47 Pine Hill

Centreville, AL 35042

MINISTER: Leonard Chance

(205) 926-7706


Today is the day of Salvation. Tomorrow you may not be here. The Lord appointed the Disciples a Place, He always does, the Church, come to the Church. That’s what He came for; He came to build the Church. He didn’t just come to die at Cavalry: He came to Build a Church! He came to Save the Lost! He came to bring them into the Glory of God! He wanted them to be prepared when they leave this world that they might be with Him forever.

God loved man. He wanted to be with man. He wanted man to be with Him so He sent His Son. Now this is after Christ had been Crucified. He spoke to the Disciples and told them where to be, He was coming to them.

MATTHEW 28:16,18— Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, into a mountain where Jesus has appointed them. And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.

I want you to underline this. The Lord came unto them; the Church and said, ‘All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.’ This is what He wants the Church to do. And He will do it before you see Him on a cloud!

MATTHEW 28:19-20—Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

‘Go ye therefore, and teach all nations,’ that’s our job, that’s what He commanded; that is what we have to work toward. Failures of individuals or anybody who wants to get out of the Will of God, it is perfectly okay for them to do so. Notice that Judas was not among them. No betrayer of this Salvation will be found there. The Lord had appointed them a place and told them where to be. He came to them and said:

All Power, I want you to notice this; all Power is mine! It is given unto me in Heaven and earth. Go ye therefore and teach all Nations: teach them what? Whatsoever I have commanded You! And lo, I am with you always even to the end of the world; even when this old world has passed away He will still be with you. When it looks like you’re down and out and you can go no further: I’m still with you! When there is nothing left here: when there are no clouds, no ground and no sea I’m still with you.

This is the promise the King of Glory made to the Church. THE CHURCH. He didn’t make it to everybody else’s church. He made it to His! Sometimes we get to thinking well this, that or the other is going to happen but remember what He said; its my Body, its my Wife, its my Power. Now I’m going to take care of my Wife! I’m going to be with Her always even to the end of the world. He’s going to be with Her even to the end of the world!

My determination is to be with Him, Judas wasn’t. So yes God has some to lose. Judas decided he wanted to betray Him. He did and if you decide you want to betray Him you can. Today Darkness is only dark to those that want to leave. They say, ‘I see no Light; I don’t see this or that. I’m going over here to join up with brand X. I’m going to do this or I’m going to that.’ But remember the Light of the Lord is still in the Body of Christ! The Church of God of Prophecy is still on schedule.

MALACHI 3:1-2—Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come, saith the Lord of hosts. But who may abide the day of his coming? And who shall stand when he appeareth? For he is like a refiner’s fire, and like fullers’ soap:

‘Behold, I will send my messenger.’ I’m going to send ole John. They didn’t like John; they beheaded him. I’m going to send my messenger before me. The Lord said I ‘shall suddenly.’ This is what people don’t see today. The Lord came suddenly to Israel. They stayed with the old wall; it was time to come to God with prayer and praise. It’s time for the Lord to lead the Church. I will send my messenger before me. And the Lord, some don’t even think He is in the Church anymore. Where is the Lord? He will suddenly come to His Temple!

‘Even the Messenger of the Covenant’: Didn’t you take a Covenant? Even the messenger of the Covenant whom you delight in, he shall come saith the Lord. The man that the Church married, the people that the Church married will suddenly come to Mount Zion. He married Her! She’s His Wife and She is not going to be divorced! No power on earth is going to destroy the Light of the Lord on this earth! The Light has come and the Glory of the Lord has risen upon Her!

Therefore She will overcome and gain the Victory because He suddenly…people don’t realize, when God gets ready or when Christ gets ready then suddenly HE will rebuild the Church and HE will rise up with Glory and Power! He will! He is the Rock! These people don’t realize that one day they’re going to run into that Stone Wall where ole Amos saw Him standing with a Plumline in His hand! They’re going to run into this same old Wall. Ole Amos saw the Wall: he saw the man standing on top with a Plumline in His hand.

The Lord asked ole Amos a question, ‘What seeth thou?’ What do you see, failure? Do you see The Church of God of Prophecy being overwhelmed? I see a Cleansing, I see a Washing Away, I see the wrong being washed out, and I see the Holy of Holies doing the washed by the Word of God! Suddenly the Lord will come! He has promised the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it…will NEVER prevail. It did not prevail against Him! He arose and took Power. He was gone but three days later He was back and He’s still back.

He’s going to Shine the Brightness of this Light. The Church rose in 1903 not to be put out until the Rapture, until the catching away of the Saints of God. That Light is not going out! People will go out of the Body of Christ and more people will take their place! The question is who is going to abide, who’s going to stay in the Church, who’s going to be able, who’s going to walk in this Light, who’s going to stand in the Beauty of Holiness? Who is going to meet Him in the air? The Holy Ghost is not leaving until He has prepared the Church for the coming Saviour!

You can do all you want to and you can say what you please but in the end the Holy Ghost will, He will survive and the Church will survive in Him! She will survive in Him and He will, He will prepare Her for the Bride Groom! Who shall stand when He appeareth? Who’s going to have the Silver Wings and Golden Feathers? Who’s going to fly away with the Lord? Is it you, can you?

A lot of people don’t see it today but when they leave the Church it will come back to them before they leave this world. They will see what they had and what they gave up! Who can abide, who’s going to stand? Is it you? Will you be in Heaven or will you make your bed in Hell? God has dealt with many people. They sat there under Conviction but would not give in. Why do men want to hold on to Hell? Seems nothing moves them! God has dealt, nothing changes, they hold onto Hell when they could have Heaven! Who sends a man to Hell? Man. Who fails to obey? Man. Don’t go around saying he preached me into Hell; not yet, you go there because you want to!

The Word of God is your Judge! God will pass sentence when your name is not in the Book of Life! Who sends you to Hell? You! Because Israel refused God, He divorced Her. She wanted to go a whoring, She wanted to lust. I find that happening today throughout The Church of God of Prophecy. The thing that really entices people to leave the Church today is whoredom! It isn’t short hair, it isn’t blue jeans, it’s lust! They want to go a whoring!

‘For He is like a refiner’s Fire, and like fullers’ Soap.’ He is going to Wash and Clean you up, that’s what Sanctification is! Who preaches Sanctification? ‘Hey, I’m an innocent party so I can get me another.’ I can’t find that Scripture in the Book! ‘Don’t preach me into Hell because just I have five wives.’ I know one thing; with five wives you don’t have any money. They took it all and yet they wonder why God doesn’t help them, why doesn’t God do this or why doesn’t God do that. They blame God.

MALACHI 3:3—And he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver: and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the Lord an offering in righteousness.

‘And He.’ talking about Christ, ‘He shall sit as a refiner;’ He’s going to Sanctify His people. They’re going to Walk Holy! They’re not going to run out and commit all kinds of acts and come back and still claim to be right! I noticed when ole John and Peter prayed for the crippled man at the Beautiful Gate, guess where he Shouted into? First time in his life he Shouted all the way into the House of God! He didn’t run downtown and say look at me. He Shouted all the way into the House of God and there were people in the House of God that said this is amazing! First miracle they ever saw! When you sit among the dead you’re going to act like the dead!

Worship God! He’s washing up His people and cleansing the Souls of filth of the flesh, The Church of God of Prophecy! ‘A purifier of silver,’ do you know there are people that won’t even give God or the Church a songbook? But they want Him to give them Heaven. They want God to make sure they go to Heaven. ‘Now God, give me Heaven, don’t let me fail.’ You failed; you haven’t given Him anything not even a kind word. The Sons of Levi are the Ministry. Do you think the Ministry is going to keep going downhill? Suddenly the Lord is going to come into Mount Zion! He will build Her up. He will once again Ordain the Ministry and they will Preach as they Preached in the early days of the Rising!

The Light of the Lord will not leave earth until it has fulfilled! The Holy Ghost will not leave. He will not go back to Heaven and stay until He has fulfilled! Wash yourself up; cleanse yourself in the Washing of the Word and the Blood of the Lamb. Let the Holy Ghost guide you through the Word! He will let you see the beauty of the Lord’s House. He will let you stand in the Holy Place!

Gold and silver are coming into the House of God in these last days. The silver is mine and the gold is mine in this place said ole Haggai, I will give peace saith the Lord of Host! The riches of the earth are going to come into Mount Zion again! Glorify God and stay strong in the Path of Righteousness! I don’t look at those that are giving up or giving over or getting out, I look at the people that are Steadfast, Unmovable!

A lot of people have a web page but what do they have on it? They’re not preaching for the Lord. So what do they need it for? You can post this on it or you can put that on it but why? If it isn’t doing anything to help Souls see what they need then what do they want it for? You better stay with the Righteousness, walk in Holiness, and be Perfect! I know that’s a bad word, Perfect, but that’s all Christ is going to accept is the Perfect! Pure, Clean, and Holy before the Lamb! He’s washing up the people that will wash up and He is washing out the people He’s not coming back for! Have you ever read Ephesians 6:10? Take a look at it.

EPHESIANS 6:10—Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.

Do you know what the Power of God’s Might is? Sit your feet under His Table! Eat the Holiness of God, the Purity, walk in the Glory and the shadow of the King! Let the Lord feed you! Let the Lord come down: turn to God! ‘Finally, my Brethren,’ I believe ole Paul meant that somewhere you are suppose to become Strong in the Lord! Strong!

Finally, my Brethren, finally, let it soak through that you can see the Glory of the Lord and Shout! Do you realize very few people even remember the Blue Smoke that hung over the Houses of God and our Assemblies way back fifty or so years ago? Do you realize there are many people that have never seen the Glory of God? There are a lot of people that saw the Smoke of God and they still left it! Ole Paul said here, finally, finally, I believe ole Paul meant for you to somewhere line up your life and leave the fifth of the flesh alone!

God has dealt with you and you sat dry eyed and stiff kneed. When you wind up in Hell and say ‘how did I get here.’ Remember it wasn’t hard. It’s not hard to go to Hell. When you come right down to it what has the Devil ever given you? What has the Devil ever done for you? Where is your gain in all of this worldly lust? What have you gained? If you gain the whole world and loose your Soul, what have you gained? I don’t believe people realize how long Eternity is: it has no end. It has no end. People in hell want to leave and it seems people here want to go there, isn’t that amazing? Finally, my Brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the Power of His Might.

EPHESIANS 6:11—Put on the whole amour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

‘Put on the Whole Amour of God,’ have you? That’s a question everybody ought to ask: have I put on the Whole Amour of God, have I? Hey, you’re going to need it you know! I’ve seen people in the Church whose wives would come to them and say they want to do this or they want to do and then go and do it. Don’t they realize that God marks the fall of a Sparrow? He sees the heart and the intent. Everything comes first but Him! No wonder so many people have backslidden! Everything comes first but God!