Research Models Exploration Instructions

For this assignment you will explore a variety of research models that are frequently used with K-12 students as they research a variety of topics. Some models fit better with high school and middle school and others fit better for elementary. Many of them can be adapted for either level. As you explore the various research models you will record information on the Research Models Exploration Form. One section of the form for each model - Comparison - states that you will complete this section after discussing the models in your groups. We usually do this during an on campus session. However, please feel free to discuss the models in your student instruction project groups, with any other students in the class, or you can just do the comparison on your own. The completed form needs to be posted in the assignment dropbox.

You will explore the following research models (The links provided are just to get you started - you are not limited to the sources listed. As you search you will find other information sources):

Pathways to Knowledge (Follett Information Skills Model – Marjorie Pappas and Ann Tepe

Critical Thinking and Information Literacy Process Model

Flip It Model – Alice Yucht

The Research Cycle - Jamie McKenzie.

The Big 6 – Mike Eisenberg and Robert Berkowitz

KidsConnect’s KCTools

Information Search Process - Carol Collier Kuhlthau

Research Models Exploration Form Name: Kim Huett

Pathways to Knowledge

Name of model and people involved / Pathways to Knowledge (Follett Information Skills Model – Marjorie Pappas and Ann Tepe
Information Sources
Where you located your information /
Overview of Model
Description of the basis for the model
Steps in Model
Description of each step the students will follow
Description of how model is similar to and different from other models
(You will complete this section after you have discussed the models in your group)
Potential Use
Grade level and specific example of GPS that would be supported by the model

Research Models Exploration Form Name:

Critical Thinking and Information Literacy Process Model

Name of model and people involved / Critical Thinking and Information Literacy Process Model
Information Sources
Where you located your information /
Overview of Model
Description of the basis for the model
Steps in Model
Description of each step the students will follow
Description of how model is similar to and different from other models
(You will complete this section after you have discussed the models in your group)
Potential Use
Grade level and specific example of GPS that would be supported by the model

Research Models Exploration Form Name:

Flip It Model

Name of model and people involved / Flip It Model – Alice Yucht
Information Sources
Where you located your information /
Overview of Model
Description of the basis for the model
Steps in Model
Description of each step the students will follow
Description of how model is similar to and different from other models
(You will complete this section after you have discussed the models in your group)
Potential Use
Grade level and specific example of GPS that would be supported by the model

Research Models Exploration Form Name:

The Research Cycle

Name of model and people involved / The Research Cycle - Jamie McKenzie.
Information Sources
Where you located your information /
Overview of Model
Description of the basis for the model
Steps in Model
Description of each step the students will follow
Description of how model is similar to and different from other models
(You will complete this section after you have discussed the models in your group)
Potential Use
Grade level and specific example of GPS that would be supported by the model

Research Models Exploration Form Name:

The Big 6

Name of model and people involved / The Big 6 – Mike Eisenberg and Robert Berkowitz
Information Sources
Where you located your information /
Overview of Model
Description of the basis for the model
Steps in Model
Description of each step the students will follow
Description of how model is similar to and different from other models
(You will complete this section after you have discussed the models in your group)
Potential Use
Grade level and specific example of GPS that would be supported by the model

Research Models Exploration Form Name:

KidsConnect KCTools

Name of model and people involved / KidsConnect KCTools
Information Sources
Where you located your information / and then enter Kids Connect in the AASL search box in the top right corner
Overview of Model
Description of the basis for the model
Steps in Model
Description of each step the students will follow
Description of how model is similar to and different from other models
(You will complete this section after you have discussed the models in your group)
Potential Use
Grade level and specific example of GPS that would be supported by the model

Research Models Exploration Form Name:

Information Search Process

Name of model and people involved / Information Search Process - Carol Collier Kuhlthau
Information Sources
Where you located your information /
Overview of Model
Description of the basis for the model
Steps in Model
Description of each step the students will follow
Description of how model is similar to and different from other models
(You will complete this section after you have discussed the models in your group)
Potential Use
Grade level and specific example of GPS that would be supported by the model