/ Summer Enrichment Program 2013
Residential Counselor Application
Job Description

The Summer Enrichment Program (SEP) is an academic, residential program for gifted students in

grades 5 – 11. Please consider joining our dynamic, professional counselor staff for summer 2013.

DATES: June 9 – July 27, 2013 (includes development/planning week and wrap up)

SALARY:$2400 for new counselors; room and board included

Residential counselors work directly with head counselors and have the following responsibilities:

●Supervise approximately 8 children (grades 5 - 8 or 9 - 11) 24 hours/day

●Accompany campers to meals, classes, scheduled seminars, field trips, and special events

●Plan and lead afternoon and evening recreational/social activities for small groups of campers

●Plan and lead a two-day mini-session on a topic of interest

●Participate actively in all orientation week, staff and session transition meetings

●Follow and reinforce all non-negotiable rules and camp policies as set forth in our Counselor Manual

Experience working with gifted children is not required; however, experience working with children in camp, recreational or school settings is desirable. Applications are not restricted to only University of Virginia students.

Applications will be available starting November 27, 2012. The deadline for submitting an application is January 22, 2013. Interviews will be held on the weekends of Feb 2/3 and Feb 9/10. Phone interviews will also be conducted for applicants who are unable to interview in person.

To Apply:

Submit the Summer Enrichment Program Residential Counselor application

Applications will be available on our website ( from our office (434.924.3182), or by request from . You may submit the SEP Residential Counselor application directly to (preferred) or mail it to the address below

Submit two recommendations

Each reference must submit the Residential Counselor Reference Form, found below the application, or write a letter that addresses the qualities/characteristics indicated on the form. Recommendations should be from present/past employers, supervisors, professors, clergy – someone who is able to address your suitability as a residential counselor. Recommendations should be mailed DIRECTLY to the address below and should be postmarked by January 18, 2012.

Julie Baird, Director

Summer Enrichment Program

PO Box 400264

Charlottesville, VA 22904-4264

/ Summer Enrichment Program 2013
Residential Counselor Application
Applicant Information


Street Address:

City/State/Zip Code:

Home Phone: ( )Alternate Phone: ( )

Email:Alternate Email:

Date of Birth:Gender:Ethnicity (Optional):

Occupation:Work Phone: ( )

Age Group You Prefer to Work With: Grades 5 – 8 Grades 9 – 11 Either

Dates Available for Interview (check all available dates):

February 2 ______February 3 ______February 9 ______February 10______

Applicants not available on scheduled interview dates will be contacted individually to arrange interviews.

List all high schools, colleges/universities you have previously attended or are currently attending. Begin with the most recent.

Name of
Institution / Location
City/State / Dates From-To
Month/Year / Major Field of Study / Degree

List previous experiences in camping, group counseling, or any employment working with children. Also list one person at each site who could evaluate your performance.

Employer / Location
City/State / Dates From-To
Month/Year / Contact

Please respond to the following on a separate page.

1.How did you hear about the Summer Enrichment Program?

2.As a camp that focuses on the social and academic development of its campers, why do you want to be a residential camp counselor at SEP?

3.Why would you make a good counselor? Please list three qualities you have that would make you a good counselor to middle and/or high school students and elaborate on one of those. Be sure to specify how each personal quality reflects your suitability to be a residential counselor with the age group.

4.Choose one academic topic that interests you and describe how you would organize and implement an activity around that topic to share with a group of children. Some past successful topics have included: rock theory; science of superheroes; film-making; the architecture of UVA; the history of board games; Spanish language and culture; DJ-ing; poetry slams; dance instruction, etc.

5.Describe three non-athletic recreational activities (evening) you would feel comfortable presenting to and involving a group of 16 children. These are meant to be CREATIVE activities, with past ideas including: human checkers; create-a-water-balloon-launch; telephone pictionary; or trash-inspired Project Runway. Be specific in how you would go about leading one of these types of activities.

6.Choose one of the following questions to answer:

1.Sometimes campers form cliques. What would you do to ensure that students are interacting with each other and not leaving some campers outside of the group?

2.Sometimes campers get homesick. How would you handle a child who says he/she is homesick and would like to go home?

7.There are often many benefits, as well as challenges that come along with this position. Which potential challenges do you foresee, and how would you handle them? What benefits do you hope to gain?

8.Choose TWO of the following questions to answer. Have fun with this and feel free to be as creative as possible!

1.If you were a fly on the wall, where would you be and what would you be looking at? Explain.

2.List the top 10 random facts about yourself.

3.Carmen San Diego and Waldo have a child, where is it? Briefly explain.

4.If you could share a hot tub with three people of your choice (fictional or non-fictional), who would it be and what would you all eat and drink? Give a brief explanation of your choices.

5.Imagine your life is given a soundtrack. What five songs must be included; which is the title track? Explain briefly after each track.

This application will NOT be considered complete without two recommendations from people who know you well enough to comment on your ability to be a successful counselor at SEP. Please list the names your two references below. Remember to give the attached forms to the two references and have your references return those forms directly to us.

Reference #1:______

Reference #2: ______

For further information:

Website: Email: Phone:(434) 924-3182

/ Summer Enrichment Program 2013
Residential Counselor Application
Reference Form

Name of Applicant: ______

In each of the areas below, please make an honest judgment of the applicant’s potential to be an outstanding Residential Counselor in a program for gifted/high ability 10 – 16 year olds. Specific examples are important to the reference.

Takes Initiative/Self Motivation: Comment on the ease and vigor with which this applicant approaches a new situation and carries the work to completion.

Cooperation: Comment on the applicant’s ability to work with others, accept supervision and constructive criticism, and adapt to changing situations.

Responsibility: To what degree is this person dependable and conscientious in completing all job duties?

Problem Solving/Decision-Making/Sound Judgment: Comment on the applicant’s ability to solve problems and make thoughtful, sound decisions.

Emotional Stability: Comment on the applicants’ emotional maturity, general disposition and mood, and ability to manage stress.

Social Sensitivity: Comment on the applicant’s sensitivity to and understanding of reactions and feelings of individuals and groups along with the applicant’s ability to respond appropriately.

If you were in a position to entrust your child’s care to this individual, would you do so

______eagerly ______without concern _____ with reluctance _____ not at all

What is your relationship to the applicant?

How well do you know this applicant?

______know very well through personal contacts outside classroom or office

______know fairly well through classroom or office contacts only

______have general acquaintance but do not know well

Additional Comments: Please summarize your judgment about this applicant’s suitability for this position as a Residential Counselor.



Return form directly to:

Julie Baird, Director

Summer Enrichment Program

PO Box 400264

Charlottesville, VA 22904-4264