Europäische Wollwäsche: Regionale und ökologisch sinnvolle Projekte
Le lavage des laines européennes: projets régionaux et écologiques
Wool scouring in Europe: regional and ecological projects
Bad Schandau, near Dresde
27 - 28 Mai/May/mai 2005
Wool is a renewable natural resource of great value.
In Europe, several regional initiatives for local wool processing have been launched.
Wool scouring, the first step in the processing chain, is necessary but at present difficult to be carry out for small lots, special fibres,…
Several points are to be examined:
collecting and grading of wool, pressing and balling
infrastructure and organisation
scouring and drying
cooperation with the existing scouring plants
study of small adapted scouring machines
ecological requirements and European directives.
Friday 27 May 2005
8.30 welcome
9.00 presentation of sheep breeders' projects for local wool processing
12.30 lunch
13.30 presentation of wool scouring plants
and machines
treatment systems for scouring effluent
16.30 coffee break
17.00 cooperation and research projects, discussion
19.30 visit of the Nationalpark Information Centre
20.30 dinner
Saturday 28 May 2005
8.00 departure by bus
9.20 visit of a sheep farm and wool collecting centre in Reichstädt
12.30 lunch
13.30 visit of the ERWOTEX wool mill in Jöhstadt
20.30 dinner in Bad Schandau
Sunday 29 May 2005
excursion in the National Park
The exhibitions "Wool of Europe" presenting about 50 European sheep breeds and "Felt objects in local wool" will be open to the public during the two days.
- sheep breeders and associations with projects of local wool processing
- manufacturers of wool scouring machines
- specialists for the treatment of wool scour effluent
- wool scouring enterprises
German, English, French
Practical information
Location: National Park Information Centre in Bad Schandau (Saxony)
Accommodation: hotels, guest houses
Registration fee: 50 euros
(meals, visits and documents)
Registration no later than 31 March 2005
Inviting organisations:
European Wool Group
Officially founded in May 1997 in Brussels, its main aims are to:
improve the value of European produced wool; encourage the international exchange of experience and know-how between all those involved in the wool production chain; represent members’ needs to the EU and other institutions; seek financial aid to improve the sector.
National Parc Information Centre
The information centre offers visitors a wide range of activities with the aim of introducing the special features of the National Park and creating an awareness of the opportunities and risks involved. Besides awakening an interest for nature conservation, it would like to win over people for a sustainable development of the region. Fostering collaboration with its Czech neighbours is another important concern.
founded in 1989 with the aim of developing cooperation between people wishing to promote and upgrade wool as a natural material and to make it once again an element of local development.
Its members - breeders, shearers, processors, designers, scientists … - work with wool, mohair, angora and other animal fibres, mostly in less favoured regions.
The association was launched in France, but has gradually spread to other European countries.
Förderverein Kulturlandschaft Sächsische Schweiz e.V.
a non-profit organisation, with seat in Lilienstein since 1995, owns a flock of Skudden sheep which grazes in orchards. It also supports programs of landscape managing.
Since 2003, the association is in charge of a study for the relaunching of the wool sector in our region and the neighbouring district.
The objective is to create a regional unit for wool processing and marketing.
Information and registration:
Marie-Thérèse Chaupin
Filature de Chantemerle, F-05330 St Chaffrey
tél. +33/492.25.71.88