Bachelor of Science in History education

The objective of Bachelor of Science in History Education major is to enable the student to acquire an essential knowledge base, skills, and a philosophical foundation for how to make successful, professional decisions that are required of History teachers in public and private schools. Courses required for this major are congruent with Oklahoma state competencies and the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) professional recommendations.

This program seeks that each candidate becomes a transformed thinker influencing their world for Christ. The History Education program will provide a sound academic foundation, in-depth comprehension, and critical thinking skills from a Christian perspective to equip the candidate to be productive and successful in both public and private education. Christian behaviors and perspective will be emphasized in all course offerings and activities. The curriculum is designed accordingly to equip candidates to be productive and successful in whatever professional situation they encounter.

B.S. in History Education Degree Requirements
Course Prefix / Course Title / Credit Hrs. / Offered / Complete
General Education
UNIV 1003 / Strategies for Student Success / 3
* / ECON 2603 / Economics for History / 3
* / ENGL 1113 / English Grammar and Composition I / 3
* / ENGL 1213 / English Grammar and Composition II / 3
* / HIST 1483 / U.S. History I / 3
* / HIST 2113 / Western Civilization I / 3
HPSM 2212 / Lifetime Wellness / 2
MATH 1000-2000 / Any lower division math course / 3
NSCI 1213 / Physical Geography / 3
* / POLI 1113 / American Federal Government / 3
SOCL 1113 / Introduction to Sociology / 3
SPCH 1113 / Introduction to Public Communication / 3
Science 1000-2000 / Any lower division science with lab / 4
Elective / Any 1000-2000 ENGL, LSCI course / 3
Total General Education Credit Hours / 42
Religious Literacy Core
BIBL 1403 / Old Testament History and Literature / 3
BIBL 1413 / New Testament History and Literature / 3
BIBL 2223 / Biblical Hermeneutics / 3
THEO 3913 / Biblical Discipleship / 3
HIST 3133 / Pentecostal History / 3
* / HIST 4153 / Religious History of the U.S. / 3
Total Religious Literacy Core Credit Hours / 18
* Major Core
HIST1493 / U.S. History II / 3
HIST 2243 / Western Civilization II / 3
HIST 3013 / Oklahoma History / 3
HIST 3603 / Historical Methods / 3
HIST 3483 / 20th Century U.S. History / 3
HIST 3143 / Women’s History in the U.S. / 3
HIST 3403 / British Colonial America / 3
HIST 3433 / The Antebellum South / 3
HIST 4313 / World War II / 3
HIST 4513 / The Cold War / 3
HIST 4453 / The Great Depression / 3
HIST 4523 / The Civil Rights Era / 3
Total History Elective Credit Hours / 36
* Professional Teacher Education
EDUC 2000 / Foundations in Education Clinical Practice / 0
EDUC 2113 / Foundations in Education(with EDUC 2000) / 3
EDUC 2301 / Introduction to Education / 1
EDUC 3000 / Educational Technology Clinical Practice / 0
EDUC 3202 / Educational Technology (with EDUC 3000) / 2
EDUC 4000 / Assessment and Evaluation Clinical Practice / 0
EDUC 4232 / Assessment and Evaluation (EDUC 4000) / 2
PSYC 3213 / Child and Adolescent Psychology / 3
PSYC 3123 / Educational Psychology / 3
PSYC 3243 / Psychology of the Exceptional Child / 3
HIST 4000 / Methods of Teaching History Clinical Practice / 0
HIST 4813 / Methods of Teaching History (with HIST 4000) / 3
EDUC 4812 / Classroom Strategies(with EDUC 4815 and 4825) / 2
EDUC 4815 / Teaching Clinical Internship I / 5
EDCU 4825 / Teaching Clinical Internship II / 5
Total Major Core Credit Hours / 32
Total History Program Credit Hours / 128^
^ / Grade of "C" or better.
Overall GPA must be 2.75 or better