Final report form for a granted project

ESC Central Office only

Date of sending the form:13 September 2016

Contact person/applicant: Melinda Vanya M.D.

Country: Hungary


Title of the granted project: The post-partum contraception in South-Eastern Hungary: a multicentre cross-sectional study

Amount granted by the ESC (in euro): 8000 euro

Project number: Allocated mentor: GeorgeBartfai M.D. Ph.D. D.Sc.

Your final report

Date project actually started: 2013. January

Date of completion: 2015 December

Please provide:

  • A reportof your findings and data.(project summary)
  • A finaldetailed budget on how much you have spent. Was any money not spent? Receipts may be requested.
  • 3750 Euro for participation for scientific conferences
  • 2000 Euro for postal charges for questionnaires sent by post
  • How will your findings be presented?
  • Published paper – indicate journal and acceptance date: 2 papersunder preparation for journal of ESC
  • Presentation – note meeting organisation and date
  • 7th HMAA Meeting. Balatonfüred, Hungary, 22-23.08. 2014. (Poster)
  • 9thAthensCongress on Women's Health and Disease28-30 August 2015 Athen Greece (Poster)
  • 16th World Congress on Human Reproduction. Berlin, Germany 18-21.03 2015. (Lecture)
  • Task sharing in Abortion Care. Ljubljana, Slovénia, 03-04.10. 2014. (Lecture)
  • Add any other information you feel we should have.
  • Please let us know whether having a mentor has been helpful or not.
  • Sign and date the form and return to the ESC Office.

Summary of the project:

1) Ethical approval of the study was sent to the Regional Ethic Committee of

the University of Szeged. The approval procedure was successfully


2) Because of the following reasons, we started later the study:-The ethical approval process in Hungary was longer and was moredifficult because of ethical aspect and data protection of the web-basedquestionnaire

3) Questionnaire was developed and piloted on the relevant population.

We prepared a 63 item question are form which was asking

socioeconomic and demographic futures, contraceptives methods beforeafter

delivery, sexual activity after delivery, length of breastfeeding and

effectiveness of lactational amenorrhoea as a natural anticoncipient.

4) Validation procedure of the questionnaire were also performed. Cronbach

alfa score 0,876

Main findings

2356 women were invited to complete the questionnaire, questionnaire, of whom 481 (20.4%) refused to participate immediately. One thousand eight hundred and nine women received a code to a secured webpage by email scheduled in the 6-8th weeks following delivery and those women who did not have e-mail addresses (n=62) received the questionnaire by post. Four participants were excluded from the analysis due to not having sexual contact at the time of the survey. Finally, 618 participants completed the questionnaire corresponding with a response rate of 33% and this cohort was continued the six month and one year follow up with similar response rate.

Main findings

Interestingly, logistic regression indicated that the women’s education, unfavourable financial situation, breastfeeding or feeding with milk, and the knowledge of exact time of fertility return were not significant, although they were significant by the univariate methods.

Low income and the women’s education are confounders. This can be explained by their high correlation with the partners’ education which is included inthe model. Breastfeeding practice, the awareness of the fertility return and perineal injury were collinear with the return of menstruation. Women were more prone to use effective contraceptives if the spouse were more educated (Adjusted odds ratio (AOR): 1.90). Emplyoment of effective methods by the women were more probable after returning of menstruation (AOR: 2.00). The AOR for effective contraceptive use was 2.23 times higher for those who had a sexual activity more than weekly than for those who had sex less frequently.The odds of opting for effective contraceptives at 6-8 weeks were 3.16-fold greater for those who had had it before pregnancy and the discontinuation of the effective method.

Name: Melinda Vanya M.D. Signed

Date: 13092016

Please return this form (by email) toESC Central Office at .