Articles of Confederation

-Unicameral legislature where each state had one vote.

CouldCould not

-Make laws- Tax

-Control military- Enforce laws

-Organize treaties- Regulate trade

- Establish national courts

- Control money supply

- Federal system: Power is divided between national and state governments.

The End of the AOC

-The Articles proved to be too weak for the country.

-Shay’s rebellion: A group of farmers in Massachusetts were in debt because of heavy state taxes. 1200 rebelled but were defeated.

Constitutional Convention

-May 25, 1787 55 delegates from 12 states met in Philadelphia.

-The purpose of the meeting was to revise the Articles of Confederation.

-The delegates agreed on four things:

1. Throw out the articles.

2. Each state had one vote regardless on the amount of delegates.

3. Keep it secret for 25 years.

4. George Washington would be in charge.


-Nine out of 13 states had to ratify the Constitution.

-It was signed by the delegates on September 17, 1787.

-Federalists supported the Constitution. They wrote a series of essays called the Federalist papers that were published in newspapers across the country. James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay were the writers defending the Constitution.

-Anti-federalists were those that opposed the Constitution. That felt that too much power was given to the National government. They wanted a bill of rights.

-June 21, 1788New Hampshire became the ninth state to ratify the Constitution. Rhode Island was the 13th state to ratify it in 1790.


-Supreme law of the land.

-Provides the framework for government in the United States.

-All powers of each branch of government are in the Constitution.

Constitution breakdown

1. Preamble

2. Seven Articles:

I. Legislative Branch

II. Executive Branch

III. Judicial Branch

IV. Relations among states

V. Amending process

VI. National Supremacy

VII. Ratification process

3. Twenty-seven amendments

Checks and Balances

-The powers of the government are divided into three branches:

  • Legislative: Congress (House of Reps. And Senate) Make laws
  • Executive: President. Enforce laws.
  • Judicial: Supreme Court. Interpret laws.

-The system of checks and balances keeps one branch of government from becoming too powerful.

Four basic principles

-The Constitution was designed on four basic principles:

  • Popular Sovereignty
  • Limited Government
  • Federalism
  • Separation of powers

Popular Sovereignty

-The right of the people to rule themselves (vote).

-Voters elect representatives and through the Electoral College, they elect a president.

-The president and representatives are there to serve the people.

Limited government

-A danger is that the majority may deny rights to the minority.

-The Constitution protects the rights of all Americans.

-The Bill of Rights was added later to secure the rights of the people.

Separation of Powers

-Montesquieu believed that executive, legislative, and judicial powers should be separated.

-The constitution separates powers and incorporates a system of checks and balances.


-National government shares power with the states.

-This gives Americans freedom to provide for their own needs.

-The main reason is sectional differences.

-Types of Power:

  • Enumerated: Powers given to the national government. Can be expressed or implied (Elastic clause).
  • Reserved: Powers given to the state governments.
  • Concurrent: Powers shared between national and state.

Amending Process

-Process to formally change the Constitution.

-An amendment must be proposed and ratified.

-An amendment can be proposed by a 2/3 vote from both houses of Congress or by a national convention called by 2/3 of the state legislatures. The national convention has never occurred.

-An amendment can be ratified by the approval of ¾ of the state legislatures or by special ratifying conventions that pass in ¾ of the states. The ratifying convention has occurred only once.


-Loose interpretation: Congress can make any law that the constitution does not specifically forbid.

-Strict interpretation: Congress can only make laws that the constitution gives them direct authority over.

-The Supreme Court interprets the constitution and can declare laws unconstitutional.

Virginia / James
Madison / 1. Bicameral legislature based on population.
2. Strong Executive Branch
3. National Court System
Jersey / William
Patterson / 1. Unicameral legislature with equal representation.
2. Strong Executive Branch
3. National Court system
Connecticut / Roger
Sherman / 1. Bicameral legislature: Upper house equal and lower house based on population.
2. Strong Executive Branch
3. National Court system
Compromise / Details
Great / Bicameral legislature:
Upper: Equal (Senate)
Lower: Based on population (House of Rep)
Three-Fifths / One slave equals three-fifths of a person for the purposes of taxation and representation.
Slave Trade / Congress can control all aspects of foreign and interstate trade, but they can not stop the slave trade until it is re-addressed in twenty years.
Executive / The Executive branch will be lead by one individual called “President” and will be elected every four years by the Electoral College.