Hi, my name is Moe, and I have two brothers named Curly and Larry. We are frozen water molecules and live in a glacier in Antarctica. We don’t move around much, but it gets awfully hot when the sun gets really bright. Not much happens in Antarctica, but today something very strange occurred!

When the sun came out today, Curly and Larry started changing shapes and started to move really fast along the glacier like they were riding an incredibly fast dolphin down the ice. I called out for them, “wait up”! But they said they could not stop because they were filled with so much energy and going so fast. I did not know what to do. I was still stuck in my glacier. But, a few minutes later, I had a funny feeling. I felt like I was getting a fever and I started getting fatter and fatter and fatter! In fact, I could not control my body. I started to roll down the glacier just like my brothers. After flying 1 million miles an hour down the glacier, I ran into my brothers and we created a puddle of water in a dip in the ice. We were so happy to see each other! We played and played because we could now move around as a liquid water molecule. This was the happiest time of our lives! But little did we know, danger was approaching.

We saw a strange black monster with orange feet step right in front of us, knocking Curly and Larry to the side. Then the monster’s yellow beak came towards me and tried to swallow me! Luckily, with all my new energy, I was able to roll to the side and dodge the monster’s beak. My grandfather used to tell me stories of these big black monsters and they are called penguins. I call them “Godzilla”! I then try to roll over to my brothers but roll too fast to control myself. I run into them and push all of us off the glacier and into the ocean.

We float and think we are safe. But then, lots of liquid water molecules around us start rising up in the air. In fact, they disappear! Me and my brothers become so scared! Soon, we begin to feel hotter than the sun itself and we start flying! When I look for my brothers, they are already gone! “OH NO!” Then I start to disappear too! I feel lighter than a feather! I am no longer fat…in fact, I have no body! I become a water vapor and so do my two brothers!

We all float into a really cool hotel that looks like a cloud. This hotel is great because it is free! We do not have to pay with real snowflakes! The hotel also has the best views! The wind starts to blow, and we get to take our own vacation and see the world! The wind blows our hotel over the Colosseum in Rome, the Egyptian Pyramids in Egypt, koala bears in Australia (they wave at us), and the Eiffel Tower in Paris! Boy, isn’t it good being a water vapor! We can move so much faster as a water vapor than we could as a liquid water molecule. It’s so much better than being a boring, slow, frozen water molecule in a boring, slow, frozen glacier. This is the life! I hope we can stay in the form of water vapor forever!!!