LVV4U – Review for Final Exam2013
1. The Aeneid begins with the phrase: “This is a tale of arms and a man.”
What was the first armed struggle referred to in the epic? ______
Who was “the man” the leader who had been defeated in that war? ______
2. The Aeneid was written by:
A. PubliusOvidiusNasoC.Gaius Julius Caesar
B. PubliusVirgiliusMaroD. Marcus TulliusCicero
3. War between the future Romans and this people is strongly foreshadowed in The Aeneid.
A. GreeksC. Jews
B. CarthaginiansD. Germans
4. If the second part of The Aeneid is sort of equivalent to Homer's Iliad, to what other great epic poem of antiquity is the first half of The Aeneid comparable?
A. The Republic by PlatoC. The Book of Exodus
B. The Odyssey of HomerD. Metamorphosesby Ovid
5.The Aeneid displays ideal Roman values. One of the following is not a value displayed by Aeneas.
A. Duty ands care for his men C. Compassion
B. Military valour D. Passion over reason
6. One of the following is not a characteristic of a classical, epic poem.
A. It is a story of a representative hero.
B. It is informed by the concept of Destiny.
C. It is divided into a set number of “books” – twelve or twenty-four.
D. The story ends with the death and metamorphosis of the hero.
7. The city which was being built on the North African coast by the Queen. ______
8. From what region did the Queen originally come? ______
9. The name of the sister of the Queen with whom Aeneas has a love affair. ______
10. “his troops adopted the wedge-formation, every spirit among them striving with equal surprising speed . . . some of the Trojans dispersed to the gates and cut down the pickets that were before them.”
Who is the leader spoken of in this passage about battle in Book 12: ______
11. “This baldric Turnus was wearing now over his shoulder, and the trophy was fatal to him.”
Whose belt was Turnus wearing that caused Aeneas to kill him? ______
12.“The ancient folk of Italy shall retain the speech of their forefathers and their way of life; and their name shall be as now it is. The Trojans shall only blend, absorbed, in the Italian breed. Custom and ritual of sacrifice I shall impose. I shall make all to be Latins of a single speech. From the union you shall see a race of mixed Italian blood arise, exceeding in religious duty all other men and even gods, nor shall any nation celebrate your rites so devoutly as they.”
This is spoken in Book 12 to Juno. Who is the speaker? ______
13.The Aeneid was written around the time of Alexander the Great. TRUE or FALSE
14.The goddess who seeks to be the nemesis of Aeneas is ______
1.Who was the first great king of the Persians? ______
2. The Lydians occupied Western Turkey before the Persians became the dominant force in the region. Which king was told by the oracle at Delphi that if he undertook a war he was planning he "woulddestroy a great empire"?
The empire that he destroyed was his own. ______
3. In 490 B.C., the Persians attacked Athens, to punish her for giving help to a revolt of Greek-speakingcities under Persian overlordship in what is now Turkey.
Where was the battle fought? ______
4. Who was the runner who ran to get Spartan help for Athens? ______
5. "First, then, they will not under any circumstances accept terms from you which would mean slavery for Greece; secondly, they will fight you even if the rest of Greece submits. Moreover, there is no use in asking if their numbers are adequate to enable them to do this; suppose a thousand of them take the field - then that thousand will fight you; and so will any number, greater than this or less." (Book 7)
Who said this to Xerxes about the Spartans in 480 B.C.? ______
6. “No one is fool enough to choose war instead of peace – in peace sons bury fathers, but in war fathers bury sons . . . “ (Book 1)
Who was the defeated king who spoke these words? ______
7. The Persian general who sacked Athens and was killed at Plataea. ______
8. The general whose plans led to victory for
the Athenians over the Persians at Marathon in 490 BC. ______
9. The Greek leader defeated at Thermopylae. ______
10. The Three Hundred who gave their lives at Thermopylae to hold up the Persians were
from this Greek city state:
A. Mycenae C. Sparta
B. ThebesD. Megara.
11. After the Greek victory against Darius at Marathon in 490 B.C., the Persians under his son, Xerxes, mounted a second assault on the Greeks in 480 B.C. What great Athenian came to the fore as strategist for the next onslaught? Was it ...
A.Alexander the GreatC. Themistocles,
B. MiltiadesD. Leonidas?
12. What miraculous sign, one giving hope to the Greeks, appeared the very next day after the Persians burned the temple on the Acropolis at Athens?
A. the cackling of geese was heard on the citadel;
B. the goddess Minerva appeared to the people above the Acropolis;
C. the Persian fleet suffered great losses owing to a fire;
D. an olive tree blossomed again after the burning of the city.
13. Xerxes decided to return home to Persia after this defeat.
A. Battle of AthensC.Battle of Marathon.
B. Battle of SalamisD.Battle of the Hellespont
14.What miraculous sign, one giving hope to the Greeks, appeared the very next day after the Persians burned the temple on the Acropolis at Athens?
A. The cackling of geese was heard on the citadel.
B. The goddess Minerva appeared to the people above the Acropolis.
C. The Persian fleet suffered great losses owing to a fire.
D. An olive tree blossomed again after the burning of the city.
15.According to the Introduction to our edition of The Histories, which of the following is not a characteristic of Herodotus’ Histories?
A. The work shows the author had wide travels.
B. The work shows the author loved freedom.
C. The work shows the author had a pro-Athenian bias.
D. The work shows the author had a contemptuous attitude to Persians and non-Greeks.
16. “At times in Greek city states there was a hill, like the [something] at Athens, which could serve as a refuge and on which a temple could be erected to the patron divinity of the polis".
The citadel, i.e., the defensible hill, at Athens was named:
A. the Stoa.C. the Acropolis
B. the CapitolD. the Agora
1. What did Plato indicate was the better form of government ?
A) Democracy – government by popular vote
B) Tyranny– rule by an absolute monarch
C) Meritocracy – a society in which people of merit can rise to the top.
D)Mendacity – rule by deception
2. Both physical education and mental education have one purpose. ______
3.In education, once a curriculum is established there should be no innovation. True or False
4. Plato said that women could be rulers in the state, just like men. True or False
5. Plato says people lose their good convictions and beliefs and principles by theft, witchcraft or force.
• Theft he defines in this way: "the insensible process by which people are persuaded to relinquish their beliefs by argument, or else simply forget them in course of time".
• Force he explains as, "the influence of pain or suffering".
• What does he mean by “witchcraft”? Does he say:
A. witches were wont to cast spells on the young men of Ancient Greece?
B. people would change their opinions under the influence of pleasure or impulse of panic?
C. evil spirits would take possession of a person?
D. parents would influence their children and this was akin to “witchcraft”?
6. Plato flourished in this time span:
A. 450 - 350 BCC. 650 - 550 BC
B. 250 - 150 BCD. 150 BC - 50 AD
7. One of the following statements about Plato’s rulers in the ideal republic is false. Which one?
A. The rulers would possess no private property.
B. The rulers would be encouraged to marry to produce children for the community.
C. The rulers would be paid a salary from state funds.
D. The rulers would have a long period of training.
8. High intelligence was not enough, said Plato, to qualify a man or woman as a noble character. To be of the highest character, one had to be in love with "the Good". To acquire possession of the Good, according to him, one had to do this:
A. Study earnestly the natural world, because that is all we know for certain.
B. Study to love the monotheistic god of the Jews.
C. Study mathematics, abstract issues and transcendence.
D. Commit to serving your fellow man through charitable works.
9. The university that Plato started at Athens was called:
B. the Odeon.A. the Lyceum.
C. the Hippodrome.D. the Academy.
10. Plato says that the protectors of his state should have the qualities of a watchdog. Which quality of those listed below is not a quality of a good watchdog?
A. strengthC.spirit
B. aggressionD. protectiveness
11. One of the following statements about Plato’s rulers in the ideal republic is false. Which one?
A. The rulers would possess no private property.
B. The rulers would be encouraged to marry to produce children for the community.
C. The rulers would be paid a salary from state funds.
D. The rulers would have a long period of training.
1. For the sin of Lycaon, Jupiter brought a great flood destroying all human creatures on the earth (Book One). Only one couple was allowed to remain alive and to repopulate the world, which they did by throwing stones over their shoulders.
The wife of the pair was Pyrrha. Who was the husband? ______
2. The name of the god of healing in Metamorphoses Book Fifteen. In Ovid's version of the story, he was brought to Rome to theIsolaTiberina or Island in the Tiber. The Romans shaped this island to look like a ship.
His symbol was a staff around which curled a snake. ______
3. Whowas the nymph who longed to be loved by Narcissus? ______
4. In Metamorphoses (Book Fifteen) a philosopher born in Samos, emigrated to Croton in the Italian peninsula.
He believed in the transmigration of souls and in vegetarianism. ______
5. A myth that gives an explanation of a phenomenon (like why spiders weave webs) is labelled
A. aetiological.C. genealogical.
B. creationist.D. atavistic.
6. The Four Ages of Man were, in order:
A. gold, silver , copper, tin.C. gold, lead, silver, iron.
B. gold, silver, bronze, iron.D. stone, gold, silver, iron.
7. The stories of Phaethon, Arachne, Icarus in the Metamorphoses are:
A. myths illustrating hubris.C. myths illustrating greed.
B. myths illustrating heroic action.D. myths illustrating bravery.
8. Which one of the following is likely not a common attribute of a hero story?
A. The hero receives divine help.
B. The hero has to undertake a journey.
C. The hero returns to his mother and father at the end of the story.
D. The hero receives special weapons.
9. Perseus is most closely and relevantly associated with the following two females:
A. Andromeda and Medusa;C. Ariadne and Medea;
B. Andromeda and Thisbe;D. Juno and Europa.
10. The story of Ulysses's ten-year wandering before he returns to his home in Ithaca is told in Homer but also in Metamorphoses. One incident is the meeting with this goddess who turns men into beasts. Ulysses is protected from her by Mercury's gift to him of the herb, moly. She is:
A. HecateC. Allecto.
B. MedeaD. Circe
11. Which one of the following is likely not a common attribute of a hero myth?
A. The hero receives divine help.
B. The hero has to undertake a journey.
C. The hero returns to his mother and father at the end of the story.
D. The hero receives special weapons.
1. Who was the first, great, best-known excavator of Troy (1871- 1873)? ______
2. ______was a great archaeologist in the Troy story championed the idea of Crete being the dominant power in the Aegean in the Bronze Age and thought that the great palaces on the mainland were ruled by Cretan colonists.
3. The language tablets he said were in a language he labelled "Minoan" or ______were later found to be a form of Greek. Now, as a consequence, scholars believe the Greek Myceneans ruled in Crete after the eclipse of its power.
4. In this time period an eclipse of Cretan power perhaps came about as a result of damage from an earthquake and tsunami, allowing invasion from the mainland. in about
A. 3500 – 3000 BCC.1500 B.C. or 1450 BC
B.2500 –2000 BCD. around 700 BC
5. About when did the Trojan War occur (if it did occur)?
A. 3500 BCEC.300 CE
B. 1200 BCD. 150 AD
6. Which of the following qualities would not describe Greek temple architecture?
A. Greek temples express harmony.
B. Greek temples express reason.
C. Greek temples are elegant.
D. Greek temples intimidate the observer.
5. The type of Greek column showing acanthus leaves (like fern leaves) at its capital is called a:
A. Doric columnC.Spartan column
B. Ionic columnC. Corinthian column
6. One of the principle contributions of the Romans to architecture was the:
A. entablatureB. capital
C. archD. architrave
7. Generally speaking, Greek male figure statues reveals the Greeks' attitude to life, and they show this to be true of the individual:
A. he is autonomousB. he is capable of controlling his own destiny
C. he is relatively fearlessD. all of the above.
8. Which statement of those which follow, best describes the Greek development of figure painting and sculpting?
A. The Greek ignored realistic representation in favour of stylized representation.
B. The Greeks used their eyes and moved to greater realism in their representations.
C. The Greeks showed body parts from the angle those body parts (e.g., the eye, the foot) would be most recognizable.
D. The Greeks felt it was best to follow good examples (like the Egyptian) and enhance them rather than diverge from them.
9. Their landscape and lifestyle created qualities in the Ancient Greek people. Which of the following would not normally be used to describe them?
A. They had a tendency to regard human rulers as divinely ordained.
B. They had a spirit of independence.
C. They had alertness and resourcefulness.
D. They respected the individual and his capabilities.
10. Which statement of those which follow, best describes the Greek development of figure painting and sculpting?
A. The Greek ignored realistic representation in favour of stylized representation.
B. The Greeks used their eyes and moved to greater realism in their representations.
C. The Greeks showed body parts from the angle those body parts (e.g., the eye, the foot) would be most recognizable.
D. The Greeks felt it was best to follow good examples (like the Egyptian) and enhance them rather than diverge from them.