Courses for TeachersApplication Booking Form

To be completed by the Course Organiser and returned to no less than 6 weeks before the proposed start date of the course. Courses registered less than 6 weeks in advance will be subject to an administration charge of £20.

Course Details
Level / VolleySport ☐ / Mini Volley ☐ / Super Mini Volley☐
Covers / Start delivering volleyball (2v2) / Progress delivering volleyball (3v3) / Coves 4v4 (recognised youth competition format)
Cost of Tutor / £140 + expenses / £140 + expenses / £140 + expenses
Min-Max No. / 8-24 / 8-24 / 8-24
No. of Hours / 4 / 4 / 4
Cost of Resources / Resources do not have to be purchased for all candidates on the course
£20 per candidate (members) + postage
or £30 per candidate (non-members) + postage
Venue Address / Enter address here
Date / Enter date here / (If known)
No. of candidates / Enter no. here /
Time / Enter time here
Facility Contact/Invoicing Details
Facility Hire Cost / £ Enter cost here / OR / ☐Free
VAT (for above cost) / ☐Incl. VAT / ☐Excl. VAT / OR / ☐VAT Exempt
Facility Contact Name / Enter name here /
Tel. / Enter tel. no. here /
Email / Enter email here /
Course Organiser Contact Details
Name / Enter name here /
Tel. (1) / Enter tel. no. here / Tel. (2) / Enter alternate tel. no. here /
Email / Enter email here /
Course Order Form
Resource Folder Type Required / VolleySport
☐ / Mini Volley
☐ / Super Mini Volley☐
Resource Folder Cost / £20 per candidate (members
or £30 per candidate (non-members
No. Resource Folders Required / Enter no. here / Enter no. here / Enter no. here /
Postage of Resources Folders / £2.80 / £2.80 / £2.80
Cost of Tutor for 4 hours (please check box if required) / £140 + expenses
☐ / £140 + expenses
☐ / £140 + expenses

Total Amount Enclosed/Attached / Enter no. here / Enter no. here / Enter no. here /
Delivery Address / Click here to enter text.

Please make cheques payable to: English Volleyball Association Limited


  1. No resources will be despatched without payment with order/or an official order.
  2. If you require an invoice please send an official purchase order.
  3. Please allow 14 days for delivery of resources
  4. Please note that Volleyball England cannot accept returned resources once they have been purchased

Mini Volley/
Super Mini Volley / Sports Hall Facilities/Equipment
(Please tick to indicate availability)
☐ / 1 volleyball court with fixed posts (preferred) / OR / 1 badminton court per 6 candidates with net or rope across courts
☐ / To have heating or be at a warm temperature and have access to drinks on site
☐ / Minimum 1 volleyball per 2 candidates
☐ / 1 trolley or portable ball container on all courses
☐ / Whiteboard/flip chart and pens (in sports hall)
☐ / 8-24 seats or benches for 8-24 candidates + 1 seat for tutor (in sports hall)
Classroom Facilities/Equipment
☐ / Whiteboard/flipchart and pens
☐ / Multimedia projector and screen
☐ / Tables/chairs for 8-24 candidates + 1 tutor
Declaration: I confirm that I have read and agree to the Health and Safety terms & conditions for course organisation and delivery set by Volleyball England.
Signed (Course Organiser): / Please sign here / Date: / Enter date here /


Volleyball England, SportPark, 3 Oakwood Drive, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE11 3QF

T: 01509 227722 E: