MOAC Access 15 Database Tools Knowledge Assessment

Name: ____________Date: ______Period: ______

Matching: Match the term in Column 1 to its description in Column 2.

_____1. backup a. in a split database, the file that contains the queries, forms, reports, and other objects created from the tables

_____2. back-end file b. details about a file that describe or identify it

_____3. front-end file c. optimizes files and fixes minor problems in the file structure of a database

_____4. database properties d. to scramble data in a way that can only be reconverted by an authorized user who has the correct password

_____5. Database Splitter e. removing the password from an encrypted file

_____6. Compact and Repair f. describe how objects in a database are dependent on or command rely on other components to function properly

_____7. encrypting g. creates a report that shows details, or definitions, about a selected object database and opens it in Print Preview

_____8. object dependencies h. a copy of a database file

_____9. Database Documenter i. the file that contains the tables in a split database

_____10. decrypting j. a wizard that splits a database for you

True/False: Circle T if the statement is true or F if the statement is false.

T F 1. Backing up files on a regular basis is really not necessary.

T F 2. When you back up a database, Access automatically adds the date to the file name.

T F 3. Compacting and repairing a database leaves the file fragmented.

T F 4. Some database properties are updated by Access and cannot be changed.

T F 5. The .accdb extension is for the Access 2002–2003 file format.

T F 6. Access Options allow you to customize Access.

T F 7. If you forget a password for a database, Microsoft can retrieve it for you.

T F 8. You can print a report from the Database Documenter.

T F 9. The Compact and Repair command allows you to find missing table links.

T F 10. It is a good idea to back up a database before splitting it.