
  • Lights for hall – James (former student now at Uni) is helping with design & quote. Jamesyet to organise a quote. It’s felt a lot of current set up is still in okay condition – may just be taken down and refurbished. James will include ideas of some modifications that could be made.

Warrimoo Citizens (Bob):

-Nothing to report. P&C encouraged Warrimoo Citizens’ Association to have a table at the P&C Yuletide event.

Grants Issues (Barbara):

  • Barbara has set up a Survey Monkey to get people’s ideas on what to spend grant money on/seek grant money for. Barbara to email link to everyone and provide Rob Tomlins with paper copies to gain teacher’s input.

-Request for surveys to be completed by next P&C meeting (early next term).

  • Other grants open that were discussed (see full minutes for further details):

-School sporting grants (new) –closes about September. Mick would need to look into this.

-Yates Gardening Grant – 3 July closing date. $1000 but then need to have involvement with Yates coming into school. Need to rule in/out what is worth putting effort into.

-Canon Environmental Grant.

-Teachers’ Mutual Grant – up to teachers as need to be members.

-Telstra Grant – requiresa Telstra employee. Robyn knows someone and will talk to them.

  • Mural project – Barbara queried if she needs an itemised list to seek funding approval. Motion: Approval for expenditure up to $1000. Moved – Robyn, Seconded – Troy, Passed -unanimously.

-Further discussion re the mural and promoting it within the community (see full minutes for further details).

Principal's report (Rob):

No official report.

Items raised and discussed (see full minutesfor further details):

  • Current enrolment = 159 enrolled. At this stage 23 Kindies next year.
  • Tree removal will become responsibility of principal and fall under the school’s budget.
  • Grounds & gardens – could do with work to get all looking better.
  • Rob mentioned that it is worrying staff that numbers are dropping. Discussion re the positives of the school, need to promote the school in the community, and how to better promote the school.

-Need a point of difference for the school as it is now a market place. For example…

  • The art project.
  • Great student assemblies.
  • Integration from year 6s right down to kindies –an emotionally nurturing school.
  • Can we do more of what is a point of difference? For example, more children having the opportunity of being in the drumming group. John’s wife doing dance within the school.

Action 1: Rob to check with Mick and staff then ask John if he could do an additionalgroup.

Action 2: Need to get more active website. Students and parents that take good photos could

contribute to website.

Action3: Make ‘ways of promoting the school’ a standing agenda item at each P&C meeting.

Action 4: Lance to speak to Petra about the website and putting other items on it.

  • Assemblies – hard for working parents. Can there be an end of year concert in the evening, where assembly items are repeated?
  • Concerns raised re oval only being open half of lunch.
  • Require P&C Approval for 2015 Voluntary Contribution. Discussion followed (see full minutes for further details).

Action: Further discussion at next meeting.

Play & Chat Group:

No report

General Business:

  • Lock down that occurred this week – concern of other community residents (not just parents). Discussion as to the school’s response and what they could/could not communicate to parents (see full minutes for further details).

Action 1:Rob to remind students of safety measures when walking home.

Action 2: Lance/Lara to put something on Facebook communicating that as a result of tonight’s meeting students will be reminded of safety when walking home and that lock down of the school was a standard procedure.

Action 3: Rob to organise another note to go home outlining that unable to communicate specificsbut students being reminded of safety precautions.

  • P&C Community Forum:–Phil attended local P&C Association Community Forum – Thurs 21st May at Springwood.

Action:Phil to feed back at next meeting.

Next Meeting:Tuesday 21 July

Meeting Close –10.36pm