NCRS Heartland Chapter

Events Planning Meeting and Board Meeting


Meeting(s) Minutes

2007 Events Schedule developed during meeting:

2/17/07 – Chapter Breakfast Meeting and Technical Forum; Machine Shed in West Des Moines (start time?)

3/17/07 – Chapter Breakfast Meeting/Roundtable at Machine Shed, then visit to Dick Mathern Corvette Collection (start time?)

4/21/07 – Tech Session (’60 Front end rebuild); starts at 10am, Pleasant Hill, IA

5/19/07 – Speedway Motors Trip; Lincoln, NE

6/16/07 – Heartland Chapter Dinner at Rochester NCRS Regional Event – Thursday night

7/21/07 – Heartland Chapter NCRS Picnic; The Ledges in Boone, IA; meet at 10 am, then cruise and picnic

8/18/07 – Heartland Chapter Judging School; Crescent Chevrolet; starts 10 am

9/8/07 – Heartland Chapter NCRS Judging Meet; Crescent Chevrolet; starts 8 am

10/20/07 – Heartland Fall Color Tour (location TBD)

11/17/07 – Tech Session (with Chilli); Dick Bennett’s house (Dick is making the chilli); starts at 12 noon

12/1/07 – Heartland Chapter Annual Meeting; starts at 12 noon; location TBD

There was discussion regarding the Heartland Chapter purchasing a central copy of the Restorer CD’s containing all the Restorer articles. This was agreed that the chapter would purchase these and Larry Smith would be the central librarian, maintaining the CD’s, and also the contact for requests of information from the discs. Cost is approx. $150.

Chapter Logo Clothing: Jeff Moores brought an embroidered Heartland Logo, and indicated that he has access to discounted apparel that the heartland logo can be applied to. Todd Gifford is going to f/up with Jeff and put in Logo apparel information in the Newsletter. A large order may be coordinated as well to be placed.

Heartland NCRS Board Meeting

Larry Smith (Treasurer) indicated that our current bank balance is $3,335.07.

He also indicated that we have another new member:

James Cogil, in Johnston, IA, NCRS #38496

Heartland Chapter Stickers were discussed. Todd Gifford presented one preliminary quote, and is waiting for a couple more. It was decided that the focus will be on the white background, 3 inch diameter, and adhesive on back only --- unless the Min Buy Qty is low for doing adhesive back and front versions. Todd will f/up with at least 2 more quotes. Dick suggested going to Rally Products in Wisconsin for a quote, which Todd will do.

Heartland Chapter membership growth was discussed in terms of methods that can be used to gain new members. Placing an ad in the Des Moines Register was discussed, and Nita Noble will get a price quote on that to present to the Board. Todd will request a list of NCRS members from National and compare that to chapter membership. The resulting list of NCRS members not in the Heartland Chapter will be sent a direct mailing letter, to solicit their enrollment in the chapter. After that has been done, obtaining other mailing lists will be investigated for future direct mail (ie. People subscribing to Corvette Fever and/or Corvette Enthusiast Magazines would be logical targets).

Newsletter: Cost of the Newsletter was discussed, and it was decided that Heartland would target 5 Newsletters per year, in the 6-page (3x2) color format, and, that we would not send hardcopy printed versions to the other Chapters, in order to reduce the printing/mailing costs. Other NCRS chapter copies would be emailed only, with exception of some key National NCRS contacts, who will receive the printed version. It was also decided that we would put a ‘Feedback Insert’ in the next newsletter in order to get feedback from the membership on the things that they would like to see the Chapter do/not do to get more value from the membership.

Bill Yohn and Don Heckenburg will be Board Members at large as part of the Heartland Board. Meeting minutes will be sent out to all Board Members via email.