Karen McNamara Spears
1803 79th Place Lubbock, Texas 79423-2409 (806) 745-0345
May, 2002. Doctor of Philosophy Degree.
University of Arizona, College of Education, Tucson, AZ
Major: Teaching and Teacher Education; Minor: Special Education
May, 1994. Masters Degree in Severe Special Needs (all levels).
Boston College, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Chestnut Hill, MA
May, 1994. Masters Degree in Elementary Education.
Boston College, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Chestnut Hill, MA
May, 1988. Bachelor of Arts in Psychology.
Boston College, School of Arts and Sciences, Chestnut Hill, MA
Fall, 2006-present. Instructor in Division of Curriculum and Instruction.
Texas Tech University, College of Education, Lubbock, TX
August, 2002-Fall 2006. Visiting Assistant Professor in Division of Curriculum and Instruction.
Texas Tech University, College of Education, Lubbock, TX
January, 2002-May, 2002. Instructor for TTE 300, Classroom Processes and Instruction.
University of Arizona, College of Education, Dept. of Teaching and Teacher Education (TTE), Tucson, AZ
January, 2002-May, 2002. Graduate Teaching Associate for Dr. Carter.
University of Arizona, College of Education, Department of TTE, Tucson, AZ
August, 2001-December, 2001. Instructor for TTE 300, Classroom Processes and Instruction.
University of Arizona, College of Education, Department of TTE, Tucson, AZ
August, 2001-December, 2001. Graduate Teaching Associate for Dr. Carter.
University of Arizona, College of Education, Department of TTE, Tucson, AZ
March, 1997-August, 2001. Graduate Research Assistant for Dr. Kampfe et al.
University of Arizona, College of Education, Department of SERSP, Tucson, AZ
January, 2001-May, 2001. Graduate Teaching Associate for Dr. Carter and Dr. Doyle.
University of Arizona, College of Education, Department of TTE, Tucson, AZ
August, 2000-December, 2000. Graduate Teaching Associate for Dr. Carter.
University of Arizona, College of Education, Department of TTE, Tucson, AZ
January, 2000-May, 2000. Graduate Teaching Assistant for Dr. Doyle.
University of Arizona, College of Education, Department of TTE, Tucson, AZ
August, 1999-December, 1999. Instructor for TTE 300, Classroom Processes and Instruction.
University of Arizona, College of Education, Department of TTE, Tucson, AZ
Experience (cont.):
January, 1999-May, 1999. Graduate Teaching Assistant for Dr. Doyle.
University of Arizona, College of Education, Department of TTE, Tucson, AZ
August, 1998-December, 1998. Instructor for TTE 300, Classroom Processes and Instruction.
University of Arizona, College of Education, Department of TTE, Tucson, AZ
January, 1998-May, 1998. Graduate Teaching Assistant for Dr. Doyle.
University of Arizona, College of Education, Department of TTE, Tucson, AZ
August, 1997-December, 1997. Graduate Teaching Assistant for Dr. Carter.
University of Arizona, College of Education, Department of TTE, Tucson, AZ
May, 1991-July, 1995. Master Teacher.
Boston College Campus School, Chestnut Hill, MA
September, 1989-April, 1991. Teacher Assistant.
Boston College Campus School, Chestnut Hill, MA
August, 1988-August, 1989. Assistant Manager and Counselor.
New Boston Resources, Revere, MA
Service and Affiliations:
present Member of American Educational Research Association (AERA)
present Member of Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD)
present Serve on College of Education’s Faculty Council
present Serve on Project IDEAL Committee and am developing a module
present Serve on PAC Committee
present Serve on Graduate / Dissertation Committee for one doctoral student
present Serve as advisor for two graduate students
present Serve on Master’s Comprehensive Examination Committee for one student
2007 Served as advisor for student that graduated with Master’s Degree
2007 Invited to serve on Master’s Comprehensive Examination Committees (in summer)
2007 Served on Master’s Comprehensive Examination Committees for two students
2005 Served on TExES PPR task force committee
2005 Served on Doctoral Committee for doctoral student who graduated
2005 Served on Master’s Interdisciplinary Comprehensive Examination Committee
Service and Affiliations (cont.):
2005 Served on Master’s Comprehensive Examination Committees for four graduate students
2004 Served on Master’s Comprehensive Examination Committees for two graduate students
2004 Served as Graduate Dean’s Representative for Dissertation Defense
2003 Served on Master’s Comprehensive Examination Committee for a graduate student
2000 Reviewed AERA proposals, Division K
Jan., 1999 Invited to participate in task force for housing office/library for ERIC CASS
Aug., 1997-Feb., 1998 Member of Dean’s Graduate Advisory Group, University of Arizona
Fall, 1997 Reviewed Initial Teacher Preparation candidates’ applications
1997 Served on departmental committee for graduate programs in teacher education
Publications and Manuscripts:
2002 Co-authored piece with faculty members in the University of Arizona department of SERSP entitled “Special education and rehabilitation counseling graduate students’ perceptions of their internships: Initial findings” in Rehabilitation Education, 16 (3).
2002 Special education understandings of prospective teachers (Doctoral dissertation, The University of Arizona, 2002). Dissertation Abstracts International, 63, (04A), (University Micro Fiche No. E9791 2002 058)
1999 Co-authored graduate student colloquy piece in Southern Arizona Review, 1(1).
Speaking Engagements:
2002 Invited guest lecturer in College of Education courses, both at the undergraduate and graduate levels, in the Department of Teaching and Teacher Education as well as the Department of Special Education, Rehabilitation and School Psychology
2001 Invited guest lecturer in College of Education at The University of Arizona courses in the Department of Teaching and Teacher Education
2001 Invited co-presenter at APA workshop seminar for undergraduate and graduate students in the Rehabilitation Counseling Program
2000 Presented with colleague at the AERA Conference, New Orleans, LA
2000 Member of invited panel of colleagues at the Barnes & Noble Educator’s Night, Tucson, AZ
1999 Presented with colleague at Graduate and Professional Student Research Conference, University of Arizona
Speaking Engagements (cont.):
1999 Presented with colleague at 12th Annual Graduate Student Colloquy, The University of Arizona
1998 Presented at Dean’s Forum with Dr. Kampfe et al. research group, University of Arizona
Distinctions and Awards:
2007 Selected for inclusion in AcademicKeys Who’s Who in Education Higher Education
2005 Nominated for the Piper Professor Award and the President’s Academic Achievement Award, Texas Tech University
2004 Recipient of Texas Tech University Success Center’s Professing Excellence Award, one of fifteen faculty in the university selected for this honor, Texas Tech University
2002 4.0 G.P.A. in Ph.D. program, University of Arizona
2001-2002 Awarded Graduate College Fellowship based on meritorious academic achievement, University of Arizona
2001-2002 Graduate Tuition Wavier Recipient, University of Arizona
2001 Recipient of the College of Education Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, first graduate student in University history to receive this award twice, University of Arizona
May, 2001 Honored at Pre-Commencement Graduate Hooding Ceremony as the College of the Education’s Outstanding Teaching Assistant, University of Arizona
2000-2001 Awarded Graduate College Fellowship based on meritorious academic achievement, University of Arizona
2000-2001 Graduate Tuition Wavier Recipient, University of Arizona
2000 Invited by undergraduate student to attend Sorority Professor Appreciation Celebration Dinner
1999-2000 Awarded Graduate College Fellowship based on meritorious academic achievement, University of Arizona
May, 1999 Honored at Pre-Commencement Graduate Hooding Ceremony as the College’s Outstanding Teaching Assistant, University of Arizona
March, 1999 Received the Graduate and Professional Student Council’s Outstanding Research Assistant Award given to one graduate student from the University yearly, University of Arizona
Distinctions and Awards (cont.):
March, 1999 Received College of Education Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award given to one person from each college by the University of Arizona Foundation for meritorious performance in teaching, one of 29 out of over 1200 honored by the Foundation, University of Arizona
March, 1998 Nominee for the College of Education Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, University of Arizona
Aug., 1995-1997 Tuition Wavier Recipient, University of Arizona
Feb., 1994 Passed Master’s Comprehensive Exam with Distinction, Boston College
May, 1992 Received for graduate student who excelled in special education: The Bernard A. Stotsky Award, Thomas H. Browne Prize, Boston College