Ottawa, ON K2H 8G5
Phone Number: 613-829-3456
Internet Address:

Areas of Expertise

  • Value for Money Auditing
  • Performance review and measurement
  • Research and special studies

Work History

2002 -presentPrincipal Auerbach Consulting Services

Senior Research Associate – Carleton University - Centre for Voluntary Sector Research and Development

Consulting assignments include analysis and public communications on financial and accountability issues related to

  • Proposals for public private partnerships in the hospital sector in Ontario , Newfoundland, and British Columbia
  • Affordability issues in the municipal sector
  • For the Office of the Auditor General, governance and accountability issues in a large federal department
  • Evaluation of the federal government –NGO partnership, the Voluntary Sector Initiative (as part of team from Carleton University)
  • Governance issues for a micro-credit institution in Bangladesh.

1999 – 2001 Director – Commissioner of Environment and Sustainable Development (CESD), Office of the Auditor General (OAG), Ottawa

  • Led study and organized workshops on social dimensions of sustainable development. Published in Chapter 5 of 2001 Commissioner’s Report Parliamentary liaison on behalf of Commissioner.

1988 -1999Director – Office of Auditor General (OAG)

  • Led follow-up report to Chapter 25, 1996 on Canada's International Export Promotion Programs – Findings published in Chapter 33 November 1999
  • Led study (Chapter 6 - April 1999) on Accountability for Shared Social Programs -- National Child Benefit and Employability Assistance for Persons with Disabilities. This study suggested guidelines for performance reporting on joint federal/provincial social programs in the Social Union. Appeared, with Assistant Auditor General David Rattray at Public Accounts Committee Hearing June, 1999. The chapter provided the basis for a series of recommendations of the Public Accounts Committee November 1999.
  • Researched proposals on demographic aging issues; advertising, communications, and the public consultation process, and outcome measures for social programs.
  • Led “value for money” (VFM) audit of Canada's International Export Promotion Programs -- Chapter 25, 1996 (Foreign Affairs and Industry Canada). Many recommendations, particularly those related to accountability and performance reporting were implemented.
  • Served as functional advisor for audits related to Canada’s "international competitiveness".
  • Served on Advisory Committee for audit of public consultation process for Canada’s Sustainable Development Strategies
  • Led comprehensive and collaborative value for money audit of International Development Research Centre (IDRC) -- published December 1994. Most recommendations implemented.
  • Director on joint VFM audit, with US General Accounting Office (GAO), on Canada-US Merchandise Trade Statistics -- Chapter 23, 1993
  • Participated in planning and overview phases of multi-chapter VFM audit on Canadian science and technology; also worked on OAG strategic planning.
  • Led team that conducted audit/study (published October 1992) on possible and existing joint services between the House of Commons and Senate. Appeared at Standing Committee On Procedure And House Affairs. Many recommendations adopted. Recommendation for a Parliamentary Buildings Advisory Council adopted in its entirety, seven years later, in 1999.
  • Led team that conducted first (and so far only) VFM audit of Senate Administration (published March 1991).
  • Led audit of employment counseling services and local labour market analysis as part of 1989 chapter on Employment Services at Department of Employment and Immigration.
  • Conducted case studies of the key success factors of the federal office for the Calgary Olympics; and Bankruptcy Branch for 1988 chapter on Attributes of Well Performing Organizations.

1987Private consultant – to Investment Canada on international business issues, environment.

1986Consultant Woods Gordon

Conducted reviews at Canadian International Development Agency, Correctional Service of Canada.

1983 -1985Senior Analyst – Treasury Board, Personnel Policy Branch

Advised on executive complement matters, conducted studies on private sector human resource polices and wrote report on characteristics of well performing policy branches.

1979 - 1983Senior Advisor – Canadian Radio-television Telecommunications Commission (CRTC)

Advised CRTC Commissioners concerning new services and technologies -- e.g. pay television, privacy and encryption on cable and telecom services, horizontal and vertical integration in broadcasting, etc.

1978 - 1979Director of Communications – National Parole Board

Responsible for communications and public interface activities.

1974 – 1978Senior Advisor – Science Council of Canada

Directed projects on:
-- implications of demographic aging for Canadian research and technology policy;
-- science and technology policy for “appropriate” northern development

1971 – 1974TV Producer – TV Ontario

Produced documentaries on old age, limits to growth, etc.

1967 – 1971Radio Producer – Canadian Broadcasting Corporation

Produced over 150 "Ideas" programs

1965 – 1967Teaching Fellow, History of Science – Harvard University

Education, Qualifications

MBA, Yale University 1987 (finance, accounting, economics, and organizational behavior)

MA, Harvard University 1964 (History of Science and Science Policy -- all requirements completed for Ph.D. except for thesis)

BA, magna cum laude, Harvard University 1963 (Mathematics and History of Science)

Part 1-2 - Chartered Financial Analyst

Community and Volunteer Activities

Vice-President and Chair of New Development Committee, Options Bytowne (2002- ) (supportive housing for the “hard to house”)

President 1999-2001: Tamir Foundation, a residential facility for developmentally disabled adults

Chair 1988-2000 – Schools Committee, Harvard Club of Ottawa (interviews candidates for undergraduate admission)

Citizen Member –

City of Ottawa Task Force on Property Tax Assessment Issues (2001);

City of Ottawa Public Arts Committee (1994-96);

Member, Board of Directors: Odyssey Theatre (1990-92); Ottawa Economics Association (1993-95);

Evaluator Yale University School of Management National Business Plan Competition for Nonprofit Organizations 2003 - 2004.


Articles and Op Ed’s have appeared in the Globe and Mail, Toronto Star, Policy Options, Ottawa Citizen.

TV and Radio interviews on CBC, CFRA, new RO, CTV.

Lead Speaker at Town Hall in Corner Brook

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