Wildcat Hockey Board Meeting Minutes

Thursday, September 14, 2017 - 7 PM – Ice Pond

Call to order @ 7:02 pm

Board Members Present

President- Mike Thompson

President Elect - John Samuelson

Past-President - Kory Lehr

Director Of Fundraising - Tye Moen

Treasurer - Derek Hoffman

ALD LTP – Annie Hahn

ALD Peewee – Russ Rupert

ADL Bantam - Al Barger

Secretary – Julie Fulton

ACE Director - Brandon Ballweg

Ace Emeritus - Justin Segersten

Board Members Excused Absence

ALD Squirt - Karla Endres

Appointed Position Representatives

Equipment Manager – Alex McKelvey

Director Recruiting/Marketing- Savage Clark

Norske representative/ Tournament Director - Jamie Doty

Registrar- Brett Mcfall

Apparel Manager- Lisa Kaisin

Appointed Position Representatives Absent

Director Recruiting/Marketing- Savage Clark

Ice Scheduler- Jessie Summers

Director Concessions- Lori Hoffman

Other Members Present

Leif Mikkelson

Member open forum

●  nothing


Approval of prior meeting minutes

Derek H made a motion to approve the August minutes. Annie H second. Motion was approved unanimously.

Additions to the agenda


Approval of agenda

Julie F made a motion to approve the August agenda. Kory L second. Motion was approved unanimously.


●  Player billing status update - payments must be made prior to tryouts

Board Reports:


●  Board positions and expectations reviewed

●  ALDs need to monitor pre-season practices - kids who are not registered cannot be on the ice

●  Review tryout process/ entering scores

●  Wildcat Classic 3vs3 Tom Reis to manage

●  Wild weekend - Bantam teams and PeeWee A,B

●  Tom Reis has resigned as Head Coach Elect

●  Dryland Facility - Skill and athletic development

○  $1000/ mo rent/heat/utilities

○  $15,000 Buildout

○  contingent on insurance costing < $2000/year

○  Julie F made the motion to proceed with the dryland training center, John S second. Motion was approved unanimously.


●  Matt Salzberry is the new U6 Mite ALD

●  No rule changes for 2017-2018 season for U6

●  Dodgeville and Janesville would like to be part of the league

●  U6 schedule and game ice due 10/22/17

●  Storage cart expense passed $250

●  Cap mite nights being planned

Mite ALD:

●  Annie Hahn is the new U8 Mite ALD

●  Dubuque would like to join league

●  games will be played Saturdays and Sundays (not enough ice in Dane Co to play on Sunday only) - game ice needed by 9/29/17

Squirt ALD: Absent

Peewee ALD:

●  There will be 4 PeeWee teams this season

Bantam ALD:

●  There will be 3 Bantam teams this season

Equipment Manager:

●  Pinnies - 23 missing, order to replace those made ($1,100)

●  Goalie gear labelled - need throat shield

●  water bottles ordered


●  Golf outing - Heidi Schlappi $15,000 profit

●  Photos Jenny Ripley will be contacted - set for 10/22/17


●  Spirit wear - new company -BSN, on-line orders, plan to open during tryouts


●  Need list of those not signed up so ALDs can follow up with those families

●  2 transfer players approved, 1 was not

Secretary: nothing to report

Ice scheduler: Absent

●  Keri Summers will be entering final schedule onto website

Marketing Director: Absent

●  Try Hockey for Free - 11/4/17, 3/3/18

Ace Director / Head Coach Elect:

●  Leif Mikkelson is now the Skills Director

●  All coaches must complete levels and background/ safesport before they go on the ice

●  Bantam goalies (4 goalies - 2 to A team because one might leave for HS)

●  PeeWee goalies (6 goalies for 4 teams)

●  Goalie tryout will be on the bubble tryout night

Tournament Director:

●  Wildcats will not host a Bantam C tourney

●  Wildcats will participate Skate to Eliminate Cancer

Director of Concessions: Absent

President Elect:

●  2n2 challenge (Try Hockey for Free, need to schedule welcome back skate)

●  Region 4 mtg 9/20/17 - Brett McFAll going

●  Team scheduling mtg 10/29/17 11am- 2pm - MIA

●  Background checks and safesport need to be done by all board members, coaches, managers

●  Assist with Girls Hockey Weekend - 10/7/17 - equipment bags

Past President:

nothing to report

Old/New Business & Reports:

New Business: Midget Coop with Sun Prairie

Adjourn: Julie F made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Annie H seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 9:33 pm.

●  Next Board Meeting: Thursday, October 12th – 7:00PM at the Ice Pond