ACW Questionnaire
Initial Call Booking InformationNow that your client has chosen to purchase an Advanced Custom Website with, we need to get them started with a first appointment. Please visit the Booking link ( and book the appointment and fill in the details below.
Consultant: / Date of Initial Call:
PID of Project: / Time of Initial Call:
Pre-Sale Validation Questions
Answer the following questions to ensure that you’ve covered all aspects of what the client needs for their new site.
Items marked with a sign are critical questions that if the answer is YES, an email should be sent to for clarification that we can accomplish what the client requires.
Question / Yes / No / Maybe
Does your client, have, need or want ECOMM services?
Essentially, do they want to sell products / services or would they like to collect payments for invoices, services on the site
Does your client have, need or want their site to be fully Responsive?
By default all of our ACW sites come with a mobile theme, this means that when someone sees their site on a mobile device it will be optimized for the display. If they want the site to respond as screens change and have the elements of their site all the way down to mobile, they will need the full responsive option
Does the client have any specific features/functionality that they want on the new site?
If Yes. Have you added the needed single feature/feature bundle to cover this?
Does your client need to have or require a database or custom coding in order to accomplish something on their site?
You will need to email to see if we can accommodate the clients’ needs.
Knowing the average completion for an ACW site is 45 days, does your client have any deadlines or a goal date they want to try and have the site up for?
If Yes or Maybe, please give the date and reason. If it’s before day 45 and a MUST HAVE, please email: to see if we can accommodate the deadline.
Have you explained to the client that they will need to be responsive and available at least 1 – 2 times a week for phone appointments to make sure the project moves smoothly?
Typically we try to engage with our clients ever 2-3 days throughout the process. We will schedule appointments with them at the end of every call and our 45 day turnaround is based on clients being able to keep up with this engagement overall.
Based on the package chosen, please list out the pages that you’ve discussed having to come up with that package.
Remember that Home and Contact count as a page. (Please attach a separate page if more information is provided, for larger sites, for example.)
Business Information
In order to help our design and copy team better prepare for your project, we need some valuable insight into your client's specific business and target audience. Please fill in the information below with as much detail as you feel will help the Project Manager understand the needs and better tailor their conversations to come with your client. This also allows the copy team to prepare for proper wording including tone, target audience and keyword research for the search engines.Business Overview
Business Name / Branding / Displayed on the Website:
Official Business Name:
Current Website
In the space above, please provide the link of the client's current website (if applicable) and list anything specific that they like / dislike about it.
Business Description. What is it the business does?
In the space above, please provide a 1-2 sentence description of the business.
Motto, Slogan or Tag Line
Is there a motto, slogan or tag line used for the business that should be included on the website? Make sure to enter it above as your client would like to have it seen, if they have a preference.
In what Tone should your site be written in? Choices are:
He / She / We / Us / I / Me
Where are services offered?
Primary, secondary locations, etc.
What is the one (1) thing that makes the business special / unique or different?
Would your client like to offer any specials? If so, what?
We will incorporate a promotion or special offer to help drive customers to the business. Running a special offer allows the business to stand apart from competitors and is something that many people are now looking for prior to becoming a customer.
What are the Hours of Operation?
What Address(es) would your client like to appear on the website?
If your client does not want a physical address, we encourage them to put their City, State, and ZIP Code for search engine purposes. For multiple locations, indicate their main location.
Google My Business Page
In addition to creating and managing your business listings, we also create and optimize a Google My Business Page for you. This is a professionally designed business page on Google that creates a presence for you in three Google locations: Google Search, Google Plus, and Google Maps. This one page puts you in three places, and helps your website SEO.
Does your client already have an existing Google+ page or a Google My Business Page?
In the space above, place the link of the clients existing page (if applicable). If they do not currently have a page one will be created for them using the information in this questionnaire.
IMPORTANT: Once the site is live and the Ignite Marketing begins, the client will receive an email to authorize to manage their Google Page. They MUST accept this in order for us to help optimize their existing page.
Keywords - To find a business on the Web, customers will type keywords and phrases into a search engine.
What keywords or phrases does your client want someone to search for when they find the Business / Organization?
In the space above, put the phrase(s) and/or keywords on separate lines or use a comma (,) to separate them.
Target Market - In as much detail as possible, please provide information in regards to your client's target market. We realize that they will service any type of customer; however, we want to make sure that we are targeting their ideal customers so we can get them the best results possible. Here are some questions to help you answer this section.
What type of customer spends the most money with your client?
Describe your client's favorite type of customer?
What type of customer returns to your clients business most frequently?
What types of commercial customers? (if applicable)
What types of residential customers? (if applicable)
Who is your client's bread & butter customer?
Using the space below, feel free to describe in as much detail as possible: Who would you say is your client's typical customer?
The Competitive Advantage
What does your client like most about the work that they do?
What do customers like most about the business / products / services?
Why does your client believe customers keep coming back to their business?
What feedback have your clients' customers given, regarding their products/services?
What do customers say about their product/services/business?
What does your client's business do best?
Does your client have any awards or recognitions they wanted listed/mentioned?
Is your client a member of any business related associations or do they support any local charities or other organizations?
Is your client's business involved with any community events or organizations?
How many years has your client been in business?
Who would you say is their biggest competition? Why?
If possible, provide the name and website and why they are your competition.
Using the space below, feel free to describe in as much detail as possible: Why would a customer come to your client rather than visiting their competitors? What separates them from other companies/organizations in the industry?
Prominent Products & Services
Let’s get some information about your top products / services you’d like to see most prominently featured on your website. In the spaces below, we have provided room for 4 core products. This will help us begin. Do not worry if there are more, you can send us additional information if you needed.
What is the Name / Title of the Product / Service?
How does it work?
What makes it better than your competitors?
What made you decide to sell/offer this Product / Service?
What makes it unique?
What Varieties is it available in?
Any Additional Details?
What is the Name / Title of the Product / Service?
How does it work?
What makes it better than your competitors?
What made you decide to sell/offer this product/service?
What makes it unique?
What Varieties is it available in?
Any Additional Details?
What is the Name / Title of the Product / Service?
How does it work?
What makes it better than your competitors?
What made you decide to sell/offer this product/service?
What makes it unique?
What Varieties is it available in?
Any Additional Details?
What is the Name / Title of the Product / Service?
How does it work?
What makes it better than your competitors?
What made you decide to sell/offer this product/service?
What makes it unique?
What Varieties is it available in?
Any Additional Details?
Additional Notes / Details
If there is any additional information or details you’d like to provide to the Project Manager assigned to this project, please detail them below. – ACW Questionnaire – Version 170608 / 7