Healthy people Healthy communities

Request for Proposal


Provision of XXXXXX Services

For the Capital District Health Authority

Table of Contents


1.Request for Proposal

2.Bid Receiving

3.Inquiries – Solicitation Stage

4.Format and Content of Proposal

5.Evaluation of Proposals

5.1 Technical Proposal

5.2 Management Proposal

5.3 Cost Proposal

5.4 Mandatory Criteria

5.5 Basis of Selection

5.6 Period of Work

5.7 Deliverables

6.General Terms and Conditions


8.Signature of Authorized Officers

Appendix “A” – Statement of Requirement



The Capital Health District is the largest, integrated academic health district in Atlantic Canada serving 395,000 residents and providing adult tertiary care for the rest of Nova Scotia and neighboring provinces. Over 8,600 health care employees and 760 medical staff in seven hospitals, one multi-service centre and several district-wide health programs deliver a wide variety of services including ambulatory care, tertiary care and community-based programs such as mental health and home care. A key partner is the DalhousieMedicalSchool at DalhousieUniversity. There are three major employers operating under the banner of the Capital District Health Authority: the Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Centre, HalifaxNS, The Nova Scotia Hospital, DartmouthNS and the hospitals and services of the former Central Regional Health Board.


Capital Health is committed to creating a healthy and safe environment in which to work and to provide services. Scented personal products may affect patients, employees and visitors who are sensitive, have asthma or have allergies to chemicals in scented products. Employees, medical staff, volunteers, patients, visitors and students are to refrain from wearing scented personal products, such as perfume, aftershave lotions, hair spray, shampoo, lotions, deodorant, fabric softener while within Capital Health facilities.

SUMMARY – please fill in


The Capital District Health Authority will consider entering into a consulting contract for the implementation of the most acceptable proposal in accordance with evaluation factors set out in this RFP.


Bids must be submitted to the following address:


Room 863 BethuneBuilding

Capital District Health Authority

1278 Tower Road

Halifax, NSB3H 2Y9

Attention: Boris Tsinman

Manager, Procurement CDHA

Tel: (902) 473-2201

Fax: (902) 473-4440


Proposals must not be sent via e-mail. Proposals and their envelopes should be clearly marked with the name and address of the proponent, the Request for Proposal number, and the project or program title.

Date and Time for proposal submissions: XX XXX 200X, 14:30 Atlantic Time.

2.1BIDDERS CONFERENCE – Vendor Information Session (IF REQUIRED)

A bidders’ conference will be held at the 1stFloorCentennialBuilding, VG Site Boardroom, Room 036, HalifaxNS on XX XX, 200X. The conference will begin at 10:00 hrs. Bidders who do not attend are not precluded from submitting a bid.

Bidders are requested to communicate with the Contracting Authority prior to the bidders’ conference to confirm attendance. Bidders are to provide the Contracting Authority, in writing, the names of its representatives who will be attending and a list of issues that it wishes to table no later than one working day prior to the scheduled bidders’ conference.

Bidders’ or a representative of the bidder, are requested to attend this conference during which the requirements outlined in this bid solicitation document will be reviewed, and any questions will be answered. In order to fully understand the scope of the requirement, it is recommended that bidders who intend submitting a bid attend or send a representative.

Bidders’ are advised that any clarifications or changes resulting from the bidders’ conference shall be included as an amendment to the bid solicitation document.


All inquiries regarding the bid solicitation must be submitted in writing to the Contracting Authority named above as early as possible within the bidding period. Inquiries must be received no less than five calendar days before the bid closing date to allow sufficient time to provide a response. Inquiries received after that time may not be answered prior to the bid closing date.

To ensure consistency and quality of information provided to bidders, the Contracting Authority will provide, simultaneously to all companies to which this solicitation has been sent, any information with respect to significant inquiries received and the replies to such inquiries without revealing the sources of the inquiries.

All inquiries and other communications with health district officials throughout the solicitation period are to be directed ONLY to the Contracting Authority named above of the bid solicitation. Non- compliance with this condition during the bid solicitation period can (for that reason alone) result in disqualification of your bid.


Three (3) copies of your proposal and an electronic copy are required. It must be presented in the following four parts:

(a)Request for Proposal (RFP) document

Duly completed and signed.

(b) Technical Proposal(60 points)

Your Technical Proposal addressing each of the criteria specified in this RFP.

(c)Management Proposal (40 points)

Your Management Proposal addressing each of the criteria specified in this RFP.

(d) Cost Proposal

Your Cost Proposal addressing each of the cost elements specified in this RFP.

TOTAL:(maximum 100 points).

The price of bids will be evaluated in Canadian dollars, the Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) excluded.



Proposals will be examined to determine their compliance with the mandatory requirements as detailed in the Request for Proposals. Bidders are instructed to address each requirement in sufficient depth. Bids not meeting all of the mandatory requirements will be given no further consideration.

5.1.1In order to demonstrate that the firm possesses the required qualifications, bidders should provide, in addition to a profile of the principals of the company, a list of relevant projects completed, including a brief description of each project, and clients for whom the work was performed. Bidders should demonstrate the understanding of the requirements.

5.1.2Any bidder may be required to give an oral presentation to CDHA to describe its capabilities to successfully completing the Work in accordance with this solicitation.

5.1.3CDHA reserves the right to reject any bid, which does not comply with this solicitation. Any deviation is to be clearly identified and supported with full details.


This section must outline the comprehensive approach to be followed in completing all aspects of the RFP. A detailed plan, outlining the methodology, specific activities planned, the timing and associated level of effort by labour category or individual, must be provided for each task specified in this RFP. Sufficient detail is to be provided to allow a complete understanding of how the work is to be carried out. The team organization and the responsibilities of each team member must also be described.


This section of the proposal MUST include a cost summary of the services requested as described herein.


Please provide an all-inclusive FIRM hourly rate: $______/Hour for each member

of the team.

Level of Effort: (This Section should contain # of Hours, Days, or Months required to do the work)

Estimated number of hours allotted to this project is: XXX hours (for evaluation purposes only)

Other direct costs (please specify): $______

Total estimated cost for the project: $______

5.4MANDATORY CRITERIA: (Please specify)

-Understanding of Capital Health and its environment;

-Demonstrated knowledge of XXXXXXXXXXX

-Demonstrated success in XXXXXX development and implementation

-Experience in XXXXXXXXXXXXX


1. To be considered responsive, a bid must: (a) meet all the mandatory requirements of this solicitation; and (b) obtain the required minimum of 70 percent of the points for the criteria specified in this solicitation, which are subject to point rating. The rating is performed on a scale of 100 points.

2. Bids not meeting (a) or (b) above will be given no further consideration. Neither the responsive bid that scores the highest number of rated points nor the one that contains the lowest price will necessarily be accepted. The responsive bid with the lowest price per rated point will be recommended for award of a Contract.


The Work is to be performed during the period of XXXXXX 200X – XXXXX 200X (estimate).


The following deliverables are required during the performance of the contract:



Please indicate acceptance or rejection of each of the following terms and conditions. Any references to an “agreement” pertain to a purchase agreement arising from the award of this tender. This agreement shall contain these terms and conditions where applicable.

Accept / Reject
  1. CDHA acknowledges that any information submitted in confidence by a vendor, if disclosed to third parties, could reasonably be expected to cause financial harm or harm the competitive position of the vendor. Any information contained in a proposal that is considered confidential by the vendor must therefore be clearly identified as confidential. The CDHA and its representatives shall respect the confidential nature of any information so identified.

  1. The vendor agrees that it shall not seek information regarding this bid or any proposals or decisions relating to this bid by application under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (Nova Scotia). The vendor acknowledges that all information and records relating to this procurement process may be released to the vendor only at the discretion of the CDHA and subject to the procurement process and confidentiality concerns.

  1. The CDHA reserves the right to reject any and all proposals submitted and to negotiate with the best value responsive bid in any manner necessary, to serve the best interest of the CDHA. Neither the responsive bid that scores the highest number of rated points nor the one that contains the lowest price will necessarily be accepted or considered the best value bid.

  1. The CDHA will not pay for the information solicited by this RFP. All costs incurred by a vendor in the preparation of a proposal are the responsibility of the vendor. The CDHA makes no representation or assurance regarding the outcome of proposals, and specifically reserves the right to terminate the tendering process without consequence or liability.

  1. References identified in the proposal may be contacted by the CDHA or its representatives to substantiate the proposed solution’s capabilities and reliability, vendor performance, and overall service. Vendors are expected to cooperate fully in helping the CDHA and its representatives to verify vendor claims.

  1. The successful vendor will be required to execute a contract in the CDHA standard form. The Vendor proposal shall be attached as a schedule and incorporated by reference into this standard form agreement.

  1. All bid materials will become the property of the CDHA, unless otherwise specified by the vendor.

  1. The vendor represents and warrants that none of the bid materials infringe any intellectual property rights of third parties.

  1. The CDHA reserves the right to seek clarification on existing requirements contained in the RFP. Should additional requirements be identified, they will be submitted to vendors in writing as an addendum to this document.

  1. All proposed equipment/goods/furniture (if any) must comply with and be approved for all applicable codes and standards.

  1. The successful vendor and any subcontractors listed in the proposal must be registered in the Province of Nova Scotia under the Corporations Registration Act or the Partnerships and Business Names Registration Act before a contract is awarded by the CDHA.

  1. The selected vendor must be prepared to negotiate and sign a contract prepared by the CDHA.

  1. All prices / costs are to be quoted in Canadian dollars and exclusive of any taxes.

  1. All prices are to be FOB Destination (freight included) on delivery to the CDHA.

  1. The CDHA qualifies for government and educational discounts from various vendors. All applicable discounts are to be identified in the cost section.

  1. The CDHA requires monthly-consolidated invoice where applicable.

  1. The vendor is responsible for ordering, installation and payment of any special equipment/services required for successful completion of the project

  1. CDHA reserves the right to terminate any contractual agreement that might arise from an RFP giving 60-day notice.

  1. The vendors shall identify any component of their solution that includes hazardous materials requiring the CDHA to take the environmental or personnel precautions.

  1. All vendors must provide full-disclosure of any and all funding of “in-kind” programs that have been provided to CDHA. Furthermore all vendors must disclose the name(s) of and person(s) employed at CDHA who is under contract, or represents the vendor in any capacity which may be viewed as a conflict of interest

  1. A vendor’s certification and assurances form must be signed by an authorized signing officer of or authorized person for the vendor certifying that all information contained in the proposal is accurate and agreeing to comply with all of the terms, conditions and provisions of the RFP

  1. Vendors must clearly identify any value-add components that they are willing to add to this RFP. Value-add may be in the form of but not limited to capital equipment, training cost reimbursements, educational funding, fellowship, loaner equipment, funding for research etc.

  1. Provincial Initiative: The District Health Authorities (DHA) in Nova Scotia (1 through 9) are included in the bidding process and could join CDHA in the resultant contract(s) at their own discretion. Each DHA will issue a Purchase Order for their requirements. The goods/services will be FOB destination and invoiced as per instructions stated in a Purchase Order(s)

  1. CDHA encourages the use of electronic commerce for business transactions; therefore, vendors are requested to include a description of their capabilities and experience with electronic commerce. Vendors should also include any discount structure they offer with this.

  1. Vendors submitting bids involving the collection, use or disclosure of personal information are required to certify that the vendor's business is fully compliant with the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (Canada).


(Vendor Name)


(Authorized Signing Authority for Vendor)



Vendors are requested to provide a minimum of three references. Reference should be similar in focus, size and complexity to the CDHA environment. Please fill out the table below as completely as possible. Identify customers who may be contacted for a review of their implementation experiences.

Reference / Vendor Response
Institution Name
Contact Name
Contact Phone
Contract Value
Length of Agreement



This form must be attached to and form part of the Vendor’s proposal for:

  1. I/We make the following certification and assurances as a required element of the RFP that the truthfulness of the facts affirmed here and the continuing compliance with these requirements are conditions that apply to this RFP or the Agreement entered into pursuant to this RFP:
  1. I/We certify that this bid is made without any connection, knowledge, comparison of figures or arrangement with any other company, firm or person making a bid for the same work and is in all respects fair and without collusion for fraud.
  1. I/We agree to comply with all of the terms, conditions, and provisions as outlined herein, understanding that such conditions and provisions apply to this RFP of the Agreement entered into pursuant to this RFP.


Authorized Signature


Print/Type Name





Mailing Address of Vendor/Vendor:

Street City Province Postal ______


Telephone Number: ______Fax Number: ______

E-mail Address: ______Web Site: ______





3. Milestones etc.

4. Timeline

5. Expected Deliverables

5. Any Specific areas to be addressed

Date 200X