From the Partnership Board meeting on:

Wednesday 1st March 2017

Wells Place centre, (sanctuary room) Wells Place, Eastleigh

People who were there:


Apologies: Madeleine Durie, Melody Mew, Sue Windess, Leon Major, Ian Penfold

Changes to Learning Disability Services in Hampshire - Update from Simon Cartland

There are some changes happening in Hampshire’s Learning Disability Teams. These changes are happening from 3rd April 2017. There will be four adults Learning Disability Teams in Hampshire in two localities, North and South.

The new telephone number will be 0300 555 1386 where there will be a duty team, long term and short term teams.

The experience so far has been positive overall for Eastleigh and Havant. The new team can signpost people quickly and resolve queries. Sally said that some people have been waiting too long on the line at Hants Direct. Simon said that we are working on reducing the amount of time people wait and we have recruited 12 new staff for this service. There are 70 people working across Hants Direct and training is being given to new staff. Adult services are also meeting weekly with managers at Hants Direct. Hants Direct will have access to information of the person with a learning disability so if you are a carer, you will be able to access Hants Direct too (there will be checks for security purposes).

People including professionals should now have been informed of the changes.
When the border changes (ie: Fareham, Gosport, Liss, Bordon, Alton), further correspondence has been thought.

Sally said that a named care manager would make it easier for parents/carers. Simon said that anyone who has a current case worker will be given a direct number. Adult services do not have enough staff to have a named person.

Sally said that we might want to add a promise on the LD plan where we expect that calls will be answered within X amount of time. This should be checked and fed back to the LIGs.

Debbie said that her care package took a very long time to come when she was in the hospital.

My Life My Way

Marcia and Leon went to a meeting in Alton on the 3rd February. The meeting was about people with complex needs getting the right support. They worked in groups in the morning and afternoon. They found that children services do not have a Partnership Board like ours and maybe we could ask if they wanted to be part of our group.

Sally said that it is easier for “more able” parents to be part of this project. Jess said that support planning is open to everyone. Champions are currently being trained in person centred planning and the project is exciting and open to everyone.

Simon said that we need to ask education providers and health team what they are doing to support young people coming trough. We thought that maybe the Future’s team (the old transition team) would like to come and talk to us at our Partnership Board to tell us what they are doing. There is also a parent/carer’s network and peers leaders group.

ACTION: invite education, health and future’s team to our Board.

LD plan review

The service user reps fed back to the Board. A copy of their report can be found at:

Jess thanks the LIG reps and said that she was glad that the LD plan had made a difference to some people.

The carers reps fed back to the Board too. A copy of their report can be found at:

Jess said that the Care Act will help parents/carers. We have less money than before. Processes should be followed and parents should be respected. HCC is protecting the services for families. For respite, new carers are coming through the door and we also need to protect older carers’ needs for people with disabilities who live at home.

Cllr Fairhurst added that if there are any urgent issues, to let us know straight away and not wait for a Board meeting. Hampshire goes above and beyond other councils but finances are stretched. She will check with the police commissioner about the spit guards’ policy.

Anything else:

LD plan review meeting on 29th March. Flo has now a group of people for this meeting.

We will be holding Partnership Board co-chair elections at the June Meetings. In the meantime, the LIGs will hold their own elections for service users LIG reps and carers’ reps.

Henry would like news on T17 and T19 (T19 is a new set of savings HCC have to make). Jess will give us some information.

Tanya was pleased the Partnership Board won an award for their work.

Peter enjoyed the meeting.

Sam said that respite was very important for her and her family.

James thought that the spitting guards/housing topics were interesting. He is still not sure about Job centre + (we will talk about it in the LIG).

Jess said that we have 6 people with learning disability into paid work. HCC has also got a target.

Thank you for coming.

No other business. End of meeting.

The next Partnership Board meeting will be at Wells Place Centre on Wednesday 28th June 2017 - 10 am to 12.30 at Wells Place centre, Wells Place, Eastleigh (sanctuary room). Only the LD Quality Group, invitees and guests should attend this meeting.


If you would like to get involved with your Local Implementation Group (LIG) please e-mail