
  • Coach Davis


  • Practice will begin at 3:25 each day in room 206- do not be late. We will hold a brief meeting and take role very quickly each day before practice. This is not time to socialize. We need to get in and out of the room as quickly as possible so have your phones put up and listen to any announcements made.
  • Runners will perform a quick warm-up and then stretch.
  • You MUST bring your own water to each practice.
  • Bring appropriate attire to practice. If it’s cold, dress appropriately. Check the forecast for rain- it will not always keep us from running outside.
  • We will try our best to end practice each day between 4:30 and 4:45. Have a ride at school to pick you up in the back parking lot no later than 4:45. If there is an issue with that time, have your parent make appropriate arrangements.
  • Do not leave any trash or water bottles outside at the track or middle school.

Parent Info:

  • Parent meeting on Thursday, February 9th at 6:00 PM. Please park in the back parking lot. You will enter through the 200 hallway doors (where 8th grade car riders are dismissed). We will have a short meeting in room 206 where information will be discussed and distributed.
  • Parents are not allowed in the track or field facilities during practice.
  • Coaches will not meet with parents during or after practice unless it has been scheduled in advance.


  • All meets begin at 4:30. You must have a ride pick you up from Siegel on time and get you to the meet as soon as possible.
  • March 14th @ Blackman
  • March 20th @ Riverdale
  • April 3rd @ Blackman
  • April 10th @ Eagleville
  • April 17th and 18th- County Meet @ Blackman
  • May 3rd-5th- Middle Sectionals @ Riverdale
  • May 20th- State Meet @ Austin Peay State University in Clarksville, Tennessee