Student Development Diversity Initiatives (SDDI) is committed to fostering the engagement of the Cornell community and beyond resulting from the work emanated from recognized undergraduate student organizations registered under Student Development Diversity Initiatives (SDDI) & Cornell University’s Orgsync. Funded events must fulfill one of the following objectives: educational &/or professional development, equity, or cross-cultural community engagement and feeling of belonging.

Collaborative events involving multiple registered SDDI organizations are eligible for no more than $650 in funding. Single organizations are eligible to apply up to $325. SDDI funding is limited, competitive, and funding is not guaranteed. We encourage programming with, not only student organizations, but academic and administrative departments across campus.


·  Organizations must be registered on Orgsync as Undergraduate student organizations

·  Organizations must be registered as SDDI student organizations by –

o  Registering for, attending and tabling at the SDDI student organization fair

o  Attending and signing in at the Financial and Event Management training on Sunday, September 10, 2017 from 11.45a to 1p (President, Treasurer, OR the person who will be submitting applications) – you will receive information about this after the fair, via e mail

Funding Criteria

Proposed programs and events must be culturally inclusive and open to the entire Cornell community.

o  Maximums: $650 for collaborative funding; $325 for individual funding

Organizations are only allowed to apply once – whether they apply alone or collaboratively

Funding Preferences

·  Applications should demonstrate a serious and deliberate approach to coordinating the proposed event

·  Proposed events should clearly align with the mission of SDDI

·  Applications should list more than one source of funding for their program

·  Applications with detailed, itemized budgets and supplemental financial documentation are strongly preferred over those with vague and general budget proposals

Prohibited Expenses

Student Development Diversity Initiatives will NOT consider funding for the following:

·  Organizations who have already received SDDI funding during the current academic year

·  Expenses for past events

·  Events held outside the Ithaca area

·  Strictly social events (i.e. parties)

·  General body meetings/events held for members only

·  Travel & Lodging for organization members

·  Events deviating from original proposal/budget

·  Publications

·  Durable Goods (inc. uniforms, plaques, gifts for members/speakers, decorations)

·  Important NOTE: Applications will not be considered if your event will be held within 3 weeks of the application deadline

Submission & Deadline

Only completed applications will be considered for funding. All applications must be emailed to by the deadline – 4:30 pm on the second Thursday of every month. You can also drop off a paper copy to 626 Thurston Avenue. If you would like additional help to apply for funding, please email . After an application is submitted, your organization will be contacted for further steps the following week.

Funding Decisions

Before a funding decision is made, the president, treasurer, and/or advisor may be contacted for clarifications or further documentation. All organizations will receive notification of funding approval/denial within a week of all final document acquisition.

Funding Processes – if funding is granted (all to )

·  Payments to either SAFC or to a department –

o  Invoice/receipts (scanned is fine, but keep originals in case of audit) and flyer (with SDDI’s logo)

·  For reimbursements (see next page)

o  Invoice/receipts (scanned is fine, but keep originals in case of audit) and flyer (with SDDI’s logo)

o  Name and Net ID of the person who purchased the goods

o  Address (local; if on campus, permanent as well)

o  Phone Number

o  OR you can pick up a reimbursement form from outside of 626 Thurston Ave, Room 203, fill it out, and drop off your original receipts along with the form

·  Please see important additional information, including requirements to continue to maintain funding eligibility on pages 9 – 10

We look forward to seeing your application!!


Team SDDI Funding Commission

Student Organization Funding Application Information

General Information

Organization Information

Organization Name:

Organization Mission:










Event Proposal

Event Title:

Event Date & Time:

Confirmed Venue/Location:

Event Description/Purpose of Activity (800 words maximum)


·  How many people do you expect to attend this event?

·  Who is your target audience?

·  How will your organization be advertising this event?

·  Is there an admission fee?

Is this an annual event? Yes No

Event Goals

·  How does this event align with SDDI’s mission of supporting the growth and identity development of students beyond the classroom; fostering a culture of understanding and inclusion where students build bridges and engage across difference while developing cultural and global awareness, social responsibility, and leadership?

Event Schedule (attach)

·  Please provide a general agenda for the event, including time for set up and clean up

Performers/Speakers (attach additional pages if necessary)

·  If there are any performers/speakers, please list their name(s), attach a bio, and if they have already been confirmed.

Budget Section

Complete the provided budget form below, and attach any supplemental information/documentation (i.e. estimated cost of travel, estimate of food cost, any confirmed price quotes, etc.) Applications without complete budget forms with supportive documentation will not be considered.

Amount / Description
Ticket Sales
Co-Sponsorships (Organizations)
Co-Sponsorships (Departments)
Income (Organizaton account, SAFC
gifts, or other)
Total Revenue:
Performers, speakers, including transportation/lodging fees and
Technical (Audio/visual) Costs or
Copies & Printing (flyers, posters, mailings, etc.)
Misc. (please specify)
Total Expenses
Total Amount Requested from SDDI

·  What other funding sources are being pursued in support of this event? Please include contact information of each funding source that you will be seeking.

Student Funding Agreement

The following contains important information regarding the funding process, should the Student Development Diversity Initiatives Finance Commission approve your request.

·  Funding Notification & Transfer:

o  Funded student organizations are required to submit pictures of event and receipts to no more than 2 (two) weeks after the event. Please submit at least two pictures of the event and any/all receipts associated with the event that were not already included in budget proposal. SDDI reserves the right to withhold distribution of funds if the above conditions are not met. Additionally, organizations may lose eligibility for future funding.

o  Promotion: If SDDI sponsors the proposed event, the organization(s) must list SDDI as a (co-)sponsor on event promotion. If SDDI is not listed as a co-sponsor on the event publicity, the organization(s) will become ineligible for future SDDI funding.

Questions or concerns about your application and funding eligibility may be directed to the SDDI funding commission at .

I have read, understand and agree with the funding guidelines and requirements for receiving funds through the SDDI and I certify that all information provided is accurate to the best of our knowledge.

President’s Signature: ______Date:

Treasurer’s Signature: ______Date:

Advisor’s Signature: ______Date:

------Office Use Only------

Date Application Received: ______

Reviewed By: ______

Signature: ______

Funding Request Status: Approved Amount Approved: $______

Pending Reason: ______

Denied Reason: ______