Part II: Stanzas on Freedom by James Russell Lowell NAME: ______

Men! whose boast it is that ye
Come of fathers brave and free,
If there breathe on earth a slave,
Are ye truly free and brave?
If ye do not feel the chain, 5
When it works a brother's pain,
Are ye not base slaves indeed,
Slaves unworthy to be freed?

Women! who shall one day bear
Sons to breathe New England air, 10
If ye hear, without a blush,
Deeds to make the roused blood rush
Like red lava through your veins,
For your sisters now in chains,--
Answer! are ye fit to be 15
Mothers of the brave and free?

Base: having little or no honor, courage, or decency; low or inferior Fetters: chains or other bonds

1.  Which of the following best identifies the speaker?

A.  Slave holder C. government official

B.  Abolitionist D. slave

2.  To what audience is Lowell addressing his poem? Underling in red evidence to prove your answer.

A.  Government officials C. slaves

B.  The common man D. abolitionists

3.  Which of the following best describes the mode (kind of writing) of the poem?

A.  Narrative (tells a story; gives an account) C. Expository (gives info)

B.  Persuasive (tries to convince) D. Illustration (describes with examples)


4.  Re-read lines 12 to 13 and identify the dominant poetic technique. Underline it in the poem in blue.

A.  Metaphor C. symbolism

B.  Hyperbole D. simile

5.  How can the mood of the best be described? Highlight words/phrases in the poem as support.

A.  Protesting C. Ambiguous

B.  Sinister D. Forlorn

6.  Which of the following identifies the rhyme scheme? Mark it in stanza one in the left margin.



7.  Review lines 27-28. Which technique is most evident? Mark it in the poem in orange.

A. end stop B. near/slant rhyme C. assonance D. internal rhyme

8.  Which of the following captures the tone of the piece?

A.  Passive C. Bewildered

B.  Panicked D. Outraged


9.  Which of the following best describes the speaker’s feelings about freedom? Underline in green a piece of evidence in the poem to prove it.

A.  Freedom means to relieve those who are suffering.

B.  Freedom cannot be enjoyed singularly; it must apply to all.

C.  True freedom is an ambitious and unrealistic notion.

D.  The pursuit of freedom requires anger, discontent, and blood.

10.  Review stanza two. Choose the most accurate paraphrase of the stanza.

A.  Women should not bear children in such a world of injustice.

B.  Women who have children should be willing to sacrifice them for a greater good.

C.  Women who learn of injustice and remain passive do not deserve to bear children.

D.  Women should support female suffragists and their “right to vote” movement.

11.  In the last stanza, the speaker repeats, “They are slaves…” Define “they.”

A.  Anyone who is a slave C. all of humankind

B.  Anyone who is silent about injustice D. anyone who keeps slaves