Homework for the Week of May 1st

Language Arts / ·  Read 20 min./record on reading log
·  Vocabulary page 145
·  Write answers in blanks / ·  Read 20 min./record on reading log
·  Vocabulary page 146
·  Write answers in blanks / ·  Read 20 min./record on reading log
·  Vocabulary page 147 / ·  Read 20 min./record on reading log
·  Vocabulary TEST / ·  Read 20 min./record on reading log
Math / IXL N1 Measuring to the nearest inch (score must >80) / IXL N2
(score must >80) / IXL N3
(score must >80) / No homework / No homework
Science / Study for light test
Work on packet / Study for light test
Work on packet / LIGHT TEST
S.S. / ·  Practice Let It Grow
·  Memorize lyrics
·  Start memorizing lines / ·  Practice Let It Grow
·  Memorize lyrics
·  Start memorizing lines / ·  Practice Let It Grow
·  Memorize lyrics
·  Start memorizing lines / ·  Practice Let It Grow
·  Memorize lyrics
·  Start memorizing lines / ·  Practice Let It Grow
·  Memorize lyrics
·  Start memorizing lines
Specials / PE / ART / PE / Computer / PE
MENU / Cheese Stuffed Breadsticks (V)
Teriyaki Chicken with Fried Rice or Lo Mein
Chicken Caesar Salad
Vegetarian Caesar Salad
/ Chicken and Cheese Nachos
French Bread Pizza
Popcorn Chicken Salad
Vegetarian Chef Salad
/ Chicken Nuggets with Dinner Roll
Pasta with Two Sauces (V)
Taco Salad
Vegetarian Taco Salad
/ Pizza: Cheese (V), Tk Pepperoni, Specialty
Roasted Chicken with Dinner Roll
Grilled Chicken and Fruit Salad
Vegetarian Fruit Salad
/ Hamburger/Cheeseburger
Macaroni and Cheese with Fish Sticks
Macaroni and Cheese with Dinner Roll (V)
Chicken Caesar Salad
Vegetarian Caesar Salad