University of Cincinnati




Ph.D. in Political Science. Dissertation title, "Conventional Deterrence and Strategic Change." (graduated May 1991).

M.A. in Political Science(awarded March 1989).


B.A., cum laude in Political Science. Minor in History; coursework in Economics. (graduatedMay 1985).


International Relations with emphasis on international relations theory and international political history.

International Security with emphasis on cyber security, deterrence theory and strategy, contemporary security threats, alignment theory and transatlantic relations.

American Government with emphasis on American national security and foreign policy-making.


STATE OF OHIO, Columbus, Ohio

Appointed Member, Cybersecurity, Education, and Economic Development Council, appointed by Governor John Kasich, (January 2013—September 2014)

Member, Ohio Dept. of Homeland Security’s Cyber Workgroup (February 2013--present)


Professorial Lecturer in International Relations (February 2003–present; lecture annually)

J. William Fulbright-DiplomatischeAkademie, Visiting Professor of International Relations (February-July 2002)


Professor, (May 2014—present)

Affiliated Associate/Professor, Department of Information Technology, College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Resources, (August 2013--present)

Trustee, University of Cincinnati Foundation Board, non-voting, (February 2013--present). The fund-raising development arm of the University.

--Member, Committee on Trustees and Governance (January 2015—present)

--Member, Committee on Finance and Operations (January 2015—present)

--Subcommittee Co-chair, UC Foundation Strategic Review (2011-12)

--Involved in successful $1 billion “Proudly Cincinnati” campaign completed in 2013.

Associate Professor, (September 1997-- 2014)

Assistant Professor, (September 1991-1997)



*Contemporary International Politics. (Summer 1990)

*American Foreign Policy Since 1945. (Spring 1988,1989; Fall 1989)

Teaching Fellow

*International Relations. (1986, 1987)



*Introduction to Politics. (Fall1990).


*Faculty Award for Exemplary Contributions in Service to the University, University of Cincinnati (2014).

*University System of Ohio Faculty Innovator Award, Ohio Board of Regents, (2010).

-- State of Ohio Senate Resolution No. 248 in Recognition of Faculty Innovator Award (May 25, 2010).

* Boyd-Lubker Visiting Scholar, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY (2009-10 postponed till 2011).

*Distinguished Service Professor, McMicken College of Arts & Sciences Award, University of Cincinnati, (2009).

* J. William Fulbright Scholar, Fulbright Visiting Professor of International Relations, Diplomatic Academy, Vienna, Austria (2002).

* Edith C. Alexander Distinguished Teaching Professor, McMicken College of Arts & Sciences Award, University of Cincinnati, (1997).



Department Head, Department of Political Science(August 2012--present)

  • Responsible for administrative leadership of department of 12 full-time faculty, 2 Visiting Professors with additional adjunct and graduate instructors, approximately 400+ majors, minors and certificate undergraduate students and 30 PhD and MA students and two staff positions, including budgeting, fiscal and curriculum planning, development work, and representing department interests in the College and University.
  • Initiated in first five months a redesign of main office physical space and planning processes for a department development strategy, strategic enrollment plan, and overall five-year strategic plan. Plans now under various stages of refinement and implementation to significantly enhance the department’s capacity for its research and teaching missions.
  • Oversaw and coordinated with graduate director substantive revision of doctoral program and facilitated bureaucratic process that restored admissions under new program structure.

Chair, Faculty of the University of Cincinnati (September 2010—July 2012)


  • Represent university faculty perspective on key university-level bodies, including: the University Board of Trustees, President’s Cabinet, Provost advisory role, Fiscal Coordinating Committee, Ohio Faculty Council, Strategic Enrollment Management Policy Committee, Capital Advisory Committee, Master Capital Planning Steering Committee, Undergraduate Academic Affairs Council, Governmental Relations and Communications Planning Group, among others.
  • Manage the shared governance structure of the University, which includes setting the agenda of the meetings of the University Faculty Senate, chairing meetings of the Senate and the Cabinet of the Senate, appointing members of the Senate Cabinet and the Chairs of eight (8) Standing Committees of the Senate on which I served ex officio.

Highlighted Achievements beyond Core Representation and Chair Role:

  • Facilitated FacultySenate-Administration-Union coordination on University positions relative to the State of Ohio Chancellor’s Enterprise University Plan.
  • Participated in the writing of the University’s Academic Master Plan at all three levels of the AMP structure (Work Group Chair, Coordinating Committee member, Executive Steering Committee member).
  • Created intellectual engagement opportunities for the university faculty via the implementation of the Faculty Assembly and the Life of the Mind lecture series.
  • Assisted in the writing, development and implementation of a new University Integrated Decision-making structure that created a strong provost system at UC.
  • Developed and implemented a tenure celebration event in cooperation with the President and Provost offices.

Additional Relevant Responsibilities:

  • Chaired national search for Vice President and Chief Information Office for UC with lead responsibility to guide development of job profile, selection of search firm, and the final recommendation to Senior Vice President Bob Ambach and President Gregory H. Williams.
  • Co-chaired subcommittee on fundraising for University of Cincinnati Foundation Strategic Review with responsibility to report to Foundation Trustees in January 2012.

Chair-Elect, Faculty of the University of Cincinnati (September 2009 –August 2010)

  • Served on Faculty Senate Cabinet; facilitated transition to new University President (Gregory H. Williams).

Faculty Chair, The Charles Phelps Taft Research Center, FacultyExecutive Board (Dec. 2004 – September 2008) (Director-level position)


  • Manage the overall operations of the Center including its annual operating budget ($1.4 million) from five revenue streams, its living-learning residents, daily programming, and staff support.
  • Oversee the internal peer review process involving over 20 distinct award programs involving support of undergraduate, graduate, and faculty research across 10 departments.
  • Appoint award review committees members (over 30 faculty per year)

Major Accomplishments:

  • Authored the strategic plan to transition the Taft Memorial Fund into a Research Center Model and implemented that plan with the support of 10 departments, Faculty Executive Board, 4 key university administrators and the Taft endowment’s external Board of Trustees.
  • Facilitated funding in support of the Taft Research Center that increased overall annual operating support approximately $400,000 permanently over level of the Memorial Fund structure.
  • Partnered with off-campus Urban Renewal construction project (Stratford Heights) and oversaw construction of Taft House.

Faculty Chair, Charles Phelps Taft Memorial Fund, Faculty Executive Board (Sept. 2003 –December 2004)

  • Managed peer review system and strategic planning leading to the Taft Center.

Director of Academic Programs, Political Science (combined undergrad/graduate) (August 2000–September 2003)


  • Oversaw program curriculum for both the Department of Political Sciences’ MA/PhD program and two undergraduate majors (Political Science and International Affairs). (Approximately 350 students with 14 full-time faculty).
  • Manage marketing and admissions process for graduate programs.
  • Support and structure the advising process.
  • Represent department at both Graduate and Undergraduate Councils (Chaired Undergraduate Council)

Major Accomplishments:

  • Redesigned the comprehensive exam structure of the PhD program and implemented necessary curriculum changes.
  • Developed graduate handbook with program navigation and specific guidance on dissertation proposal development.
  • Oversaw external graduate program review.
  • Created a graduate dual degree program with the Diplomatic Academy, Vienna
  • Instituted enhanced language requirements and study abroad opportunities in the International Affairs major.


University Committee Service: (beyond related to Chair of the University Faculty assignments)

* Member, Committee on Trustees and Governance, University Foundation (Jan 2015—present).

* Member, Committee on Finance and Operations, University Foundation (Jan 2015—present).

*Faculty Representative to the University of Cincinnati Board of Trustees and Faculty Senate Cabinet (2014-2015).

* Provost IT and Computing Taskforce (2013-2014).

* Provost Diversity Advisory Committee (2012-2014).

* University Presidential Search Committee (2012).

* University Bicentennial Commission, (2011-2014).

* Co-Chair, Faculty Bicentennial Committee, “Vision of Education,” (2011-2014).

* Provost Committee on Teaching Excellence, (2011-2014).

* Provost Steering Committee for the Niehoff Urban Studio, (2011-present).

* Co-Chair subcommittee on fundraising for UC Foundation Strategic Review (2011-12).

* Chair, Vice President and Chief Information Officer Search Committee, (2011-12).

*Advisor to the President, Director of Department of Athletics Search, (2011).

* Dept. of Athletics Academic Advisory Council, (2010-2012).

* Co-Chair, Life of the Mind planning committee, (2010-2012).

*University Foundation, Faculty-Staff Campaign Steering Committee, (2010-2012).

*Planning Committee, Visit of Chancellor of the University of Ohio System (May 2008).

*Faculty Representative to the University of Cincinnati Board of Trustees (July 2007 – Sept. 2008).

*Faculty Senate, Cabinet (July 2007 – September 2008 and 2010-2013).

*Commission on Presidential Debate 2008 Planning (Executive committee member; Chair-programming subcommittee), (2007).

* Undergraduate Research Committee, (2007–08).

* Provost Working Group on UC-Seasongood Foundation Citizenship Initiative, (2007).

* Civic Engagement Council, Executive Committee, (2006–Aug. 2007).

*Civic Engagement Council, (2006--08).

*UC Showcase 2007/8 Planning Committee, (2007).

* UC International WorldQuest Trivia, event planning and Emcee, (2006, 2007, 2008, 2010).

*Seasongood Foundation-UC Deliberative Democracy planning committee, (Dec-Feb. 2006).

* UC Showcase 2006 committee, (Dec.-April 2006).

* Civic Engagement Planning Committee, (2004–06).

* Provost’s Global Engagement Committee, (2004–05).

* Institute for Policy Research Director, Search Committee, (2003-04).

* Provost’s Collegiate Structures Initiative Committee, (Winter-Spring 2003).

* Academic Vice President and Provost Search Committee, (1999-00).

* Faculty Senate Cabinet, Planning committee chair, (1997-98).

* Honors Scholars Program Council, Planning chair, (1996-98).

* Faculty Senate rep, Information Technology Academic Advisory Committee, (1997).

* International Planning Council, (1995-97).

* Steering Committee for UC President's globalization initiative, (1995-1996).

* UC Liaison to Ohio International Consortium, (1994-95).

McMicken College Committees:

* Head’s Council (2012-present, Chair beginning in 2014)

* Budget & Planning Advisory Committee (2014- present)

* Taft Research Center Faculty Chair Search Committee, Chair (2013)

* PCOTE workgroup on formative Peer Review of Teaching (2012-2013)

* Dean’s Strategic Planning Workgroup, Chair (2012-2013)

* A&S Gala Steering Committee, (2012-13)

* Taft Research Center Strategic Planning Advisory Committee (2011-2013)

* College RPT Committee, (2010-2012)

* Decanal Search Committee, (Dec. 2006 – June 2007)

* Interdisciplinary Committee, (2004-05)

*Undergraduate Council, Chair (2002-03)

* A&S Undergraduate and Graduate Councils, (2000–03)

* A&S Learning Community- Cohort Mack, (1997-98)

* National Security Education Fund grant committee, (Vannoy, chair, 1992-93)

* International Affairs grant committee, (Goodman, chair, 1993-94)

* Charles P. Taft Sesquicentennial committee, (1994)

* Undergraduate Enrollment committee, (1994)

* Student Grievance committee, (1993-94)

Other McMicken College Service:

* Member, Charles P. Taft Research Center Steering Committee, (2011-2013)

* Speaker at freshman orientations (multiple years)

* Instructional technology presentation for Cynergy Group, (1995)

* Instructional Technology uses of MCM 127 presentation, (1995)

Department committees

* American National Security Policy Job Search, Chair (2013)

* Ex officio, Undergraduate and Graduate committees (2012--present)

* International Relations Job Search, Chair (2011)

* National Security Studies Job Search, Chair, (2002-03)

* International Relations Job Search, (2002)

* Undergraduate, (1994-96, 1997-98, 2000-03)

* Head Advisory, (1991-92, 93-94, 96-98, 99-03, 2010-11)

* Graduate, (1992-93, 99-03, 05--present)

* Comparative Politics Job Search, (1996-97, 1997-98)

* International Relations Job Search, (1994-95)

* RPT (1998-- 2008); RPT and Workload Committees, (2010-present)

*Currently, 4 active Ph.D. dissertation committees (Chair of 1)

*Currently, 1 active undergraduate senior thesis, Chair

Other Department Service:

* International Relations Field, Chair (2001 –present)

*Faculty Supervisor for Naval Academy Foreign Affairs Conference,(1991-98, 1999-00, 2001-04, 2007).

* Faculty Supervisor for Model NATO (1991-92, 1992-93, 1995-96).

* International Affairs faculty advisor (1991-98, 1999-00)


Undergraduate courses: Introduction to International Relations; Approaches to International Politics; Foreign Policy after the Cold War (Honors); Alignment theory and NATO; Cybersecurity: National and International Strategy and Policy.

Dual level courses: Conflict in International Relations; International Crisis Decision-making; Cyberattack Collaborative Seminar.

Graduate level courses: Pro-seminar in International Relations; Research Seminar in International Relations.

Undergraduate independent study, 16 students completing independent study research papers (1991–).

Undergraduate independent study, Model NATO, total of 17 students completing independent study research papers (1991-96).

Graduate independent study, International Relations, total of 8 students completing independent papers.

Advisor and reader for:

Completed Ph.D. dissertations (19):

* Erika Garcia Gonzalez, “The Onset of Genocide/Politicide: Considering External Variables,” (August 2015), Chair

* Rudi Kauffman, “The Outcomes of Just War,” (March 2012)

* Tiest Sondaal, “Institutional Change in an Age of Internationalization: Globalization and the Soccer Club” (November 2011), Chair.

* Hasan Yalcin, “International Politics as a Struggle for Autonomy,” (August 2011), Chair.

* John Callaghan, “Slavery and Major Power Warfare,” (October 2010), Chair.

* Ivan Ivanov, “NATO Transformation in an Imbalanced System,” (June 2008), Chair.

* Lisa Kissopoulos, “Nationalist Conflict and Elite Manipulation in Serbia and India,” (August 2007).

* Jon Levy, “Madison, Wilson, and East Central European Federalism,” (May 2006),Chair.

* LinaKassem, “The Construction of the Druze Ethnicity,” (Summer 2005).

* Brian King, “Presidential Management of International Crises: Structured Management Approaches and Crisis Learning,” (August 2004), Chair.

* Craig Cobane, “Terrorism and Democracy: The Balance Between Freedom and Order,” (December 2003),Chair.

*AddiKeim, “Adda Bozeman and Security Studies,” (Spring 2003)

* Ying-jen Lo, “Monist Lawyers and Dualist Judges?,” (Autumn 2002).

* Jeffrey VanDenBerg, “Democratization and Foreign Policy in the Middle East,” (August 2000), Chair.

* Carolyn James, "Sharing the Nuclear Secret" (October 1997).

*Byung-Moon Kim, "Presidential Leadership and Democratization in South Korea," (May 96).

*Luis Lobo-Fernandes, "State Autonomy or Transnational Fusion: the European Union and the New Telecommunications Policies," (Spring 1995).

*Husam Mohamad, "The Development of the Strategy of the Palestine Liberation Organization," (October 1994).

*Diya Dutt, "The Politics of Alleviating Hunger: United States Policy Toward Global Food Security," (May 1994).

* Completed M.A. theses (12):

* TubaMuftuoglu, “Turkey’s Deferred Membership Status,” (Spring 2011), Chair.

* Tiest Sondaal, “Muslim Immigration in Holland: Assimilation and Cultural Pluralism, (Spring 2007),Chair.

* Katherine Piaskowy, “Madeleine Albright and United States Humanitarian Interventions: APrincipled or Personal Agenda?” (Autumn 2006).

* Dennis Veeneman, “Relative and absolute gains and their impact in the decision making processes of conventional and nuclear war,” (Summer 2003),Chair.

* Lisa Kissopoulos, “How Elites Persuade,” (Summer 2003)

* Sara Shen, “Explaining Sino-Russian Alignment,” (Autumn 2002),Chair.

* Brian Alexander, “Rogue Politics: Domestic Influence on US Foreign Policy Toward China, Cuba, and Iran,” (Autumn 1999), Chair.

* Lynn Woods, “Intervention and the Promotion of Democracy: Haiti 1915 and 1994,” (Autumn 1998),Chair.

* Amy Hood, “Havel’s Hope: an analysis of the motivations of Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic for NATO membership,” (Spring 1998), Chair.

*Kelly Carrigan,"US-PRC Missile Technology Control Regime Relations: Non-proliferation goals vs. Industry pressure to conduct technology trade," (Spring 1996), Chair.

*Amy Powell, "Cuban Missile Crisis and the C.I.A.: A Failure to predict?" (May 1995).

*Gloria Liebenow, "Arab Nationalism: The Impediments to Unity" (Spring 1994).

Completed MA Professional papers (1):

*Corrie Becker, “The Internet Governance Debate,” (April 2014).

* Completed undergraduate senior theses (5):

* Christiana Howard-Mason, “Assessing the Impact of Global organizations on Local Society: How Global Soccer Advances Social Awareness,” (Spring 2015), Chair

* Andrea England, “Contradictory Constructivism,” (Spring 2008).

* Alan Grove, “Role Conceptions and Territoriality in Nuclear Weapons Proliferation,” (Spring 2007), Chair.

* Brian Phillips, “Intergovernmentalism or Neofunctionalism: Explaining European Military Cooperation,” (Spring 2005).

* Julie Wagner, "Russian Reassertion in the Caucasus," (Summer 1995), Chair.

*Ana Merico, "Accountability or Impunity For Crimes Against Humanity?" (Spring 1992).




*Lenses of Analysis: A Visual Framework for the Study of International Relations, (New York: W.W. Norton, 2002).

*The Absolute Weapon Revisited: Nuclear Arms and the Emerging International Order, co-edited book with T.V. Paul and James Wirtz, (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1998).

*– Paperback edition (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2000)

Refereed Journal Articles and Essays:

* “The Struggle for Autonomy:A Realist Structural Theory of International Relations” International Studies ReviewVolume 14 (2012): 499-521 (co-author with Hasan Yalcin).

* “The Struggle to Reform Intelligence After 9/11.” Public Administration Review, (September/October 2011): 702-708 (co-author with James A. Stever).

* “The New Policy World of Cyberspace,” Public Administration Review,(May/June 2011): 455-460, (co-author with James A. Stever).

* “Leaving Deterrence Behind: Warfighting and National Cybersecurity,” Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, Vol. 7, Art, 1 (Spring 2010):1-24. (primary author with graduate students John Callaghan and Rudi Kauffman).

* “The Cybersecurity Triad: Government, Private Sector Partners, and the Engaged Cybersecurity Citizen, Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, Vol. 6 Art. 79(Winter 2009):1-14.(co-author with James A. Stever).

* “Integrated Security: A Strategic Response to Anonymity and the Problem of the Few,” Contemporary Security Policy, 24, no.1 (April 2003): 13-45.

* – reprinted in Emily O. Goldman, ed., National Security in the Information Age (London: Frank Cass, 2004).

* “Barbarians At and Behind the Gates: The Loss of Contingency and the Search for Homeland Security,” The Forum: A Journal of Applied Research in Contemporary Politics, 1, no.2 (Fall 2002): 1-12.

* “The Revolution Beyond Control: The Coming Clash of Profit and Security in Outer Space,” National Security Studies Quarterly 7 (Winter 2001):27-49, primary author with graduate student David Butler.

* “The Risks of a Networked Military,” Orbis, 44 (Winter 1999/2000): 127-143, primary author with JCISS Study Group.