Social Studies Student Teaching Application
Submission date: February 15, 2013

Submit to: History Department Office (236 Munroe Hall)

Student Name:

Major: Minors:

I have submitted my passing Praxis I scores:
r yes r no

1. Please circle the level(s) at which you are interested in student teaching:

Middle School High School

2. School district preference:

First Choice:

Second Choice:

Note: There is no guarantee that you will be placed in the district or level you request.

3. Living arrangements during student teaching: (please check)

During student teaching, I will live:

r On campus.

r At home. Provide address:

r Other. Provide address:

4. As indicated on your unofficial transcript, please specify:

Overall GPA, as of February 2013:

Major GPA as of February 2013:

5. Are there any extenuating circumstances or information we should know about in regard to your student teaching semester? (note: it is your responsibility to arrange for transportation to and from your student teaching placement)

r No

r Yes. Please specify:

6. If you currently have any relatives working in a district in Delaware, Pennsylvania or Maryland, please indicate where they are working (add cells as needed):

Name / District / School / Job Title / Relationship

7. If you currently have any relatives attending school in a district in Delaware, Pennsylvania or Maryland, please indicate where they will be attending school during your student teaching experience:

District / School / Grade / Relationship

8. Submit the following along with your application:

___ a copy of your UDSIS Degree Audit report

___ Degree completion form (senior checkout) from Arts & Science Advisement Center

___ completed program checklist.

9. Complete the “Online Student Teaching Profile” ONLY for the Office of Clinical Studies at


A. Log into the online Field Placement System (FEPS) to access the Profile.

B. Find Step 2, Level 3, Student Teaching

C. Select 'Student Teaching Profile' (formerly, Student Teaching Information Form)

D. Complete the entire profile. Make sure to select 'Submit'.

Proposed Program for Completion of Requirements

Name: Major:

Directions: Please list your current courses as well as courses that you will be taking to complete the program.

§  All courses except EDUC400 & HIST493 must be completed before the 2014 spring student teaching semester.

Current course schedule for Spring 2013 (add cells as needed):

Course Number / Course Name

Projected course schedule for Summer 2013:

Course Number / Course Name

Projected course schedule for Fall 2013 (add cells as needed):

Course Number / Course Name
HIST491 (3 credits) / Planning a Course of Instruction
EDUC420 (1 credit) / Reading in the Content Area
HIST492 (1 credit) / Incorporating Instructional Technology into Social Studies Teaching

Projected course schedule for Winter 2014:

Course Number / Course Name

Course schedule for Spring 2014:

You are allowed to take only the following courses:

EDUC400 (9 credits)
HIST493 (3 credits)

All of the above information is correct information. It is my responsibility to notify Dr. Kim and Dr. Joyce of any change in my proposed program.

Student Signature Date