Unit Lesson Plan

<Modas de Transportación>

Teacher: Grant L. YoungSchool: N/A

Grade(s): 9th and 10thLanguage: SpanishLevel: Spanish I

Dates: 12/6/04 – 12/10/04# of Students: 24Time: 450 Minutes

Planning Phase

Unit-Wide Performance/Task-Based Objectives

  1. SWBAT: Correctly identify key vocabulary relating to automotive travel
  2. SWBAT: Correctly identify key vocabulary relating to railroad and air travel
  3. SWBAT: Correctly identify key vocabulary relating to directions, and give directions from point A to point B to point C to fellow students using vocabulary from this and previous lessons
  4. SWBAT: Comprehend simple instructions designed to successfully navigate through the classroom using commands such as go “left”, “right”, and “straight”
  5. SWBAT: Correctly identify and use “tener que…+ infinitive” and “hay que…+ infinitive”
  6. SWBAT: Correctly identify and use “tener” idiomatic expressions
  7. SWBAT: Correctly identify and use prepositions and prepositional phrases
  8. SWBAT: Read and comprehend a simple passage relating to travel and transportation in a Spanish-speaking country


National: (ACTFL Standards)

  • Communication (1.1, 1.2, 1.3), Culture (2.1, 2.2), Connections (3.1, 3.2) Comparison (4.1, 4.2)

State: (Virginia SOL)

  • Written and oral communication (SI.1, SI.2), Cultural perspectives, practices and products (SI.7, SI.8)

Local: (derived from FCPS PALS Rubrics)

  • Oral output is measured by comprehensibility, fluency, pronunciation, vocabulary comprehension, grammar.
  • Written output is measured by comprehensibility, level of discourse, vocabulary, grammar, and mechanics

Teaching Phase (DAY 1 – 90 Minutes) – “En la carretera…”

Lesson Outline:

  • Automotive and Directional vocabulary via Powerpoint slides.
  • Introduction to “TENER” idiomatic expressions, “TENER QUE…” and “HAY QUE…”
  • Paired activity to reinforce directional vocabulary
  • Solo activity to reinforce automotive vocabulary

Warm-up activity: ¿Cómo estás? Question/answer session. Introduce new vocabulary using Powerpoint flashcards

Theme or topic: Modes of Transportation – automobiles, Directions

Vocabulary:el carro, el automóvil, la estación de servicios, el aceite, la gasolina, el estacionamiento, el garaje, el autobús, el taxi, el(la) taxista, el tránsito, el cinturón, el camino, la carretera, las llantas, el semáforo, el tanque, el freno, la palanca de velocidades, el embrague, el medidor de gasolina, el volante, el espejo retrovisor, la glorieta, el camión, este, oeste, norte, sur, suroeste, sureste, noroeste, noreste, a la derecha, a la izquierda, al derecho

Verb(s): llenar, parar, ir, tener, haber, abrocharse, doblar, accelerar, manejar, seguir

Grammatical structure(s): TENER QUE…, HAY QUE…

Listening/Reading selection(s): vocabulary review (verbal and written),


New Vocabulary Intro: Powerpoint slides with pictures/words – teacher models pronunciation, students repeat. Students write vocabulary on flashcards for self-paced study (to be kept in notebook).

New Grammar Intro: Explanation of “tener que…” and “hay que…”

Interpersonal Mode: Students will pair up and, using pictographic worksheets, class notes and the textbook, will work together to practice the vocabulary of the day and create a point-to-point description of how to maneuver from one location within the classroom to another.

Presentational Mode: Each pair will exchange their directions with another pair. Partner A reads the instructions to a blindfolded Partner B who follows the directions. A 2nd exchange is made and roles are reversed.

Interpretive Mode: “Arreglar y empacar el carro para ir de vacacciones” – Students will be given a worksheet with pictures of someone working on a car to prepare it for a trip (checking the oil, the air in the tires, the brakes…) They will be asked to describe in Spanish what the pictures are suggesting in complete sentences.

Methods/Approaches/Strategies: Direct Method, TPR, Grouping



  • Vocabulary flashcards (part of class notebook)
  • Completed worksheet – directions (done in pairs)
  • Completed worksheet – readying the car for a trip (done solo)


  • Did students make an effort to actively participate in the lesson?
  • How accurately did they follow the directions given to them by the class?


  • For homework, students will study a map of their town and write directions for how to traverse from their home to the school

Other Activities:

Materials: Vocabulary list (Powerpoint slides – hard and soft copy), computer/projector (if available), copies of the local area map around the school

Assessment: Monitoring participation and understanding during teacher-led and student centered activities, collect student worksheets for completeness, homework grades

Technology: Powerpoint slides

Homework: Students will develop directions from their home to the school using the vocab discussed in class.

Closure: Assign homework, discuss next class meeting (Modas de Transportación: En la estación de ferrocarril)

Follow-up: ¿Hay preguntas? – ‘repaso’ as warm-up at the beginning of next class

Teaching Phase (DAY 2 – 90 Minutes) – “En la estación de trenes y el aeropuerto”

Lesson Outline:

  • Review of automotive vocabulary
  • El Club de Cien I[*] – vocabulary review
  • review of “tener que…”, “hay que…”
  • Introduction of railroad and airline travel vocabulary (Powerpoint and TPR)
  • Idiomatic Expressions using “Tener”
  • Reading exercise – travel and transportation in a Spanish-speaking country

Warm up activity: ¿Cómo estás? question and answer session. Introduce new vocabulary using Powerpoint slides and TPR

Theme or topic: Modes of Transportation: trains and airplanes / Idiomatic expressions – “tener”

Vocabulary: el ferrocarril (el tren), la estación de ferrocarril, el boleto, el conductor, el camarero, el horario, el despachador de trenes, el ferrocarril subterráneo (el metro), el pasajero, la reservación, la maleta, el equipaje, de ida y vuelta, el avión, el aeropuerto, la taquilla, la aduana, reclamación de equipajes, sala de espera, el piloto, el pasaporte

Verbs/prepositions: volar, conducir, recoger, factuar,

Grammar structures: Tener idioms

Reading selection: simple Spanish language passage regarding travel and transportation in a foreign country


Vocabulary Review: “El Club de Cien” worksheet (see attached)

Introduction to new grammar: Students give examples of English language idiomatic expressions. [teacher armed with examples in English as well to prompt student discussion] Teacher presents “tener” idiomatic expressions to students…with literal translations and actual meanings. Set the stage for going to the computer lab next class for practice opportunities via

Introduction to new vocabulary: Powerpoint slides and TPR gestures for railroad and air travel vocabulary. Students write vocabulary on flashcards for self-paced study (to be kept in notebook).

Interpretive Mode: Students will read a simple Spanish language passage regarding travel and transportation aloud with the class. They will then answer a set of questions that have to do with the reading to verify comprehension.

Methods/Approaches/Strategies: TPR, Grouping



  • El Club de Cien I vocabulary review sheet (part of class notebook)
  • vocabulary flashcards (part of class notebook)
  • reading comprehension answers (part of class notebook)


  • Students will begin to make connections between language and culture by reading a short passage aloud regarding travel and transportation in a Spanish-speaking country
  • Homework: The reading selection in class related to travel and transportation in a Spanish-speaking country. Select a country and three sites of interest in that country to visit in preparation for building a travel itinerary booklet. Find some school-appropriate pictures, drawings or photos to include in the itinerary. Suggest that students may need to spend some time in the library.

Other Activities:

Materials: Vocabulary list (Powerpoint slides - hard/soft copy); computer/projector (if available); El Club de Cien I worksheets; copies of reading selection for the class (to be kept in notebook)

Assessment: Vocabulary review sheet, participation in new vocabulary introduction, reading comprehension questions

Technology: Powerpoint slides

Homework: Select a country and three sites of interest to visit for a travel itinerary. Find school-appropriate pictures related to the subject for inclusion on the upcoming project

Closure: Remind class that next session there will be computer lab time devoted for reviewing “tener que…”, “hay que…” and tener idioms

Follow-up: ¿Hay preguntas? – next class: computer lab review

Teaching Phase (DAY 3 – 90 Minutes) – Prepositions/Prepositional Phrases

Lesson Outline:

  • El Club de Cien II vocabulary review (railroads/airports)
  • CPU Lab review of “tener” idiomatic expressions, “tener que…”, “hay que…”
  • Vocabulary – select prepositions
  • Grammar Lesson – prepositional phrases
  • Begin work on the Travel Itinerary booklet

Warm-up activity: ¿Cómo estás? question and answer session. El Club de Cien II worksheet review of railroad and air travel vocabulary (3 minutes)

Theme or topic: Prepositions – “On the highway, in the train station, above the ground…”

Vocabulary: en, sobre, adentro, bajo, encima, a lado, atrás, fuera, a frente, por

Reading Activities: computer drill review of “tener que…”, “hay que…”, “tener” expressions.


Grammar review: Go to computer lab to use to review “tener que…”, “hay que…”, “tener” expressions (30 minutes)

Return to classroom…

Interpersonal Mode: Students will work together in groups to practice using prepositional phrases with the manipulatives provided by the teacher. Teacher will model, each group will be provided with a set of miniature vehicles to work with, and will demonstrate their understanding of the words by exhibiting the appropriate preposition.

Presentational Mode: Students will begin working on a simple itinerary for a trip to a foreign country of their choice. They must include travel instructions to and from three places of interest, the use of three different modes of transportation (car, bus, plane, train…), and pictures, drawings or photos as selected from the previous night’s homework.. That not finished in class will be taken for homework to be turned in next class period.

Methods/Approaches/Strategies: CAL, TPR, Direct Method


Products -

  • review/quiz results
  • El Club de Cien II Vocabulary review (railroad/airline)
  • Spanish country travel itinerary booklet

Participation –

  • Students are actively participating in the review of prepositions with the manipulatives


  • Students are beginning to make connections outside the language classroom by building a simple travel itinerary to a Spanish-speaking country of their choice. Homework assignment is to complete the travel itinerary booklet

Other Activities:

Materials: Vocabulary list (Powerpoint slides - hard/soft copy); computer/projector (if available); El Club de Cien II worksheets

Assessment: Vocabulary review sheet, participation in new vocabulary introduction, reading comprehension questions

Technology: Powerpoint slides, computer lab

Homework: Complete travel itinerary booklet, include name of the chosen country, travel instructions using three types of transportation, three sites to visit, and school appropriate pictures or photos

Closure: Remind students to be prepared to review in class the material from the unit

Follow-up: ¿Hay preguntas? – next class: review for the test

Teaching Phase (DAY 4 – 90 Minutes) – Repaso por el examen

Lesson Outline:

  • El Club de Cien III (Prepositions, Tener que…, Hay que…)
  • Students present their itineraries to the class
  • ¡Jeopardy! – review of the material from the unit (30 minutes)

Warm-up activity: ¿Cómo estás? question and answer session; El Club de Cien III, focusing on prepositions, tener expressions and tener que…, hay que… grammatical structures

Theme or topic: Project presentations, review for the end-of-unit test

Vocabulary: everything covered in the unit thus far

Reading/Listening/Speaking activities: Project presentations, ¡Jeopardy!


Presentational Mode: Students will present their travel itineraries to the class, demonstrating where they chose to visit and how they chose to arrive there. The goal is to foster speaking in the class

Interpersonal Mode: Class will divide into two teams to compete in a specialized version of the game show ¡Jeopardy! Each team will select a contestant to start. A category/question is selected and asked, and the first student to raise his/her hand responds. Incorrect answers pass to the other team for a chance to answer. The team to answer correctly selects the next person from his/her team to match up against the remaining contestant. [Adjustments will be made should one team continually change contestants while the other team doesn’t get an opportunity to do so] Play will continue until the board is cleared.

Methods/Approaches/Strategies: Interactive games



  • El Club de Cien III (to be kept in student notebook)
  • Student presentations of their travel itineraries


  • This is a review session, evaluation for ¡Jeopardy! will be based on student participation in the game


  • Students will get to hear what their fellow classmates have come up with for their projects
  • Homework will be to study for Unit Test

Other Activities:

Materials: El Club de Cien III worksheets, computer/projector

Assessment: student presentations, participation in class-wide review

Technology: Powerpoint ¡Jeopardy! Game

Homework: Study for Unit Exam

Closure: The following will be represented on the final Unit Exam:

  • Vocabulary for automobile, railroad and air travel and prepositions (83 potentially new words)
  • Prepositional phrases
  • Usage of “tener que…”, “hay que…”
  • “Tener” idiomatic expressions
  • Class reading selection regarding travel and transportation in a Spanish-speaking country

Follow-up: ¿Hay preguntas? Teacher will be available after class to help if necessary.

Teaching Phase (DAY 5 – 90 Minutes)

Lesson Outline:

  • Last chance for questions/clarifications
  • Unit test on “Modas de transportación”

Test Layout (115 points)

  • Vocabulary
  • (40) El Club de Cien IV and V (40 blocks with 50% English words to be translated into Spanish and 50% Spanish words to be translated into English
  • (10) Listening comprehension questions. Circle the answer that corresponds most logically to the question being asked. (Teacher reads the questions and answers, student circles (a), (b) or (c) on the test form)
  • (5) Pictures and blanks – what does the picture represent
  • (8) Paragraph blanks to fill in using context clues
  • Grammar
  • (10) Write the correct verb: “Hay”, or the correct form of the verb “Tener”
  • (10) Translate the following idiomatic expressions correctly from Spanish to English
  • (10) Translate the following idiomatic expressions correctly from English to Spanish
  • (10) Spanish prepositions to be translated to English
  • (10) English prepositions to translate to Spanish
  • Reading comprehension
  • (2) questions relating to and expanding on the paragraph (reprinted in the test) read aloud in class in Day 2 of the unit

Homework: None

Closure: Collect tests. Next unit will be on weather conditions and climate.

Follow-up: Grade tests and return by next class period

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[*] “El Club de Cien” is a simple 3-minute vocabulary review sheet – a 20 block (4x5) table with English & Spanish vocabulary to be translated . Answers reviewed in class, students correct and file sheet in their notebooks for study. The intent is to use it as a simple warm-up before every class after new vocabulary has been introduced, with the last two sections as part of the final unit exam