Humanities II
Dr. Kyoo Lee, Manget 205 (phone 8198),
3rd Response Essay
Choose Any One, or a Combined, Topic from
Make sure you provide your own Title or Title: Subtitle
1. Choose one topic/figure: for instance:
a. You can write on one topic/figure such as
2/16 Machiavelli: Political Humanism and the Rise of “Young” Power [R 15-19] [WH 323-332] [Lecture Note]
b. Or you can combine two or multiple topics/figures under your own heading:
2/14 Pico: Thematic Focus on (Being) Human [R 1-4] [WH 305-6] [Lecture Note]
2/16 Machiavelli: Political Humanism and the Rise of “Young” Power [R 15-19] [WH 323-332] [Lecture Note]
2. Write something entirely new. You cannot revise or rewrite your own Hum II Essay #1 or Hum II Essay #2. No repetition is allowed. Choose from the entries about which you have not previous written before.
3. Review all the questions raised in the topic/figure of your choice; pay attention to the thematic structure and flow of the sub-set questions, so that you can come up with your own title/subtitle.
4. Answer, or at least address, all the questions: you do not have to follow the exact order in which the questions appear, but must demonstrate an ability or at least an effort to synthesise all the key questions and answers; you must create a meaningful and sustained discourse about the topic.
5. If there are any other questions or issues you wish to address, you are strongly encouraged to do so, which will be rewarded, but only after—in addition to—fulfilling the basic requirements.
6. Required Reading material:
a. You must use and cite from:
i. the textbook as indicated: [WH xxx][R xxx] [In-class: the web-linked material]
ii. at least two scholarly articles, or books, or book chapters—electronic or print, in any combination--from the LC lib electronic resources such as Netlibrary and e-brary, immediately or closely relevant to your topic: the ability to choose the suitable material is part of the test. You are more than welcome to consult with me about the choice you are to make or a couple of options you are considering, but you cannot ask me to provide reference(s).
b. You may cite from publicly available websites, but limit them to no more than two.
Other Instructions
1 Length: Five pages (minimum) to seven pages (maximum), Double-spaced.
1 Use of Citations and Secondary sources:
o Style: MLA or Chicago; whichever style you adopt, be consistent. Respect this formality of academic writing. It is a crucial part of your writing lesson and training.
o Scope: You are encouraged to use any other references deemed relevant, but strongly discouraged from relying too much on external sources (e.g., copy and paste patchwork).
o Web-citation: provide the URL address.
1 Evaluation Criteria: see the evaluation rubric (cf. the syllabus)
o Be creative by all means, but be so in addition to being faithful to the instructions; your originality has to be expressed within the formalized parameters of requirements.
o You cannot get an A-level grade (point 8.7-9.9) on this assignment, however brilliant your thoughts are, or however long your essay is,
§ Without fulfilling all the criteria concerning the use of secondary sources;
§ Without following the regulations and requirements concerning citations.
· Warning: a violation of honour code is a violation: “know your code.”
o Deadline: extremely firm; one grade point reduction per day missed.