Oklahoma Academic Standards- Grade 8 Writing RubricQuestions Name: ______

Directions: This rubric focuses on five specific writing skills that are required to pass the state test. Work with your group mates to determine how the rubric connects with the writing skills you have practiced in class. The writing portion is worth 12% of the overall test.

1. When reading the prompt, what can you do to identify the task and audience?

2. What can you do to make sure you address the prompt fully in your thesis statement?

3. How do you give textural evidence?

4. What does it mean to elaborate on textual evidence?

5. What is a counterclaim and how do you use it in your essay?

1. What belongs in an introduction?

2. What strategies can you use to engage the reader in an introduction?

3. How can you ensure that you maintain the focus of your writing?

4. What are transition words used for?

5. Give three examples of transition words.

6. What belongs in a conclusion?

1. Make these verbs livelier with three examples for each word:





2. Make these adjectives livelier with three examples for each word:






3. What is figurative language?

4. Give an example of each in a sentence based on the prompt: I walk to school every day.





5. Write and punctuate a conversation you had with an adult recently. Give at least three changes in speaker.

1. What part of speech components make up every sentence?

2. How can you fix a run-on sentence?

3. When are semicolons and colons used?

4. What is the reason and value for writing sentences in a variety of structures, types, or lengths?

I like to write I can express my views when I write I am free no one gets to judge me no one can argue with me when I am done I can though it away or I can share it writing is awesome

5. Rewrite the above sentence and vary your sentence structure.

6. How do you show paragraphing?

7. What will indicate to you that you should begin another paragraph?

***This rubric is over such basic, foundational skills from elementary school that it should not need to be reviewed.

Name: Date: Hour:

Writing Outline

Prompt: People have different viewpoints about whether animals, including endangered animals, should live in the wild or in man-made environments. Write an argument essay whether any animals should be kept in a controlled environment, such as zoos or nature parks. Be sure to state a claim and address an opposing viewpoint using evidence presented in both passages.

Introduction Paragraph(offer an engaging hook, background on the topic, why it matters, or a summary of key points):


Thesis Statement

Body Paragraphs

Main Idea I.

Detail A.

Detail B.

Detail C.

Main Idea II.

Detail A.

Detail B.

Detail C.

Main Idea III.

Detail A.

Detail B.

Detail C.

Conclusion Paragraph (Reflect, summarize, explain what have you learned/ the take away): ______

Restated Thesis: ______