Toronto Area Safety Coalition
Thursday April 26, 2016
10:00am – 12:00pm
York Region Offices, 50 High Tech Rd., Main Floor, Corporate Learning Room C
Active Members:Peter Mohyla, GO Transit/Metrolinx / Wendy Jang, City of Toronto, PF&R
Silvana Farrace-Perry, York Public HealthX / Sheldon Koo, City of Toronto, Transportation
Stephanie Cowle, OIPRCX / Brock Munro, Toronto Fire Services
Joanne Banfield, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre (C&T)X / Giancarlo Marrelli, Toronto Police Services X
Brandy Tanenbaum, Sunnybrook Health Sciences CentreX / Jill Miller, Toronto Police Services
Karen Hodge, York Regional Police / Bill Watts, OPP, Port Credit
Lisa Thompson, Ministry of Transportation (S) X / Paula Waddell, Toronto Public HealthX
Sheila Dove, Toronto District School Board/Toronto Catholic District School BoardX
Associate Members:
Sonia Douglas, Health Canada (A)
Prepared by: Lisa Thompson1
Attendees present (X) / Associate Members (A) / Chair(C) / Treasurer
(T) / Secretary
(S) / Guest
Agenda item / Discussion/Outcome/Decision / Action/Follow-up
- Welcome and introductions
- Members and guests introduced themselves
- Review previous Minutes
- Motion to approve the Minutes from March 10, 2016:
- Motion approved: Sheila
- Seconded by: Brandy
- Treasurers Report
- $10,490.74 in total, unrestricted funds
- Adorable Outfitters Fashion Show
- What worked:
- Social media package developed by Stephanie & Brandy
- Photo booth was great, but under used
- What needed fixing:
- Lighting could have been better to showcase the reflective elements
- Could have done a better job of filling to capacity, had we known there was so few seats actually reserved
- Adorable needed to get in the social media game earlier, and on additional mediums (e.g. Instagram, Twitter)
- Sharing the story with other networks
- What are the important campaign elements (e.g. hang tag, event, social media) and how they came together to promote this event?
- What pieces can we create that will tell this story?
- One-pager w/samples
- Videos that showcase development, the event, the reactions or of the exhibit
- FAQ’s on working with private sector
- Installation display box(from dark to lit up) w/videos showcasing
- See more reference to the contest and fashion show at:
- Tagboard of #VisibilityByDesign social mentions
- Event photographer photos on Facebook
- Adorable Outerwear facebook page
- Adorable Outerwear Twitter profile
Stephanie will promote what we create with the other injury prevention networks
Stephanie, Brandy, Lisato work on developing a sharable message about the initiative for the fall
- Safer & Vital Communities Grant
- Roundtable
- Lisa, MTO:
- 2014 ORSAR numbers will be released soon, preliminary are out
- Giancarlo, TPS:
- Will be at the Hondy Indy with OPP & MTO July 15-17, 2016
- Silvana, York Public Health:
- Concussion education to ER staff with resources. Some doctors are asking for this resource to be added to their electronic records
- Finalizing car seat safety clinics for the remainder of the year. Working with YRP & EMS
- Social media numbers so far from Visibility by Design:
- 552 Faceook reaches, 2 likes and 2 clicks
- 7 Twitter posts, 18 retweets, 19 likes
- Sheila, TDSB/TCDSB:
- Finishing off the year, with focus on car seats and preparing for next year
- School bus orientation happening for kindergarten
- Paula, City of Toronto:
- Officially pulled out of car seat installations, but still answer basic questions on car seats
- Compliance is over 90%
- Focus has shifted to booster seats
- Working with TPS to develop a helmet initiative and a 2-V-1 video
- Stephanie, OIPRC:
- 20th Anniversary of Safe Kids Week May 30-June 5, 2016
- 2014 child injury data will be available shortly
- Brandy, Sunnybrook:
- Risky Play is taking off, and have been delivering more on this at various conferences
Brandy will share more on Risky Play
- Next meeting
Prepared by: Lisa Thompson1