The following information was shared with students on the first day of school. It is designed to help your student have a positive experience in history class this year. Please read and then sign and return the back page.


  • Students in class every day (students experience the highest level of success by being in class).
  • Always have a POSITIVE ATTITUDE
  • Students are responsible for themselves, this includes their belongings, assignments, and behavior.


  • Illinois law requires students to pass a Constitution/history test prior to being promoted to high school. In the past Peoria has used a series of five tests to fulfill this requirement. Beginning this year this requirement will fulfilled in 7th grade using two tests. The first unit of study and test will be the Federal Government/history and will take place in December; the second unit and test will cover Illinois Government/history and will be given in January. This year’s 8th graders have taken 2 of the 5 tests and will take the remaining three tests in January. These tests will cover the Flag, Voting and Illinois.


  • 1 inch binder to be with student every day
  • We will set up notebooks in class
  • Students will be expected to keep all daily journals, class notes, worksheets, and graded material in their notebook.
  • Daily Journals are class starters and will be graded weekly(recorded as required work)
  • Notebook grades:
  • a quiz using required notes to fill in blanks or
  • notes may be collected at the end of a chapter/section/unit.


  • Use planner to record daily assignments.
  • Most days there will some type of student work and time given in class to start – work to be completed outside of class may include notes, worksheets, study guides, reviews, or reading. A homework grade will be give primarily for worksheets.
  • Tests will be announced in advance and study guides given.
  • There will be several out of class projects during the year.
  • Assignments will be posted on the web site and in the classroom.


  • The district grade policy and grading scale are used
  • Grades may be checked on Skyward.
  • I make every effort to keep grades up to date.

LATE WORK (per district policy)

  • Assignments are considered late if they are not turned in when I collect them.
  • If you did not turn in the assignment, you will be given the opportunity to complete the assignment with a lower grade.
  • The grade given will be lowered by one letter grade for each day the assignment is late until the assignment is an “F”.
  • Please leave all late work in the late/absent basket on the back shelf. Please include your first and last name, period # and date you are turning in the assignment.


•If you are absent you have 2 days for each day you were absent to complete the work.

•You will find any handouts from the day you were gone in the absent folder on the back board.

•Please place completed absent work in the late/absent work basket.

•Be sure to put your full name, period, and date of absence on your assignment.

•Absent work will be recorded as a “0” until it is completed and graded. This includes tests and projects.


  • LMS phone 693-4427
  • email
  • Website
  • My prep time is 6th period 11:12-11:52

Please feel free to contact me at any time with questions or concerns.

Working together your child will have a fantastic year inhistory class.

Thank you in advance for your support and cooperation.

Please sign and return this page. You may keep the front pages for your records.

We have read the requirements and procedures for Ms. Vyncke’s history class.

We understand her grading system, late/absent work policy, expectations, and requirements. We have been given contact information should we need to contact Ms. Vyncke with any questions or concerns.

Student’s Name (print please)


Student Signature Date


Parent Signature Date

Please provide contact information.

Phone ______

Email ______

Do you have a preferred method of communication? ______

Please complete this portion to earn extra credit (5 points) for your child.

Please share one piece of information that you would like me to know about your child. This can be serious, interesting or funny.