Remember, as per James Farmer’s directives: He indicates that, “You may call the Sheraton Imperial Hotel & Convention Center in Research Triangle Park, NC direct to make your reservations at 919-941-5050. TOPS is receiving a special $92 room rate for the event. He says that this hotel have a limited amount of Double rooms however, once filled they will book your reservation at a hotel adjacent to the property. Also, if roll-a-ways are needed please request them at time you make your reservations.

Please start now, making plans to have your chapter represented at SRD in RTP at the Sheraton Imperial. We encourage you to make your reservation soon, to reserve as many rooms as you need but please do not overbook and cancel at the last minute.”


James Farmer

Eastern NC TOPS Coordinator

Tops goes Egyptian

2009 NC SRD

MAY 1ST ---- MAY 2nd


Mary Reed has a ‘new’ address:

Mary Reed

TOPS Coordinator#615

P O Box 446

Hope Mills, NC 28348


From our President, Barb Cady’s


  In January and October, two Chapter Programs will be included in the chapter mailing that is sent to the Leader.

  In the June and July TOPS News issues, one full-color Chapter Program will be featured in each issue.

In the April/May, August/September, and December/January TOPS News issues, twp full color Chapter Programs will be featured.

For the eight Chapter Programs appearing in the TOPS News issues, just have members bring their TOPS News to chapter to participate in the programs activities when you assign the program to a member for presentation on your chapter meeting schedule.

Also, remember that past Chapter Programs are archived in the Leaders “Forms” section of TOPS’ website(, if you would wish to look through and perhaps use one of them.

I Care,


Barbara Cady December 2008/January 2009 vol 60, #9

President, TOPS Club, Inc.


Dates to Remember:


TOPS#NC213, Cramerton --- January 20th

TOPS#NC15, Gastonia ----- January 29th

May 1-2, 2009 SRD at Sheraton Imperial Hotel Research Triangle Park, North Carolina

July 16-18, 2009 TOPS IRD Orlando, Florida


Note: Get your Registrations done for SRD and that deadline is April 1, 2009. By now all leaders should have received their Information Package for SRD from James Farmer, Eastern NC TOPS Coordinator



There are always two sides, the good and the bad,

The dark and the light the sad and the glad

But in looking back over the good and the bad

We’re aware of the number of things we’ve had,

And in counting our blessing we find when we’re through

We’ve no reason at all to complain or be blue

So thank God for good things he has already done

And be grateful to him for the battles you’ve won,

And know the same God who helped you before

Is ready and willing to help you once more.

~~ Anonymous




Basting Sauce:

½ teaspoon garlic, minced

1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice

1 teaspoon Dijon mustard

½ teaspoon sea salt, seasoned salt, or salt-free seasoning

Fresh ground black pepper

1 whole chicken breast, halved, skinned

Combine all ingredients for basting sauce in small bowl. Brush over chicken. Broil for 10 minutes each side, 2 inches from heat, brushing frequently with sauce. Serves 1-2



There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority and control -- your mind and your mouth. ~~~Molefi Asante

Your mind is an instrument. A precious gift to be valued and cared for. You are not always in control of what goes into your mind, but only you can determine what stays there. If you allow negativity to pervade in your mind, you will produce that negativity with your mouth. Your mouth is the mechanism that reveals how well you care for your mind. The conditions in your life stem from the most dominant thoughts of which you speak. Nothing has a hold on your mind that you cannot break free of. Since your mind will respond to what is said to you, speak to the conditions in your life. When they are wanted, give thanks. When they are unwanted, demand they change.

~~~~~~~~~~ I Am in control of my mind and mouth. ~~~~~~~~~~


Inspirational Thought:



Dottie L. Taylor, Area Captain#6145

**************NEWZ Makers out of the Foothill Chapters**************


Our chapter is starting out on a positive note. We had a rededication ceremony at our first meeting & we are doing a time capsule with the page from our TOPS NEWS. We have members who are starting their TREK TO IRD in Orlando & some who have finished and already starting a return TREK home. We gave charms to 7 members who have walked 100 miles and they are Margaret Sigmon, Phyllis Bell, Lee Pettipaw, Nellie Martin, Judy Fowler, Shenae Gibson and Susan Wheeler. Congratulations to all for your accomplishments! We have 3 members who have rejoined our chapter. Our bake sale netted $102.00. It was Christmas cookies & fudge. Could have been better but it was cold that day & somehow it didn’t get advertised in the newspaper as it was supposed to be. What was leftover was donated to the Salvation Army. In November our Best Loser was Delores Watson (l0 lbs) Our December winner was Nellie Martin (2 ¾ lbs). Our quarterly Best Loser was Margaret Sigmon (l3 lbs). We had a net loss of 32 ¼ lbs for the quarter. Our chapter had a contest to get an “I LOST” ribbon if you had a loss or KOPS at or below goal. Everyone who got 6 in 8 weeks got a charm (if Best Loser of week or month - got an extra one). We had 2 charms winners; Margaret Sigmon(TOPS) & Pat Morrow (KOPS). Congratulations to all!

Leader: Linda L. Ryan Co-Leader: Sherry Jones Secretary: Susan Wheeler

Treasurer: Judy Easler Weight-Recorder: Joyce Smith, Asst. Weight-Recorder: Ruth Haney


TOPS#NC213, Cramerton

Had their ‘OPEN HOUSE’ on the 20th of January 2009. Their Leader, Betty Hinman and her chapter were very busy getting things together to roll out the red carpet to welcome visitors. Their chapter have been very successful in bring on six (6) new members in the last 6 months. Betty you and your chapter are to be commended for all of your hard work and efforts as a new leader in the TOPS Organization. Way -To- Go!!J #213 J

We are sad to report that our chapter’s Asst. Weight-Recorder, Katherine Teet, husband Thomas Teet died Jan 14, 2009, at Gaston Memorial Hospital. Kathy our prayers be with you and please know that we are thinking of you at this difficult time. Love, your TOPS Family at NC213, Cramerton.

May God Bless!

Betty Hinman

Leader: Betty Hinman Co-Leader: Louise Piercy Secretary: Doris Bailey

Treasurer: Patty Fisher Weight- Recorder: Geneva Giles, Asst. Weight-Recorder: Kathy Teet

TOPS#NC407, Gastonia

Our chapter had its ’Open House’ in December, 2008 and we signed 2 new members at that event. Congratulations to all who rolled up their sleeves to help make our guest welcomed. Your efforts made us shine and our ’Open House’ a success!

Our chapter had a really good year in 2008 and “We’re leaving all negatives behind in 2009.” We have brand new KOPS member. Hazel Britt who joined in 2004 has now met her goal. We now have 8 KOPS in our chapter. Hazel was honored at our January 7th meeting.

We are also happy to have five (5) new members join us in 2008 namely; Carol Crane, Betty Hayes, Heather McLaughlin, Judy Sweet, and Rebecca Pearson. We also welcomed a returnee, Tracey Marshall. This has been a landmark year for new members.

Our Christmas contest winners are Betty Hayes and Patricia Clewis who tied for first place TOPS winners and Ann McMullin runner-up. Midge Rhoades was first place KOPS winner and Mary Frances Threats was second place winner. Ginger Wooten received a charm for 10 lbs lost. Judith Sweet was Best Loser for December with 6 lbs loss. Patricia Clewis was Best Loser for 3 months with 9 lbs loss.

We are excited about our goals for 2009 and looking forward to more TOPS reaching their goals this year. Keep all the positives highJ and all the negatives low!L

As always Mary Frances we thank you for being the best most thorough stenographer for our chapter. Thank you, from all of us.J

Leader: Dottie L. Taylor Co-Leader: Faith Staton Secretary: Mary Frances Threats

Treasurer: Karen Mitchell Weight Recorder: Betty Reeves, Asst. Weight Recorder: Midge Rhoades

TOPS#NC643, Lenoir


Contest Winners for December: Fran Uebele and Tina Ramsey. Monthly best loser and runner up: Pearlie Croft was our monthly loser for the month of December. Our runner up was a two way tie between Tina Ramsey and Mary Aderholt. NO GAINS FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER: Tina Ramsey, Cindy Buchanan, Claudette Crawley and Courtney Rudisill

Kicking off the New Year with a bang our first meeting in January brought us four(4) new members; Jan Raber, Debbie Smith, Brenda Boston, and Patricia Prather. We are very excited to have them join our group. We are all looking forward to loosing weight in this new year.

KUDOS TO NC#788 ****** HAPPY NEW YEAR ********

Leader: Elaine Rudisill Co-Leader: Fran Uebele Secretary: Tina Ramsey

Treasurer: Libby Mize Weight-Recorder: Priscilla Wise, Asst. Weight-Recorder: Shauna Gilleland

TOPS#NC821,Iron Station

For 2009 we are continuing to stay focused and start the new year off with a bang. Even with the challenges to Take and Keep off pounds Sensibly, we are determined to stay the course. NC#821, please know that we are all pulling for you because, we are all in this together!J J

Leader: Fran Goins Co-Leader: Loukie Ward Secretary: Debbie Gates

Treasurer: Lois Ward Weight-Recorder: Shelia Brittian Asst. Weight-Recorder: Lori Wise



TOPS#NC846,Granite Falls

Our chapter is moving right along, and we are excited about our momentum especially, being that we are a newly established chapter in the Foothills. We want to share our end of the year progress with you all!J J We started August 26, 2008 and as of December 31, 2008, our chapter’s loss was 61.5 lbs and a gain of 8.0 lbs, so we had a chapter average loss of 53.5 lbs. We had 3 division winners with over 10 lbs loss. Since our beginning, we have had only 2 or 3 weigh-ins with a chapter gain. Several of our members have medical problems and are subject to water retention, so that sometimes aggravates our gains/losses. We are trying to encourage each other weekly. We plan to do our ’Open House’ in February, providing we can get everyone well. It seems January is the month that everyone regroup from the busy holidays.

Thanks for your interest in our Granite Falls chapter.

God Bless!

Joyce Roberts

Leader: Beverly Clark, Co-Leader: Joyce Roberts, Secretary: Barbara Bentley, Treasurer: Carmen Carroll, Weight-Recorder: Joyce Roberts


CHAPTERS: Leaders:

TOPS#NC15, Gastonia Linda Ryan

TOPS#NC44, Hickory Sally Harvan

TOPS#NC213, Cramerton Betty Hinman

TOPS#NC407, Gastonia Dottie L. Taylor

TOPS#NC643, Lenoir Carolyn Russ

TOPS#NC788, Lincolnton Elaine Rudisill

TOPS#NC821,Iron Station Fran Goins

TOPS#NC827,Belmont Caren Bigelow Morgan

TOPS#NC845,Caroleen Janie Bowen

TOPS#NC846, Granite Falls Beverly Clark



1. Honor yearly winners after RESUMES and CERTIFICATES are returned to your chapter from Mary Reed, TOPS Coordinator.

2. At your last meeting of the month, show member’s Master Chart for New Officers and announce that election will be held next week.




Dottie L. Taylor, TOPS Area Captain #6145

232 Woodbridge Circle Mt. Holly, N.C. 28120-2363

Ph: 704-822-3513(no voice-mailbox for now, only Caller ID)Cell: 704-830-8920
