Contact Information Forms
Mrs. E. Parks-Ware
Career Pathway Experience (CPE)
Dear Parents or Legal Guardian,
I am excited to be teaching your child this year in the Career Pathway Experience (CPE) class! This class provides a plethora of information and will help develop positive on-the-job characteristics, skills and employability. CPE also focuses on leadership abilities through planned and organized participation in education, vocational, civic, and social events. Your child will be required to work a total of 540 hours, whether it is through paid work or community service.
If you have any questions regarding the CPE curriculum, please feel free to contact me at 662-429-4109 or e-mail me at .
The following handouts are being sent home with this letter:
-Class Information -Grading Policy -Attendance/Make-up Work Policy
-Notebook Information -Internet Contract -Job Duties Checklist
-Summer Hour Report (optional if you need to count hours)
-Monthly Hour Report (for those paid in cash or by the job)
Mrs. E. Parks-Ware
*Return with signatures by deadline for credit! ______
Every student must have the following everyday: 3-ring binder with divider tabs (TO BE USED FOR CPE ONLY), blue or black pen, pencil and paper.
Donation of the following would be greatly appreciated: Kleenex, disinfectant wipes, colored copier paper and expo makers.
1. I will come to class everyday properly prepared and ready to learn
2. I will not talk while the teacher is talking
3. I will treat others with kindness and respect
4. I will not eat or drink near the computer area
5. I will not use make-up, hair brushes or mirrors during class time
6. I will clean up my area and push chairs in order before I exit the classroom
1. Warning
2. Student/Teacher Conference
3. Phone call to parents
ü Highest average at the end of each semester in the CPE classes will receive a Movie Gift Pack! Popcorn, Soda & Candy
ü Daily grades counts 30%
ü Test grades counts 20%
ü Employer Evaluations counts 30%
ü Nine Weeks Exam 20%
This is a grade that you will receive 2 times per semester from your employer. Your employer will evaluate you based on your work performance and I will record your grade in the grade book. This is worth 30% of your semester grade.
Your calendar, time sheet, and check stub will count as a grade each week. Your job is very important to your success in the program. Your work hours should average 15 hours per week. You should work a minimum of 60 hours per month in order to attain your required 540 hours. You MUST bring a pay stub each time you get paid and make a copy for your folder. I will be in CLOSE contact with your employer in order to complete the required forms.
If for some legitimate reason, you must change jobs, it must first be approved by me, you must have another job secured, and you must give a full 2 weeks’ notice to your current employer. If you lose your job due to your negligence (get fired), you will receive a “0” for the employer evaluation for that grading period. It is up to you to find another job with a reasonable amount of time or you will be dismissed from the program and forfeit your credit.
Being present in class is vital to your success in this subject. Make sure you come on time. However, if you are absent, it is your responsibility to follow the procedures below.
Make-up work will be available for students who miss due to a legitimate reason. The make-up policy is based on the student handbook which states that STUDENTS are responsible for getting any work missed. An assignment station is posted in the classroom and should be checked upon return.
All make-up work is to be placed in the make-up tray. Any work not turned in properly and by the final deadline will be recorded as a ZERO that cannot be made up. Notes should be copied from another student immediately. Test will require a scheduled make-up time. See me for date/time.
Any handouts /worksheets missed will be labeled with the student’s name and placed in the appropriate class tray. It is the responsibility of the student to check the “missed work” tray upon their return to class and complete the work within three days.
You will have THREE days (including the day that you return) to make-up any work missed. After the three days, a ZERO is recorded and will not be changed.
You will be given a grade on the way that you keep your notebook. This includes keeping up with handouts, taking notes, completing test reviews and being organized. This grade will be recorded as a major test grade. If you do not have a notebook (JUST FOR CPE), you will receive a 0 for a major test grade.
Favorite Candy:______Favorite Movie:______
Parent’s Name(s):______
Address: ______
Mother’s contact Info:______
Father’s contact Info: ______
Guardian’s contact Info:______
Your Employer: ______
Employer’s Address/Location:______
Your Employer’s Phone #:______
Supervisor’s Name:______
How often are you paid? Weekly Bi-Weekly Monthly
Payment Type: Cash Check
I, ______hereby agree to follow the rules and expectations of Cooperative Education as outline in the class information handouts.
I know that if I have any problems, questions or concerns, I can talk to Mrs. Parks-Ware personally after class or email her.
By signing below, I indicate that I have received all handouts listed in the parent letter and agree to follow all classroom rules/procedures the entire term. If I fail to do so, I am willing to accept the consequences of my choices.
Student’s Signature Parent/Guardian Signature
Printed Name of Student Date
Student Name:______
Job Title:______
List as least FIVE responsibilities that you have at your place of employment:
Career Pathway Experience (CPE)
Parental Permission Form
To Leave School
This certifies that ______has my permission to leave Hernando High School each day at ______(time) to report to work at the scheduled time. I understand that my child will be required to fulfill his/her work obligation each day. I also understand that my child will leave campus immediately following his/her last scheduled class. If for any reason he/she needs to remain on campus or come back on campus, he/she will get permission from the coordinator and the administration.
Parent or Legal Guardian Signature
Mrs. E. Parks-Ware
Career Pathway Experience (CPE)
It’s going to be another exciting year at Hernando High School! As the mature, young adults that you are, I fully expect you to assist in keeping our classrooms intact and conducive for learning. This can be exemplified through your behavior and respect for the items found in the classroom and for one another. The classroom rules and procedures outline below explain how I expect you to conduct yourself. By following these rules and procedures, you will assist in making our classroom an efficient, productive, and positive learning environment for everyone. The goal is to make our classroom a space in which you all have the greatest possible opportunity to learn, grow and mature as a PRODUCTIVE CITIZEN OF THIS WORLD!
Classroom Rules:
7. I will come to class everyday properly prepared and ready to learn
8. I will not talk while the teacher is talking
9. I will treat others with kindness and respect
10. I will not eat or drink near the computer area
4. Warning
5. Student/Teacher Conference
6. Phone call to parents
7. Office referral
Parent Signature Date
Student Signature Date
Please complete this form as accurately as you can. This information serves as verification of completed work hours in order for you to receive credit.
This form is to be used by those who are paid in CASH or by the job and have no check stub to verify number of hours worked.
Student’s Name:______
Place of Employment:______
Total number of hours worked:
Month/Year______Total hours worked this month:______
I certify that the above student completed the hours as listed during the summer of 2014.
Supervisor’s Signature Date
*This form is due the last school day of each month in order to receive credit. Extra copies are available in classroom. Forms should be completed for any hours worked from August- May of the current school year.
Please complete this form as accurately as you can. This information serves as verification of completed work hours in order for you to receive credit.
Student’s Name:______
Place of Employment:______
Total number of hours worked (Summer 2015). This includes community service and volunteer hours:
I certify that the above student completed the hours as listed during the summer of 2015.
Supervisor’s Signature Date