Ms. Noelle Pritchard

Theme for 2017/2018: Coming of Age

Contact Information

Phone: (423) 855-2635 ext. 267


Website: (Click my name under staff page)

Course Description

The goal of Genre Literature/English 9 is to get students ready for the TN EOC. The main focus will be on reading, writing, and critical thinking.

These will be met by using the following methods:

●Interpreting Literature and poetry

●Understanding the Elements of Literature and Poetry

●Writing a variety of types of essays

●Research papers

●Discussion and debates

●Group Cooperation

●Alternative methods determined by teacher

Goals for Course

Below are my goals for each student

●Every student in the class should aim to get an A. They should not aim just to pass, but to excel.

●The students will score proficient or advanced on the EOC this semester.

●The students will become better readers and be able to interpret literature and poetry in a variety of different ways.

●The students will improve their grammar skills in order to score higher on the TN EOC and ACT.

●The students will become better writers.

● The students will not only be better test takers who make good grades, but will become better thinkers and learners.

●The students will learn to be organized and prepared for their high school classes. These skills will prepare them for college.

All students will meet the State Standards for English 9.

Course Requirements


1 3-ring Notebook with 5 dividers and plenty of paper- Used only for this class!

Pens and pencils; highlighters; index cards.

Springboard books.

●The student will obey the school rules and classroom procedures.

●The students will have an open mind and participate.

Classroom Guidelines

Class Procedures: These procedures will be enforced from day one. Deviation will lead to consequences.

  1. Respect everyone. Keep your hands, feet, objects, and negative words to yourself. No one will put down anyone in this room. You will respect other people’s property.
  2. You MUST be in dress code before entering the room (shirt tucked in, no backpacks).
  3. You CANNOT leave the room during class for any reason (this includes bathroom, telephone use, or to get materials left in lockers). Come to class prepared every day. NO PASSES! Walking out will result in immediate phone call to parents and a referral. (If there is a medical issue I need to know about, please let me know).
  4. No talking while the teacher is talking. Period.
  5. remember to raise your hand and wait to be called upon.
  6. Bring all of your materials to class every day including your journal.
  7. No profanity.
  8. No sleeping.
  9. No cell phones, musical devices, tablets, or earbuds. They will be taken up. Chromebooks can be used with permission only for class assignments.
  10. You are not to be behind my desk. My desk area is off limits.

Tardy Procedures: You must be on time to class! If you are not in your seat working quietly when the bell rings, you will be counted tardy. The tardy policy will follow the school policy.


Students and parents can feel free to contact me at any time by phone or email. Please also take advantage of the classroom calendar on It will be updated daily with homework and classroom assignments. To reach the calendar, you go to, then click on school staff, then click on my name and it should pull my calendar up.


Noelle Pritchard