SHFC September 2011 Newsletter & &
P.O. Box 621489
Littleton, CO 80162-1489
September 2011 Newsletter
Lockheed Martin's Workplace Security policy, CPS-565 is strictly enforced. One provision of the policy is a workplace free of weapons, which includes Firearms, Ammunition, Bows and Arrows. The club must emphasize this policy to our members. Additionally, a state issued CCW permit does not supersede nor over ride this LM policy. Members wanting to store firearms or archery equipment during the day ONLY, must contact Gene Adamson (303-971-1531) for access instructions.
Call Plant Protection (7-4646) if you have an incident or injury on the range.
· Please be sure to observe the speed limits on the range access road.
· Please be careful when driving on the roads, the horses may not move out of your way.
· Gate signs are in place indicating when horses are in the pasture – it they sign says “horses in pasture” they need to be kept closed. New signs have been added to help make sure it is clear if the gate should be open or closed.
· Archery Hunting boundaries have been significantly constrained due to hazardous propulsion testing – adherence to restrictions are MANDATORY – see Archery Section and your Archery representatives for more info!
· Watch out for Rattlesnakes at the range!
· If you do not have your child’s Hunter Education (HE) or Home Firearm Safety (HFS) Card you will be turned away from being able to shoot. Run a copy of the card and present it to the RSO the next time you are out. As these cards never expire, if you provide the copy once, you should be Ok for the future. If you need to get a copy of your HE card, call the Division of Wildlife or show a license that has the proof of Hunter Ed verified on it.
President’s Corner
Can you believe that it’s almost Labor Day already? Where did the summer go? Fear not though! All of our club-sponsored shooting events will continue on into September and October as the weather permits. Keep coming out. There’s always room for another shooter.
Since Labor Day is the first Monday of the month (Sept. 5th), we’re going to move the Board of Directors meeting to Wednesday, Sept. 7th. We’ll be starting at 5:15 PM at the clubhouse.
For those of you who weren’t at the range last Saturday morning, we had some very special guests come out to sight in. We were honored to have Gov. John Hickenlooper, Mike King (director of the Colorado Department of Natural Resources), their sons, and Tyler Smith of the Governor’s press office join us for a morning of shooting. Governor Hickenlooper was shooting a Ruger #1 in .270 WSM and Director King was shooting a Winchester Model 70 in .300 Win Mag. The Governor even tried his hand with a front stuffer courtesy of our own Muzzle Loaders. They are both ready for hunting season now!
With the Hunter Education class at the range, we were able to work both of the youngsters onto the .22 rifles. By the time they left, both of the boys were knocking down bowling pins with each shot. Needless to say, both were also grinning from ear to ear! We sent them each off with a SHFC T-shirt to commemorate their morning with us.
Speaking of SHFC T-shirts, we have a number of these available in sizes from Small to XXL. They are $10 apiece. They are a great way to show your club support and to advertise the club while you are shooting at outside events. If you would like to purchase a few, let me know.
I hope you have all seen the new calendar on the website. This gives us all a better glance at what is going on with the club activities. For all of the trained RSOs, please take a look at your personal calendars and pick a time when you can come out and take a shift (or two or three) at the range. It’s a great way to meet some new folks, see some new gear, and spend some time in the fresh air! If you haven’t done a shift and are still a little unsure, there are several of us who would be more than happy to either mentor you or let you shadow us on a shift. Right now weekends only have some very limited coverage and we’d like to get some scheduling done for the next couple of months.
There still seems to be some confusion on weekday RSO support. As we have pointed out before, weekday RSO support of the club events need to come from the events themselves. When you are acting as the RSO, that duty extends to include ALL of the ranges. If there is more than one RSO, you can trade off so that both participate in the events of the evening. The club is working to get additional RSO support scheduled. If any RSOs want to volunteer for weekday support, the help is very welcome.
On Sunday, August 21st, we held our annual Bull Roast and Swap Meet. We had almost 100 paying members in attendance and a whole bunch of youngsters running around! Those of you who couldn’t attend missed out on some really scrumptious BBQ. The Varmint Shoot was held the day before and was won by Keith Davis (245 out of a possible 250 points). Gene, Corey, Tommy and the boys ran the Shooting Arcade before the Bull Roast. Quite a few came out and tried their hand! Thanks to all who helped put on the weekend activities. All in all, it was a rousing success!
We are continuing to make improvements to the ranges. We now have quite a bit more parking available near the pistol house and the RSO shed. Hopefully this will eliminate some of the congestion on the road and open up the view of the shotgun facilities. There is also a new shed for the target stands just outside the door to the pistol house. Please treat this just like the other sheds. Use a bit of care when taking target frames out or putting them back in.
We had the voicemail going on the phone in the Pistol House for a couple of days, but it has stopped answering for some reason. We’re working with the telcom folks to get this fixed. We’ll send out a notice when it’s back working again!
We still need to slow down on the road to the range. The road is very narrow in places and the vegetation growth is making it even narrower plus, with all the rain, we’ve got some pretty good washboards going. Please watch your speed! Nobody wants to see club spending money on speed bumps, additional gates, or any other sort of enforcement.
If you notice something at any of the ranges that is worn out, broken, or just needs some improvement (and is not an immediate safety hazard), please let me or any member of the Board of Directors know what is going on and we will do our best to address it. We want to continue to keep the ranges in good shape and make sure that everything is operating the way it is supposed to be.
We still need a lot more membership participation to run the club and the ranges with this new method of operation. We’ve identified even more new jobs that need doing. Keep an eye on the emails for some of these announcements! If you are really anxious to get some hours in, Norm Viste () is our Workbond Chair and has a list of tasks that need to be done.
new rso hotline and website
· Hotline: (303) 971-3798 (Recorded message about range and RSO status)
· Website: (RSO calendar accessible by all of the membership from both inside and outside the LM and ULA Networks)
· In the coming months look for many more improvements to the club’s website and electronic communications!
If you are an existing member and you DID NOT attend any of the myriad of training sessions over the last few months you will be required to rejoin the club as a new member if you wish to continue your membership.
If you have questions – please contact: Gene Adamson () or Jim Cathcart ().
Meeting type:
Board x Membership □ Other □
Board Attendance:
Jim Cathcart (President) x Tom Frickell (Vice President) □
Walter Tang (Recording Secretary) x Brian Sompayrac (Corresponding Secretary) x
Tom Moore (Treasurer) x Tim Anderson (Past President) x
Sherry Woodard (Director 2011) x Wally Hill (Director 2012) x
Gene Adamson (Director 2013) x
· Wally has Tom F. proxy
· Visitors Erin Mowbray, Dan Saad, Vito
· Meeting called to order at 5:15 pm
· Erin Mowbray presented new RSO calendar to BOD.
o Board unanimously voted to go to new RSO calendar
· Vito presented case for SHFC Gunsmith budget increase to purchase borescope (~$1225)
o BOD vote was 5 to 4 against. Issues raised were checkout process and budget already high for this year.
· Wally Hill nominated Vito as addition to SHFC FFL agent to help fill-in for Dave Mulholland who needs to reduce his roll. Vito later thanked SHFC for opportunity but declined.
· Minutes from July meetings approved.
· Tom Moore reported new pistol house storage shed installed. Suggest article in next NL to make members aware and for its proper use.
· Gene report on new parking area leveled and surface will be finished with road mill.
· Various RSO topics discussed- Gene to schedule RSO lessons learned.
· Jim to check and activate VMS for RSO status.
· Tom Moore report still have issue with unknown deposits- need to remind committee chairs depositing money to let Tom know where it came from.
· Bull Roast planning discussion- volunteers, budget, varmint match, arcade, menu.
o Draft flyer reviewed, add RSVP request
o Need letter for beer and wine – Jim to take care of.
o Motion for vote to serve beer and allow firearms in swap meet.
o Vote was 5 to 3 to allow beer at bull roast and firearms in swap meet held in clubhouse.
· Agree next members meeting will be held in October and the by-laws vote to be held in October members meeting
· Meeting adjourned 8:50 pm
Regular Hunter Ed
The 2011 schedule for the rifle and archery regular hunter education is listed below. The current instructors are Gene Adamson, Jeff Edwards, Mitch Arnold, Don Biesecker, Dave Unruh, Jim Gilmore, Ron Steen, Mike Jacobs, Mike McKaig, Ken Ruiz, Margaret Rothermel, Clayton Allen, Bob Ventura, and Jim Ball. Hunter Education always needs help in both the classroom and range. If you are interested in helping out in either the rifle and/or archery hunter education courses contact: Gene Adamson at 301-971-1531 or Mitch Arnold at 303-977-2117 and we’ll get you started.
Regular Hunter Ed students must attend the 3 classroom sessions (Tues, Wed, & Thurs; 6:00 to 9:00 P.M.) and the range session (Saturday 8:30 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.) to complete the course. All classes will be held at the clubhouse in the SHFC recreation area. You must attend all four days in a month’s session. Cost for the class is $10. Pre-register by calling Mitch Arnold at 303-972-8983 or Bob Ventura at 303-953-1966. A minimum of 10 students are needed at the first class to continue the class. Classes are open to the public.
Upcoming dates for 2011 Firearm Hunters Ed:
(Three classroom sessions, One Range Day)
Aug 23, 24, 25 & 27 1800 to 2100 Tue, Wed & Thur 0830 to 1500 Sat
Sep 27, 28, 29 & Oct 1st 1800 to 2100 Tue, Wed & Thur 0830 to 1500 Sat
Oct 18, 19, 20 & 22 1800 to 2100 Tue, Wed & Thur 0830 to 1500 Sat
Nov 15, 16, 17 & 19 1800 to 2100 Tue, Wed & Thur 0830 to 1500 Sat
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SHFC September 2011 Newsletter
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SHFC September 2011 Newsletter
Archery Committee NEWS & Hunting Report
SHFC has received the LMSSC HR and Plant protection permission letter to archery hunt on LMSSC property for the 2011 season. This is part of the CWD control plan requested by the CDOW:
* The boundaries are significantly different from 2010 due to hazardous propulsion operations and testing occurring this summer and fall. The following map shows the restricted areas and the current times they apply. If you have questions or concerns please contact your Archery committee or the SHFC Board.
· The inner yellow circle is for the construction phase through 9/1/11.
· The larger circle is the exclusion zone for the testing 9/1/11 –12/15/11.
* Only personnel who are SHFC members in good standing effective April 1 of the current year will be allowed to archery hunt the LMSSC property during the 2011 season.
* Anyone wanting to archery hunt the 2011 season must complete their 2011 work bond (any committee type) (Guests are exempt, but encouraged, from this requirement) prior to obtaining a 2011 permit.